Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a Light-Up Origami Hat and Exploring Wearables

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Light-Up Origami Hat and Exploring Wearables

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a Light-Up Origami Hat and Exploring Wearables”.
What’S wrong, burke, oh camp is almost over, i’m really going to miss it. But, more importantly, what’s going to happen to us? That’S a pretty ominous and foreshadowy question, but don’t worry. I have the perfect thing, i’ll, just dust off the old glooms day device and uh. What no, why would you even make that like? Why would you do that? I mean it’s even got a red button.

Why make a doomsday device hey? I said: gloomsday pay attention plus engineering’s a dark guard, professor snape. Sometimes you feel sad and doomy and gloomy and you need a solution. Well, i i guess it’s all right, wait.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Light-Up Origami Hat and Exploring Wearables

No, it has a scary red button. No, i don’t. I don’t like this at all.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Light-Up Origami Hat and Exploring Wearables

I don’t trust it. Listen it’ll, be fine. Just don’t touch any of these buttons or switches, especially that yeah.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Light-Up Origami Hat and Exploring Wearables

He even has a red button like since, when has a red button ever been good for anyone. Listen just deal with it, burke, what no! No! Ah! Ah, why? Why is it everywhere? It’S so cute and pretty it is a little nice. Ah yeah.

I guess it’s all right all right! You know what makes me feel a little bit better. Paloma thanks you’re welcome! Don’T ever do this again, we’ll see anyways we’re gon na have an awesome day. We’Re gon na learn about structural hats and soft circuits. Let’S go out to quick tips with emily wow. Thanks for the ideas emily, i can’t wait to get started boy.

Soft circuits, that’s not hard! That’S awesome! Yeah, there’s so many cool ways you can use soft circuits. Maybe you can add some circuits to your clothes or to a blanket. You can make a gift for your friend or for yourself or maybe you want to add something to already an existing project. Maybe put some leds on it and if you do that, be sure to upload those photos and videos to our maker camp community yeah and at the end of the week, we want to see your creations so be sure to send them to us for our wearables Wonderland see you later campers do welcome back campers.

We hope you had as much fun as we did today so uh. What did you make today? Burke? I made a future hat from the future. Today. It’S pretty good, not monorail good, but pretty good i’ll, allow it yeah. What’S really neat about this, it’s got some leds on it. It’S blinking and the way you fold this hat um it adjusts for head sizes.

So if you have a head, that’s about as large as mine, which is the planet jupiter, it just kind of slides on and there’s no problem whatsoever. What about your hat yeah? Well, i saw this really cool idea for a hat online and so mine’s, not as futurey it’s more cowboy-ish, because it’s got like these folds up here, but i thought it would be really fun to try something new and go a little bit rustic with it and The cool thing about this one is: it’s got these folds in here, so you could put leds inside and then do cutouts and then the light could shine through it in a really cool way. So, being really structural with your hat designs can lead to a lot of different ways to to adapt to it yeah. This is not the only led pattern you could put on a hat.

I mean there’s tons of different ways. Honestly, it depends on how many leds you have and how many you want to use to power you know and how you want to power it. I got a battery in there and hopefully it won’t reveal itself too much yeah there. It looks like you hid the batteries in the folds here, so it’s just taped together and stuck in there, which makes it really easy for you to change the batteries later if they end up running out throughout the night. I think that’s really awesome and then these flaps too, you could like push them down to make ear flaps or fold them up. It kind of looks like a penguin, sometimes yeah. If you paint the top black and then have this, the same color have little wings. You have these white, it looks like a penguin yeah.

I really want to see someone with a penguin hat. I think that’d be super cool. One of the other things you can do with these hats is that these folds kind of allow it to have a different personality. So if i wanted to have these slightly different, i can kind of do it like this and the hat adjusts for it, which is kind of nice yeah. That hat is really customizable and i think it looks really cool like that yeah. It’S almost really really good.

Definitely – and you know it’s kind of a challenging fold for that hat and same with this one, it can be a little tricky to figure it out and as always, if any of these projects are too difficult or too easy, we have a ton of other projects On the website so check them out now, let’s see what you did with yesterday’s projects. Do wow campers: i love what you’ve been posting on the community page, so much creativity and enthusiasm, yeah, so much creativity. Speaking of that what’d, you figure out today paloma that taunting butterflies in the sky, that you can go twice as high as kind of a rude thing to say. That’S true, and if you want to upload your own photos and videos, be sure to do that to our maker camp community, where you too can become internet famous and finally get hitchbot across the united states. You can also leave your questions and comments from me. Paloma, a person who’s won, led wearables project away from being identifiable by the space station use maker camp for your instagram twitter g plus icq crm, mmo computer words see you later campers, you .