Maker Camp 2015 Kickoff

Maker Camp 2015 Kickoff

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 Kickoff”.
Hi, i’m cam councillor burke and i’m camp counselor paloma we’re pretty excited to kick off another year of our maker camp. We’Re going to be awesome makers, make super cool projects and share our builds with the world. I can’t wait to get started, so this is uh. The new format huh yeah, we got lights, cameras all of this stuff in the background stuff going on back there. Oh those beautiful trees, printed on high quality paper. Ah fancy so wait.

Are we gon na still have the same maker camp yeah? I mean they brought us back. Oh yeah good point: are we doing fun and easy to do projects yeah we’re still making things yeah yeah, going on field trips, yeah and doing fun and easy to do projects? You said that one already yeah it did look. We know it works, we’re just making it better. Cam’S gon na be six weeks long and we’re gon na have a new theme for each week.

Maker Camp 2015 Kickoff

James names right, so we have daily projects with all of our camp counselors and our special guest makers. This time, though, all of your daily projects will lead up to something special at the end of the week. Oh, is that why we’re doing our own film festival next week, yes, and we can’t afford, can we we’ll take suggestions on how to do that, though, except if they involve waking up early in the morning, because i am not a morning person? None of us are that’s why this is all pre-recorded.

Maker Camp 2015 Kickoff

We’Ve got an awesome new website every day, when you check in a series of videos will be unlocked and don’t forget about social media. You can interact with camp counselors like me, and some of our field trips. Special guests in the maker camp community plus – and this might be the best part we want to make you campers out there – a more important part of the show post your videos and pictures, and we might be able to feature them on our maker camp content. All over the internet, the entire internet, just the good parts – and maybe if we get permission from our producer, we’ll have some special surprises for our most active campers and maybe a few special guests in the camp or some special prizes.

Maybe i didn’t write this well either way next week we’re going to start with fantasy. So what you want to do is get your backpack loaded up with some tubes, some cardboard, maybe those food containers, but not with the food in it and you’re going to want to get dowels and maybe some paper buttons would be pretty good because we’re going to Get together we’re going to put together cardboard, masks so head on over to this monday to unlock the first day of camp the first before you go check this out. It is a papercraft makey, that’s right, download link below in the dooblydoo. But what are we going to do with this makey? Where is he going to go? What is he going to wear? We really don’t know and we’re going to need your tweets and photos to tell us because we’re helpless without you wait.

How did you do that? I just printed that out step up your game. Burke, it’s maker camp see you next week. .