Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a MaKey MaKey Maze

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a MaKey MaKey Maze

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a MaKey MaKey Maze”.
Welcome back to maker camp, it’s fun and games week and today we’re going to discover the mysteries of mazes. I love a good maze. I could get lost in one for hours. Wouldn’T you get scared nah! I go into labyrinths all the time.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a MaKey MaKey Maze

There’S one across the street from my favorite store. What store is that dinos rs? That’S where i met tyler tyler, yeah tyler, the t-rex? Oh, hey! Welcome to maker camp; hey, i’m super stoked to be here, but you know what you remind me of a girl. What girl, the girl, with the power, what power the power of voodoo, who do you do do what remind me of the girl? Well, now we’re just going in circles we’ll never get out of this labyrinth. Well, let’s head out to today’s quick tips: where we’ll see how easy it is to make a tricky labyrinth wow, those really were amazing. Does she do this all the time? It’S better? If you don’t acknowledge it, tell more terrible jokes, you say: well, i’m happy to oblige.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a MaKey MaKey Maze

What’S the difference between a piano and a tuna fish, well, you can tune a piano, but you can’t piano with tuna. How long is this gon na go on jurassic times? Call for jurassic measures i’ll have to take one for the team. We’Ll see you in the share video campers hi, i’m kenny, hello, i’m bk and we’re going to be making makey making mazes here are some of the materials you will need paper and pen play-doh alligator clips a battery, some leds magnets and a makey makey first draw Up some mazes have fun, just make some crazy mazes think about dungeons, mario pac-man. What was your favorite video game where you’re running through a crazy tunnel get a battery an led some play-doh and two alligator clips we’re gon na light? Something up, and that thing is the led if your led doesn’t light up at first try.

Switching it around leds are polarized, which means that one of the legs, the longer one is positive. Now we’re on to building a maze materials, you need some alligator clips. Your magnets, a battery an led and the play-doh first we’re going to grab our snakes and put them side by side.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a MaKey MaKey Maze

Next, we’re going to take our battery and we’re going to plug the red cable into the positive side of the battery. So don’t forget. Look for that plus and the blue wire we’re going to connect to the negative side of the battery so now to make our positive alligator clip a little bit longer. Let’S clip it into another alligator clip. This is going to be the one that we attached to our magnet next, we take our led and our blue cable and don’t forget that shorter leg is going to be negative.

Let’S clip the blue cable right onto the shorter leg, the longer one, let’s plug it right into the maze. So now that we have our maze set up, the magnet will be our positive and the led is going to be our negative. We’Ve just created a big switch just like when you turn your light on and off in your room once they connect, the led will turn on yeah. It’S awesome so take another magnet and run it under the table to guide your yellow wire through the maze.

Try making a more complex maze use your awesome design that you drew earlier. That should give you a good head start whoa. I got ta see a replay of that it’s time to take our awesome maze to the next level, but first we’re gon na have to unplug our battery and our led it’s time to plug your maze into the makey makey. First, we take the positive wire go into our magnet and we’re going to plug it into the down arrow on the makey makey right after that, we’ll take the blue wire we’re going to plug it into our maze and earth on the maki monkey. If you’re, using the scratch application that we’ve recommended set the time at the top of the application to let’s say 30 seconds, try testing your maze. If you go through and hit the side, it should decrease about 10 seconds hit the side too many times and you lose.

You have just made a makey makey magnetic maze challenge your friends, your campers and your family. To try and beat your scores want some more ideas of different mazes that people have created check out some other mazes. Some campers have made here the free library of philadelphia tight, squeeze good job. That will happen. If i come. If i go to it, i hope that gave you some great ideas feel free to send us any of your questions is kenny bk. You all have a nice making day welcome back campers today, we’re getting lost and found with mazes. I want to show you the project that i made today. It’S a really cool little maze that uses the modeling clay from today’s project and a maze that i made with emily’s tips, and so what you can do is you take your marble like from the marble run and you can move it around and try to get To the hole, see, there’s a hole in the center, and i think this is a really fun way to repurpose some of the supplies that you might already have, and it’s really fun and challenging. And if any of the projects that we do are a little too easy or a little too hard, you can go to, where we’ve got a whole list of projects for you to keep you busy they’re right underneath the videos – and i can’t wait to see What you come up with, you guys have the best imagination, so maybe try this out.

It’S really fun. This is really fun, but let’s see if we can try to bring burke back, should we do that. Should we bring burke back, okay, awesome? Okay, let’s give it a shot, show me berk: no, that’s a clerk! No, that’s a smirk, that’s kirk! This is driving me berserk. Well, i just can’t wait any longer. Let’S see what you did yesterday, i’m the pac-man inspired by berk, so hey uh, wow campers.

What a fantastic show of your work! I can’t wait to see what you submit to the showcase this week. If you enjoyed what you saw here, don’t forget to upload photos and videos to the maker camp community. Maybe you’ll be internet famous, like snape snape, severus, snape dumbledore.

You can also leave your questions and comments from me paloma a person who needs to keep her eye on her other eye. I’M watching you hashtag makercamp on twitter, instagram g plus kick periscope telegram the old one telegram. The new one see you later campers .