Maker Camp’s Magical Maker Weekly Update

Maker Camp's  Magical Maker Weekly Update

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp’s Magical Maker Weekly Update”.
Mario, the maker magician here what’s up family maker kip, is going on. No, i think marcel is so excited to be here. He’S gon na start waving at you guys, but while he’s waving, let me tell you thank you to everybody. That’S been signing up on our facebook group, the family maker camp, facebook group, you guys, are awesome. We got tutorials, we got videos, we got all kinds of awesome, magic, ain’t that right marcel and if you haven’t yet sign up at, it’s free. I can do this, i got it one of these days marcel. Should we tell everyone about this wednesday.

This wednesday, we got maker parent happy hour with make magazines founder, dale doherty, and we have jim and skyler st ledger a special guest. If you guys don’t know jim and skyler, you guys got to look them up. They’Re a prime example of how the maker movement can transform lives and educate people, kelsey and matt of codejoy they’re gon na be on tuesday and thursday, 4 p.m. Eastern time they are masters of virtual learning, there’s going to be hands-on projects for kids and families.

Please this friday me, mario, the maker magician, we’ll be doing some do-it-yourself magic. Maybe they’ll be puppets, we’ll be playing some guitar and singing songs. Little robots, maybe they’ll, be some big robots. Family maker camp is brought to you by make community join today become a member at Oh, my goodness! Yes, i got it.

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