Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a Ripcord Chopper and Exploring Helicopter Toys with Arvind Gupta

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Ripcord Chopper and Exploring Helicopter Toys with Arvind Gupta

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a Ripcord Chopper and Exploring Helicopter Toys with Arvind Gupta”.
Foreign, yes, it’s flight week, it’s that time to take a look at that often overlooked, but still never under love form of transportation, favored most by traffic. Reporters helicopters. Today we’re going to be making hovering. Whirly gigs and ripcord Choppers man, ripcord Choppers that’d, be a fantastic band name. Why don’t we make a band because funky town was a few weeks ago duh and because you can’t make music when you’re up that high? Oh, I don’t think that’s entirely accurate.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Ripcord Chopper and Exploring Helicopter Toys with Arvind Gupta

I mean if you just bring a ukulele and put in the overhead, just tell them about the choppersburg. Oh well, yeah, today on quick tips, we’re going to make some paper craft helicopters and you’ll just be able to twist them up and away. We go. You mean the way they go.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Ripcord Chopper and Exploring Helicopter Toys with Arvind Gupta

The Choppers aren’t big enough to take the campers with them. Why would you think you would need to make that distinction with me because you live in a fantasy world where that’s somehow plausible, but let’s see what’s actually possible, with quick tips the camp before? How is that not possible quick tips while using two Thermo cold cups? We can make a very nice helicopter. You need two styrofoam cups, color tape and a cutter to help the cutter first remove the base from one of these styrofoam cups, and then you cut this into four equal parts: foreign petals, as short, take the second cup and smoothen out the base of the second Cup, with the help of a cutter, it should be absolutely flat. Now the second cup base is ready.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Ripcord Chopper and Exploring Helicopter Toys with Arvind Gupta

You fix some tape to this base and then you stick all the four patterns. These petals will form the wings of the helicopter. After fixing the petals give them a little twist to convert them into blades.

This curvature will help your helicopter fly and in the end, of course, you can decorate it with colorful tape. Interesting, if you throw it from the top floor, the helicopter will come down spinning. It’S great fun for kids to make a helicopter and play with foreign foreign.

Hey campers! Welcome back! Isn’T it great what kind of things you can make with regular stuff at home? Yeah, that’s half the fun of making everywhere! You look could be a future part for a future project yeah and if you don’t make something in time, you can find some random stuff to scrap away, maybe if you’re lucky so did you make something for today Burke, I certainly did oh very nice. It’S entirely even the confines of this box. Can I see it? I may not hi, because reasons. Let me let me see it now feel your campers. No still, no, the ripcord rotor Chopper first appeared as a how-to’s and make magazine volume 37, which focused on homegrown drones and it’s quite fitting as it’s a perfect illustration of rotor based flight. As far as rotorcraft go, they don’t get much simpler, which makes it a breeze to assemble and fly.

No controller needed you’ll need some Sponge Emery board, a wooden dowel, some string, some PVC pipe and some glue to begin cut a piece of the PVC pipe down to six inches and then drill a hole through it about one inch down from one of the ends. Next you’ll cut the dowel down to about seven inches long drill, a small hole in the middle. This hole should be just large enough for your string to fit through now cut a hole in the center of the emery board, use glue to attach it snugly to one end of the dowel. Once it’s dry twist, the ends of the board to shape it into a prop. Your chopper is now ready to fly thread, the string through the pipe and dowel, as shown now twist, the dowel counterclockwise to wind. It up grab the rip cord and yank it with all you’ve got your Chomper should spin up and take to the sky it if it didn’t, try winding it.

The other way give it another try and watch it go it’s not a Homebrew multicopter, but it’s a lot easier to fly and there’s no worries about crashing this simpler, copter check out for more videos projects and making. Thank you, foreign welcome back, campers wow. We sure picked up a lot of tips on how to build the ideal helicopter today and pretty soon, it’s going to be your chance to send your builds to us, but before we do that, we’re going to show off some of the things we made in between These videos – well Burke, I’m almost impressed – seems like you’ve propelled yourself to new heights. You think I’d get tired of these. Why else would I keep making them? Well? Speaking of making what’d you make today, Paloma nothing. I was too busy trying to figure out what was in the Box.

Well you’re in luck, Nancy Drew because, while you were trying to figure out what was in the box, I was making extra ones for you, yay. I came prepared. Oh, I really needed an Emmy board yep, that’s what these are.

These are little Emery boards. The really nice thing about Emery boards is that you can bend them. They stay in position very nice yeah, and I like that, it’s a really lightweight dowel. I bet it’ll fly really high yeah. I want to find out uh uh, oh uh.

Oh you want to try it yeah, okay, hold on. Let’S warm it up. Let’S warm it up stretch it out. Yeah.

Okay, let’s see! Oh, that was terrible. You did such a great job Paloma just like when you didn’t make one of these. For this day, I guess I really needed to practice. Unlike you who had all day to practice. Well, I was trying to figure out what was inside of a box and I had to make the secret box so that’s extra effort on my part. I know I guess it really rewards you to make something and not just pretend to make something.

This is true. Now, there’s a little hole inside of these here you know what this is about. Oh yeah, yeah.

I saw that in the project today you put a like a cord through there and then you wrap it around and then you pull it and it flies. That would keep you from hitting yourself in the face. Yeah Annie would go way higher and we’re serious.

It goes super high, you’re gon na be having always that what those were the things that were going. Oh, that was cool yeah. I should have just followed that clue. Instead of just looking in every box, I thought that’s a good idea. However, I wouldn’t have this triumphant moment where I finally made all these things. I guess I guess this really was your day.

Wasn’T it it was. It was. Oh, you almost got it up to your Sunday, we’ll find out possibly at the end of the series. Well, if these projects were too easy to come to check it out, there’s a ton of projects there there’s help you make some awesome stuff and let’s see what you made yesterday, oh they’re spinning. Thank you, foreign wow another day of Maker Camp got by. I can’t believe we’re almost done with flight week.

We’Ve really done a lot of stuff in the last few weeks. When did you figure out today, Palama robotic pies, how to make them and how to eat them? Oh, that’s! Pretty weird! Anyway, campers! You should upload your photos and videos to the Maker Camp Community, where you too could become internet famous, have a YouTube channel and then start presenting documentaries for cable television, I’m not making a joke here. That actually happens. Look it up! Also in the community.

You can leave your question in the comments for me: Paloma a person who, when life gives you lemons, you ask for life’s manager, because you didn’t want those lemons, anyways use, hashtag makercam for your Google Plus Instagram Twitter Doris Day, Michael Bay, Frito-Lay, foreign .