Maker Camp 2015 – Fantasy Explore

Maker Camp 2015 - Fantasy Explore

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – Fantasy Explore”.
Welcome to maker camp stop copying me. This is blowing my mind all right, first day of maker camp, are you ready, yeah burke i work here? No, i mean the campers we’re pre-recorded and that’s a camera. No, no! It’S! Okay! I’M fourth walling, which is a common theme in fantasy today we’re going to dive into the fun and fundamentals of film. So at the end of this week you can submit your first ever film to our first ever film festival for maker camp. Will there be a red carpet? No, i don’t really feel like making a red carpet bert. This is maker camp, and here we make things. Oh i’m sorry like this sketchbook, oh sketchbooks are great for every idea. You wish you kept, but forgot that one time yeah, that’s really true. These are fantastic because you never know when an idea is going to hit so make sure to make them small and portable, otherwise you’re going to leave them at home. Unused and unfulfilled. Like grandma’s christmas sweater, we’re going to show you how to make one of these seemingly useful rectangles of your personal dreams and motivations wow.

Maker Camp 2015 - Fantasy Explore

I didn’t know you could write, anyone can berk and i didn’t say i could do it. Well. Oh yeah, that’s right, hey! Aren’T you an author, let’s head out to the field and get inspired, we’ve collected a handful of clips to get your noodle cooking, so you .