

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “macrosoft”.
Microsoft has finally done it. They have closed their $ 69 billion purchase of Activision Blizzard King nearly two years is that how long this has been dragging out for makes sense why it feels like it’s been absolutely forever. Then uh, the UK’s competition and markets Authority, approved an altered deal where Gamers within the European economic area. So that’s the EU plus three other countries who purchase current and future Activision games will have the right to stream them on whatever service they want, while Ubisoft will hold the cloud gaming rights to current Activision games and those made over the next 15 years everywhere else.


What huh, what this means that, while Microsoft will own the games, they will have to get permission and pay a license fee to Ubisoft in order to add them to Xbox game pass or any other streaming service. Why Ubisoft? I am sure that somebody knows that, but it isn’t us and it isn’t anyone in our chat. What can I just put on my tin, foil hat for a second here? Is it is it that is it that maybe Ubisoft um okay hold on now, I’m trying really hard.


I really don’t get it. Cuz someone’s like uh Ubisoft is French, and this is a European thing. So maybe they found a French gaming company but isn’t like a massive percentage of Ubisoft owned by 10cent. I mean I don’t know I I this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I mean everything about it, um, the fact that this is a 15-year thing. I mean Microsoft is a company that thinks in 10 plus year terms um this. This makes effectively no difference. As far as I can tell like yeah, it’s a it’s a short-term inconvenience, but in the long term, Microsoft will just own all of those IPS and all of the streaming rights, because there’s no way they’re going to renew this deal. Here’S a spicy question. Would you prefer Microsoft, or would you prefer 10cent cuz they’re both trying to accomplish the same thing, and no one really seems to talk about the 10-cent side of this, but everyone’s super pissed about the Microsoft side of this and, in my opinion, if we’re going to Be super pissed about it. We should be super pissed at the whole thing. Well, yeah I mean we talk about consolidation in general terms and I don’t think anyone’s happy about 10cent having their fingers in just about everything everything it’s like way worse. In my opinion, the Logitech gcloud was something I was really surprised to find a 10cent and user license agreement in, and I talked about that in my review of it I’m sitting here going sorry what I have to agree to a 10cent license agreement in order to Turn on this device – I don’t know if that’s the case anymore, but it’s def. It definitely was when I did my review yeah, I don’t know.


Ubisoft has the increase in C yeah um a number of companies wanted the cloud gaming rights for Activision Blizzard games and had to essentially pitch the competition markets Authority. In the UK, the interview like process meant the CMA picked out the companies that would work best with its concerns over cloud gaming, and then it was up to Microsoft to ultimately decide on which company to restructure its deal with okay. So there was there was a process here, but it doesn’t make it feel. Any less kind of it still seems weird as heck roundabout and whack yeah.

Do we do we use the word whack? Still I don’t know, I think it’s whack yeah, this whole thing yeah. There yeah it’s whack, you can. You can quote me on that: yeah um, the Microsoft Activision Ubisoft three-way thing here, it’s whack um.

So in summary, Microsoft will own the games, but they will have to oh, no, I already. I already said this uh. Presumably Europeans will be limited by what service has made available, but the logistics okay.

The FTC, however, says it is still planning on challenging the acquisition and will be submitting an argument to an appeals court in December, according to the terms of the now finalized. But I don’t know the FTC might challenge it deal. Activision CEO, Bobby codic will remain at the company until the end of this year to facilitate a smooth transition, after which he’s set to leave. So at least Luke gets one of his big asks, which is to get Bobby codic out of Activision Blizzard king, that’s great. In other news.

Sony has announced that they are launching a PS5 Cloud streaming service later this month, though, at launch um they’re launching PS5 Cloud streaming later this month, though at launch these titles will only be available to stream on a PS5 console which titles, okay, I don’t know my Notes are a little weird here. Uh Microsoft, meanwhile, currently controls an estimated 60 to 70 % of cloud gaming um. Our discussion question is in an industry where console gaming is becoming less and less important is Microsoft’s expansion into cloud gaming, a genuine threat. So, first of all, I think console gaming is actually still very important and so does Microsoft.

But it is also very clear that Microsoft sees cloud and console gaming as things that go hand inand, because a console is one of the best understood by the general consumer ways of getting a cloud streaming device into someone’s house and hooked up to their TV yeah. Yes, Microsoft’s expansion into cloud gaming is is a genuine threat, they’re. The only credible player that is, that has a significant foothold in the space I mean stadia, disappeared, uh, Luna, when’s, the last time, Amazon, Luna crossed your mind.

I barely even remember that that existed. Well. It’S not in Canada, so that might be one reason like I wanted to do a video on I’ve heard of this.

I just yeah here Luke laptop screen y yeah, Amazon, Luna cloud gaming, service, Sonic and whatever that is. Oh, that’s probably fortnite. No, I figured it out. I figured it out. You got there. Uh yeah, so Ubisoft makes another appearance in this topic.

Yeah, that’s something! Jackbox games are fun yeah, but really that’s one of their four highlight things that I’m sure. If they had six highlight things, they would have populated those other two spots. There’S definitely some aspirational space here, yeah the prime, the prime gaming one, not even even Having Eight titles. Now, I’m looking to see if there’s any duplicate ones across here the B game. Sorry, I need to see what this B game is it does it have Jerry Seinfeld? Why does it look like Netflix B simulator? Does the does the B date, someone like local PVP, metcore 58, o yeah, that’s uh.

Did they display? That was that interesting, so they hm – hey, hey! You want our games, they’re they’re, junk wow! This is a b tier game from four years ago and that’s on the front page. Oh, my really you’re not going to acknowledge that at all what oh, it’s pretty good that took me a second. No, that was good. It was good.

Oh, are you still poking around in there uh I was, but I don’t think it’s really worth it to be completely honest, B tier, hey. You want to play every single Ubisoft game that are all the same, but with different skins on them. Oh okay, are you still poking around at it? No I’m just salty about Ubisoft. No Ubisoft has other games.

Oh, do they wow, which which Tower Simulator game? Do you want to play? Okay? Oh, this is just an alphabetical order. This makes sense um that is wow. That seems like a bad way to do that. It really really truly does does isn’t it wow, I mean Far Cry.

You know I haven’t played one since Creed are like exactly the same just with skins. That’S that’s the comment. I was making, but Monopoly is different. Monopoly is different.

Monopoly is just too close to real life. Now, though, I don’t think people like playing that game anymore, yeah, it’s a little depressing uh, wow Ubisoft doesn’t have that many games, they have Watchdogs and they have Far Cry and they have Assassin’s Creed, which are all the same thing. Is Ghost Recon still relevant at all it’s the last time I played it. I angrily refunded within the two-hour window, really the last Ghost Recon I played yeah h. I disliked it quite heavily all right, fair enough. I don’t remember why I think was it.

This one is it because you’re, a salty gamer, was it wildlands? No, because I’m I thought I was for a long time and then a few recent games came out and I was like, maybe I’m not, maybe I’m not the one who’s wrong. There’S a lot of Ubisoft published titles that are definitely not in that list, which is interesting. Mhm, like I know people are, people are actually pointing out in chat games that are not there um, but hey you can play UNO, you can. You can definitely play Uno and uh there’s track Mania and I’ve actually heard a lot of very positive things about track Mania. I’Ve never played it myself yeah, but the thing is: if there’s only that many games, aren’t you better off just buying those games instead of signing up for Subscription Service? I kind of he’s baiting me right now. I think that’s true anyways for, like a multitude of reasons, it’s also better for the developers in a big way um, but then you have to buy a computer instead of Amazon, Luna yeah, which is very popular.

I heard. Actually I mean you know what no. I would love to know are any of you using Luna. Do you like Luna, like? Are these servers just empty and therefore the quality of service is super high, it’s possible? Oh, they can feed everybody like 200 megabit, a second cuz nobody’s using it yeah ex speaking about servers being empty.

Can I make an appeal really quick to the developers of battle bit? Oh, please. You got to change the map. Selection thing, it’s so bad. It’S so bad, I am determined. This is why players are leaving this one feature. The map ends you vote for a mode and then you vote for a map, but for some reason it just doesn’t care what anyone votes for anymore, and you can’t necessarily pick for the game mode that you want. So certain people only want to play a particular type of game mode. I personally like Conquest, because it’s more of the old school Battlefield style where we have all the different Vehicles, all the different things are in the game.

It’S more fun in my opinion for me, but I can’t vote on it twice in a row because they hide it for some reason. If you just played it and then even if you, even if the the whole Lobby is like you know what we want to play, this specific map or this specific game mode, it’ll just be like LOL, I don’t care and just randomly select something else and they’ve Had a huge player drop and they released like a new map and some other stuff to try to offset it. I don’t think that’s going to change anything.

Cuz people can’t play what they want to play. This is exactly the the same problem that I had with Halo: infinite yeah like you, there wasn’t even in Halo, infinite. They didn’t even pretend that there was a way for you to say what modes or what Maps you wanted to play.

Yeah you just now. You can pick modes more easily, I don’t know, I think it’s you’re still just stuck in a map rotation, but it was incredibly frustrating it just feels. Like gaming has taken some significant steps back you youngans out there did you know that you used to be able to just go into the server browser sort by 24/7 dust find a server that was not empty, but not full and double click it and then you Would just be playing dust play dust as much as you want as long as you want, and then I used to play Bad water in TF2. I would just search 247 24/7 space badwater gold rush for me, but sure whatever works like the the but the so you know what I suspect is that the play time is long longer.

If you force people to play maps and modes that they don’t really care about and grind them in order to get a bigger dopamine hit when they actually get the one they want, if I had to guess, I would say that’s what’s happening here in my opinion, To follow that up, I think it might be short-term game long-term loss. I think so too. I think you’re right. I think, because it’s Dreadful to dive into that, so maybe yeah you play for a long time because you’re like I really want to do this.

One thing and then you can’t do it and you’re like. I really want to do that, so you stick around until you can do it, but then you look at the and when the new shiny comes along, I think you’re easier to pull away yeah because you can’t just play the game the way you want to play It yeah it’s so frustrating and like it, it kills me man, CU, there’s only I I don’t care, there’s a particular way that I want to play Battle bit and it’s it’s gotten to the point where we spend a very significant amount of time, hunting for the Ability to play the game that we want to play it and it’s just a a massive percentage of the time it’s just ripped away, because even if the whole Lobby, you can watch it happen, it’ll you’ll you’ll play a conquest map and then this will be a Whole group of people that is like yep, we want to play Conquest, so the vote thing comes up and if Conquest is available it it wins by votes or you’ll watch it happen. It won’t even be available for whatever stupid reason. So everyone clicks random, hoping to get it, and then it just picks something different and then everyone leaves you’ll see the they’ll load into the next map. You’Ll see It’ll, be full and then just everybody’s, because now everyone’s trying to hunt for the server that they actually wanted to play on again yeah, it’s like man, come on. I think it’s killing the game and that sucks cuz battle bit is really fun and I I feel like it’s going to die because of this, so I just please save your game and I think that’s the reason why it’s dying, I could be wrong. I don’t know what I’m talking about. Ultimately, yeah, I mean look at him. I mean if he could build a successful online business, then he’d have more to show for it than this shirt yeah. What color is it Luke? Tell us Luke non non official blue um, non non-recognized Convoy.

83. Put this pretty well, Luna is of so little importance. Work can’t be bothered to block it at the firewall, and that seems to be the prevailing sentiment.

Oh my goodness. Um yeah, apparently from the people who have used it, it’s de and most people have just never heard of it and it seems to be kind of a redheaded stepchild at this point and that no one, no one at Amazon seems to care about it. I mean that kind of checks out, given that one of the highlighted games they have on the homepage is a like Rando game from four years ago. .