Maker Camp 2015 – Explore Cardboard Techniques and Masks

Maker Camp 2015 - Explore Cardboard Techniques and Masks

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – Explore Cardboard Techniques and Masks”.
You know burke, i think maker camp needs something combat boss. Please tell me you want combat bots, no, not yet! Maybe someday. Oh hey, campers didn’t see you. There welcome back to maker camp day two, where we’re going to use cardboard to teach you how to make your fantasies into reality. Cardboard is a fantastic building materials. The pros use it all the time to prototype something before they make the real deal. After that, though, you can use it also for paper mache, you could build a robot or a battle helmet. You could be somebody or something else for a few days. I love being something that i’m not what oh really we’re.

Maker Camp 2015 - Explore Cardboard Techniques and Masks

Uh, oh boy, we’re talking to puppets now, puppets nah, rebecca and i go way back. Yes, at least to the cretaceous period seriously. Really like paloma you, you don’t think that you and i are a little bit old for this right old nah, i’m usually type cast as a mid-20-something, at least that’s what chris pratt said: anyways, let’s cut to emily, who will give us a crash course in cardboard Techniques see you in a few. Do so do so thanks emily those tips were sure quick. Have you started on your project, yet burke, uh, yeah, yeah, i’ve. You know i’ve made about you know a few few about five team masks: yeah uh! No, i haven’t made any masks at all.

Maker Camp 2015 - Explore Cardboard Techniques and Masks

In fact, berk, you know every time you don’t make something a pair of headphones gets irreparably, tangled all right all right all right. It’S true campers we’re gon na need some help out there. Good news, though, we’re gon na go to our self-taught expert daxtran kathy we’re gon na head over to her studio. She’S gon na give us the tips and tidbits necessary to turn these cardboard bits into a beautiful marvelous mask that you’ll love to wear, see you later campers .