Mac Studio M1 Ultra + Studio Display Unboxing & Hands On!

Mac Studio M1 Ultra + Studio Display Unboxing & Hands On!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Mac Studio M1 Ultra + Studio Display Unboxing & Hands On!”.
Oh all right we’re ready what about a snap, yo jonathan here. This is the mac studio. Yes, that mac studio, which packs m1 architecture inside a scaled up honey. I blew up the kids mac mini body, but i assure you this is not your mama’s mac mini now.

Mac Studio M1 Ultra + Studio Display Unboxing & Hands On!

In the week plus we’ve got a chance to mess with it and mess with it. We have spoiler alert. This thing is fast for video. This thing is ridiculous and i’m not really coming at this from a geekbench type perspective. In fact, i was most interested in how this applied in the music world and for those who caught startup shout out to windows xp. This is the team behind that colin alex emma also shout out to asher postman, who is somewhere in nashville right now. We’Ve spent hours and hours and hours on this machine so look out for that. Video which is probably going to drop on the alt music channel link below, as well as the full review here, so definitely subscribe for that. But in the meantime we just kind of wanted to check it out unbox.

Mac Studio M1 Ultra + Studio Display Unboxing & Hands On!

It also got a chance to hang out with my guy kari mateen, who is an incredibly talented composer, and we got a chance to hang out check out the display and also what i was most most most most fascinated about with the mac studio is integrating it Into a dolby atmos setup – oh my god, i got ta have i got ta get this one two three good morning we’re here we’re gon na unbox, this beautiful machine, which we haven’t seen we’re here with award-winning songwriter and artist. Emma love uh, that’s true! We do have cuts yeah, that’s gon na get cut. Oh nice, okay, we’re here to uh we’re gon na tap on the box a little bit then we’re going to open this baby up.

Mac Studio M1 Ultra + Studio Display Unboxing & Hands On!

This looks beautiful check it out. Let’S maybe spin the box around yeah, wow spin it it has a lot of ports is what i could see from just looking at the box. The packaging on these is so satisfying.

I know the time you just want to. Oh you look at it. You just want to pull the tab like yeah yeah. Now, with like the little arrows too. It’S like. Can we be quiet while you’re ready everybody, radio silence sounds on set? Okay, okay, it’s just steaming off the box.

You want to just take a peek and then we’ll open it. Let’S take a little peek designed by apple and california. Okay, now we actually turn it this way. Yeah yep! Oh, wait! Oh no hold up, so you know what the double arrow does.

This the sides come out. Oh let’s do that. You ready okay, so got the other side. Take it.

Take it go ahead! Oh! Oh! Oh, oh, oh, this box is like um. What’S it called origami yeah yeah, it’s like origami. Look at that wow! Does this go? No, no! No, so we just need to so. It opens up just enough to get your fingers around the bottom in there.

You want to lift it up, feels good. It’S pretty light! You want to grab this the cord out of there yeah oh wow. Oh, it’s got a really nice braided cable. I’M going to pull this out real, quick, yeah yeah! That’S what i’m talking about! You know what i really think yeah, it’s really nice! I don’t know if you can zoom in on that charging cables. Yeah! Oh asmr time. I lied, ready, wow, oh wow, it’s beautiful.

Let’S pick this up wow, so it literally it looks like a mac mini just taller right. It looks like two mac minis stacked on top yeah. It’S the same dimension, same curvature and everything beautiful here. Let’S just give give it a little look for the camera, i’m gon na spin it over nice ports on the front and there’s all there’s really nice holes on the bottom around the back. That, apparently, is just all for airflow right to help keep it crazier. Oh yeah, look at the bottom. Isn’T this like hearkening back to like the old? Was it called the mac studio before, with the studio the old one was like in a piece of glass yeah, it was in glass and it came with the glass display. Basically, like the same thing, they’re just updating it yeah.

So on the back, we have four thunderbolt 4 ports. We have a 10 gigabit ethernet port, there’s power. We have two usb a ports, there’s a hdmi, 2.0 port and then a high impedance headphone jack. On the back, that’s really nice and then obviously just a little power button there.

They also have this uh. These are two more thunderbolts on the front or depending on the model, they’re, either usbc or thunder yeah. If you go ultra, you get two extras: yeah yeah, six, six thunderbolt ports is awesome, yeah, that’s crazy and to be able to hit them from the back and the front. So you can have jonathan we’re, keeping a pg yeah that was by accident. We didn’t say anything wrong. Jonathan was the one that left okay, but it is it’s nice to be able to have thunderbolt on the back and the front because you can yeah.

I can’t do it anymore, i’m, okay! Okay on the front, we’ve got the two thunderbolt ports and is that an sd card, yep yeah an sd card yeah. This has so much so many parts, you literally don’t need a dock anymore. Yeah is that also on the bottom um? This is for a kensington lock right. What is it so um? These are locks that they have in a lot of like offices and schools and stuff like that that have a lot of facts yeah they lock it into the desk, so that people can’t steal them.

I would steal this computer if i had the opportunity to so that that’s actually a really fresh security feature. Those are awesome yeah when you, you should get one of these security into the actual out of here. What is it? Is this hardware? Yes yeah. I am smart studio display amazing box. Here we go, let’s go let’s. Let’S just turn this around. I love that. I hope that mike is catching that all right, let’s go here, we go.

We got this. That’S just genius check that out. Let’S pull this up here, we’re gon na set that right here. I got an idea. Yeah check this yeah. Now you can clear the way not to clean away all right.

Crispy, oh nice, let’s set that here. Oh that’s, tight! All right! So it’s like a nice little sticker. That goes all the way through here into the best part. The screen, that’s so nice.

So the mat looks nice so nice, let’s check that out, go to the back wow. I love the ports that are in the back. They kill it with the details right, it’s just the material is so nice and you know people talk about how much this stuff costs, but when you, when you feel it like okay cool, i don’t feel as bad as spending the money on it i mean, but Just look at the machining here i mean the stand. You know i know they make another one but like if i’m sitting down here yeah, i’m good, i mean that’s a lot of screen real estate. I mean, if you’re about here what i’m like two feet. Two three feet: right: there i mean super nice. I love it. The machining on this bottom part right here is just super nice, big apple logo, you kind of eyeballed the pro display, but you didn’t need all that yeah.

So the yeah i mean the pro display. I’Ve seen it and this right here it’s it’s big. I would have to get a different type of desk setup, but i would definitely want. I will definitely appreciate this size. You know what i’m saying, because you can kind of. I will definitely get two.

I think i’m going to get two yeah having the porch too. It’S just. This is sick because a lot of times i’m like working – and you know i just need a quick, hard drive thing – just plop it in right there and uh. What’S the brightness on this 600, 600 nits is a lot i mean i might even bring that down sometimes, but no, like editing footage.

You know on this would be what was your thoughts because you got to look at it yeah so yeah i mean it’s bright. It’S accurate, it’s i mean i’m looking at. You know the screen, it’s super bright, you know and um. You know for me.

Sometimes it’s it’s good to have that, like you want the one thing in the room, you want everything dark and you’re like playing something back. You know as like, like a film that i’m working on, but then also too. I know that the screens that i have right now, they’re, like you, know, they’re a little janky you know like and they’re like they don’t have any weight. This feels good. This feels like it can, you know, be on the desk. You don’t feel like it’s gon na move anywhere like crazy um.

I like that and um it’s not too big. You know the machining is dope, you don’t feel any. You know lip or anything like that. Like you know, some displays you can feel like you, you can pull the whole thing off the front.

You know yeah, okay, so if i’m comparing these two, i mean whoa yeah, it’s just i don’t know it’s. You know. Apple has just a good way of take trimming the fat you know and like really just working like i don’t know the lip here is this. You know it’s just just completely different.

I mean like even sound wise. You know to me it’s like. I don’t know it’s chunky. This is just built in just a little bit weird to me.

If i were in a store – and i was like all right money – is i’m not looking at the price tag i’m buying this 400 percent yeah, that’s 300! More than that, this is yeah yeah. The thing is, that’s a great display, yeah right. It’S just clunky.

It’S clunky! It’S weird! It’S like it’s like they were like they. They said. You know what we’re gon na we’re gon na make a great screen, but we’re gon na skimp on everything else. You know, and that’s just i don’t know, that’s just apple, doesn’t they don’t do that? It’S just one of those things like it’s the whole thing and yeah it’s the premium type of thing: it’s the apple tax right, and so you get when you get the apple jacks, you get a little a little bit better machining. This seems like it could break if this fell over that’d probably be no go, i mean, maybe that too, but yeah.

Definitely this. So thank you guys so much for watching. There is tons more on the way again. If you want to check out the music goodness that is on the alt channel linked here and down below, this is jonathan, and i will catch you guys later from day. One .