Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Make Educational iPad Games and Books with TinyTap”.
This video is gon na focus on an app called, tiny, tap and tiny tap, I think, is a really wonderful tool, especially for younger students, to get them creating games and learning, as it says here, create games and learn from others now, even though this is probably Targeted at a younger age, I think it’s still very useful with older students. Let’S take a look real fast at the website. You can see that there’s a tiny tap dot IT website and it’s got just a simple site here. We have a games section where some games are highlighted, you can click on those games, you can click play and those games will play right here in the browser on a laptop on a desktop baby-faced. Let’S learn the different parts of the face tap to stop.
Ok, so you can just play it right there on the website. You can also learn more about it and there’s a blog to go along with it. So that’s the website, but let’s look now at the app. The app is what you use to make your game or activity, so I’m gon na pull up tiny, tap the app on my iPad and you can see it loads up.
It’S got cute graphics and it takes me in this case to some news. I can just tap Done to get through that, and then it takes me to my tiny tap home screen. Now you can see I’ve added a bunch of other books and activities and things to my tiny tap home page. Some of these I created others.
I just added, but how would I use this to create a new game or activity? Well, I would tap create in the upper left area and it brings up a canvas that I can work with and you can see that there’s some tools, there’s some tools here at the bottom I have a highlighter pen. I’Ve got chalk pencil in a racer text. Some, you know some other things as well, and you can just tap those to use those tools and of course you can pick a different color if you want – and so you can draw on this canvas and get it ready for your game or activity. I’M just gon na erase this and start over since I’ve made a mess of it. If you double tap the eraser, it gives you the option of erasing the drawing and starting over. So I’ve done that.
What I’d really like to show in this particular tutorial is that tool in the right side looks like a camera with a smiley face. If you tap that it brings up a bunch of different sources from which you can add content to your game, you can see you can access the camera. You can go to your app to albums. You can go to Dropbox to bring in visual elements or the web and there’s also at the top creation packs. I’M gon na focus on that in this article tutorial. It’S a really easy, quick way to get started.
So, there’s all these different themes and collections of images and graphics and backgrounds, and I’m just gon na choose the farm animals. Okay, let’s say I’m a Spanish teacher and I want to make a game, an activity that will help teach my students, the farm animals and give them practice with seeing if they can remember them. So it brings it up notice that there’s some different farm animals.
I could choose from different styles of drawing there’s also background, so I’m gon na just tap that background to add it, and you can see now I’ve got that background and I could draw on it or not going back to that same creation packet. I can bring in some some of the animals so I’ll, just tap on that horse bring the horse in okay and it’s probably better just to bring in everything that you want at once, instead of one at a time. So I’m just going to tap on the dog I’ll tap on the pig, the lamb, whatever. That is the duck, the goat, okay, so I’ve got a bunch of different animals and images in my game now just tapping back on the main screen. Now I can move these around just by touching and dragging, and if you pinch, you can shrink them.
You can also pinch and rotate your fingers or just put two fingers and rotate them to rotate the objects. Okay, so I’m gon na size these a little bit more appropriately and just put those where I want them to be got a pig okay, great! So now that’s pretty good! So now I could continue if I wanted to drawing or adding things to this this image, but that’s pretty good start now, I’m just going to tap add activity in the upper right corner and I’ll tap next, and this moves on to a second stage. Basically, in the creating of this or activity you can see, tiny tap is limited somewhat in the kinds of activities that you can create with it, the kind of games that you can make with it. But if you’re trying to do an activity or a game that does these things asks a question has to do with a puzzle or make a soundboard where you touch things and sounds are played, you want to say something you want to play a video.
It’S very good for activities and games that involve those things. Okay, I want to ask a question. So I’m gon na tap ask a question and I’ll just record my question. So I tap that record question button which of these is a caballo.
I tap stop and then it wants me to circle the correct answer, so I’m just gon na go over here. Caballo is a horse, so I’m just making a circle around the horse. Okay, that’s pretty good tap checkmark and that’s done. If I want to, I can tap question 1 and I can rename it now.
If I want to, I can record the correct answer. So what will they hear when they tap the right answer? So I’ll tap record answer see SOS 1 caballo stop. Now, if you want to hear back what you just recorded, you can press the play button alright and then you, if you want, you can also record a mistake. You know what’s the message when they make a mistake: lo siento, it’s a noise correcto, okay, so that question is done now.
You don’t have to record all three of those things, but it’s a good idea. I think to do so I’ll tap Done now. I can add a second question record question and I could just continue on.
I could say which of these is Pedro and go from there? Okay, so let’s assume that I’ve done that already I put in question for each of these animals, I could tap Done and now I can give my game a name in the upper left corner. So I could go in and call this something like the animals tap done, and it takes me to a screen where I can save. My game says: keep your game safe on the tiny tap cloud, so I can go in and provide a short description. So learn you put in the skills what content area? Basically? Is it for what age and what language? Now this is kind of tricky it’s Spanish and English, then you decide. Is it going to be public or is it not gon na be public by default? It’S gon na want to be public, but for now, until I’m finished with this, I’m gon na choose private and then I tap save game now. At this point, it wants me to kind of prove that I’m an adult, so I’m going to tap there and hold if I can do it properly. That proves I’m an adult. I can log-in at this point and save my game now. The first time that you do that you may need to register for a free account with tiny tap, but it’s a quick process and then you’ll be able to save your game.
Okay, so I’m logged in I’ve saved the game, it’s packaging it and it’s sending the package, so it is now saved and ready to go so now, if I tap play or if this were public and other people could get it and tap playing my voice. Recording would play and then they would have to tap on caballo and the feedback is played. I just got a high score, so those are the basics of creating a simple, tiny tap game. Now there are other games and activities and I look forward to making more tutorials about tiny tap in the future. But for now that’s a good introduction just to the beginnings of how to make a simple activity, simple game in tiny tap, and I think this can be very educational good activities now, as you can see, a lot of people use tiny tap to create not necessarily Games and activities, but stories and books and there’s some really good ones here, and so I would encourage you to check it out inside tiny tap. If you go here toward the top, where it says market, that’s where you can go to get other people’s books, other people’s tiny tap activities and games so give it a try. Please subscribe to my youtube channel if you’d like more video tutorials about technology in the classroom, you .