Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a Cardboard Automata & Climbing Toys with Arvind Gupta

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Cardboard Automata & Climbing Toys with Arvind Gupta

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make a Cardboard Automata & Climbing Toys with Arvind Gupta”.
Hey campers: welcome back to fun and games week. Tonight’S top story Berg is still missing. He was last seen trying to wrestle, bears let’s try again two undisciplinedn’t gon na work, Paloma, I’m operating a camera and writing damn timecode I mean this shot is terrible yeah. I guess that’s what happened when you take a shot in the dark yeah. Sorry, this isn’t gon na work.

Okay, I’ll! Send you back well I’ll, have to figure something out. Campers we’re gon na head out to Arvind Gupta who’s gon na show us some really cool climbing toys. This is a very beautiful climbing butterfly for making this you require some card sheets, two refills glue thread and ice cream stick. Take a doubled up, butterfly, made from card sheet and apply glue, and on this you stick a very colorful painted butterfly after it dries up, reverse it and apply glue on the backside of the colored butterfly and once the glue dries up, take two empty ball pen. Refills and stick them at a slant and then stick the other butterfly.on top of it. You have now two refills, which are sandwiched at a slant between two card sheet butterflies. The extra refills which are popping out can now be cut with the scissors. Now you have this butterfly at the back of it.

You can see that they’re, two refills, it’s a slot, pick a nice stick and make six batches through the middle and two on the ends then take a needle with two litres of thread. Then weave it in this fashion, take it out from one refill and be with then to the next week. At the end support the friends you can tie two small beads now these beads will give the handles, which you pull up to make the butterfly climb. Now the two other ends of the thread can be tied to the two ends of the ice cream. Stick now, your climbing butterfly is almost ready. You’Ve got to take the middle loop in the ice cream, stick and hang it by a nail and then pull both the handles alternately and the butterfly will slam around once release it by its own weight. It comes down if you pull both the handles it climbs up. If you release it by its own weight, it comes down.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Cardboard Automata & Climbing Toys with Arvind Gupta

It’S a very beautiful, butterfly indeed. Well, the climbing man is one of the most delightful paper toys. You need a long strip of paper, 28 centimetres long 6, centimetres wide fold, this long strip, first into a half and then into work water with the scrip and all the fold make two small triangles like a small booth. Now lift the right triangle open it up and squash it inside tuck. It inside repeat the same with the left right, lift it up and squash it inside now.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Cardboard Automata & Climbing Toys with Arvind Gupta

You will see a kind of a Harrow kind of shape. Now you fold this so that you can see two scripts independent strips below and a triangle at the top, now draw a line and cut a big triangle, as shown on this triangular portion using the sketch pen draw two eyes and a happy face. Now you take this triangular face and you tuck it between the two long strips, which are like the channels, and now you gently move these strips alternately and you’d, be surprised.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make a Cardboard Automata & Climbing Toys with Arvind Gupta

The face climbs and gets rejected. See this again. It’S friendly delightful toy thanks Arvind. Those are some really cool toys. I can’t wait to see what our campers do with them in campers. You could take these toys and maybe add them to your carnival game for the end of the week.

I want you to create a carnival game, all your own and play it with your friends. You can record a video and then upload it onto the community page at the end of the week. We’Re gon na have them in the showcase, we’ll show some of the best ones and give out prizes. I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Bye campers, hey campers. We certainly done a lot for only having half the week through you’ve made so much cool stuff to would like to make cool stuff. Like I always do. Oh Burke, I bet you haven’t even made your project today. Of course, not I don’t even have hands. Well, isn’t that convenient? No! The opposite! In fact, have you done yours, yeah duh, I made you you, you just left a face on Sanders at ometer that doesn’t count at least it’s making it’s really hard to get inspired yeah. It could be hard to get inspired, but you just got to keep trying and you’ll make something amazing.

Thanks Burke, this new, you is super, encouraging, never change ever what about you. Campers may be seeing your awesome projects will help me get inspired. Let’S see what you did with yesterday’s projects, Wow cameras.

I can feel your inspiration seeping into my bones. I don’t have functional eyes, and even I can see that you are amazing, remember to keep posting on the maker camp community page and maybe you can become internet famous and create an Instagram account exclusively dedicated to your pets. Also in the community page, you can leave your questions or comments for me, paloma a person who can expertly throw her voice, see you look. I also use the hashtag make a camp on Twitter, Instagram G, the digestive duct Tom Morrow.

R2D2. Me see you tomorrow, cameras .