M1 Mac Mini: Why I Switched

M1 Mac Mini: Why I Switched

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “M1 Mac Mini: Why I Switched”.
What’S up tech fan, so i know that most of my fans – probably probably 99.9 of my fans – are total. Just the pc master race guys they could care less about any apple product, even though i guarantee you that many of them actually are probably using an iphone when it comes to imacs, macbooks and all that stuff, a lot of them will totally dissonant and say their Jump well, i tend to disagree because for honestly now i think it’s been since about 2008 i’ve been using a mac to edit all of our videos to all of our music and all kinds of other stuff, and this came because you know jonathan morrison from tld. You guys may know him he’s a really big time youtuber. He makes unbelievably great videos.

I will never be at his caliber bow down to you, john. You were a great youtuber, but i wasn’t born into this stuff either. Just let you know he pushed me into this youtube.

Stuff was a whole nother story altogether, but he kind of said: hey man, you know we’re recording this music and the pc stuff we were using. It was really kind of clunky. We lost files, it just honestly got to be really just like it’s either we’re going to and totally invest in. You know getting some really super 100 000 recording system or we’re going to concentrate on actually getting something in the home where we can record the pain, selling their albums and do this stuff.

M1 Mac Mini: Why I Switched

So john got me into using a mac, and i’ve really never turned back. Now i don’t game on a mac max have sucked for gaming, and i’m honestly going to tell you right now. I think that’s really how it’s going to continue. I really don’t see mac being a great gaming platform ever, even though they touted it, but for editing. Videos and working in my recording studio, the imac, has been a savior and so recently the new little mac mini has come out and they have the new laptops out. You know they have the air and the pro, and these all have the new m1 chip. Now linus has completely tore this m1 chip apart, saying that it’s junk and yada yada ya, showing the insides and all that stuff, but that stuff doesn’t really matter i’ll talk about that a little bit more. But me i got myself a mac mini. So, let’s talk about, why would a guy who’s traditionally a pc guy, buy a computer, the size of his hand and replace his entire stuff with it? Well, let’s talk tech today, apple tech, take a bite at apple. Are you looking for a code for your favorite game, or maybe you need a new windows 10 key, but don’t want to spend a lot of money.

M1 Mac Mini: Why I Switched

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M1 Mac Mini: Why I Switched

All of your purchases will be in your account, asap and all the keys and codes are guaranteed to authorize without a problem. So save big today and buy with confidence with cdk sales, okay, so first off this is my brand new little mac mini it’s a cool little thing. Um, like i said, i’ve known jonathan a long time and i’ve been really honestly, probably pestering the crap out of him lately about where his reviews are on and everything and he keeps delaying the review going dude.

It’S just so amazing. Just wait till the video comes out, so that means i know that he’s gone into complete psychotic angle mode. Where he’s like on this, like a torpedo at a submarine so he’s like super focused, i can barely get all over the guy lately.

But since i kept bugging and bugging and bugging and bugging and i’ve been wanting to redo my recording studio for quite a long time, the reason is being is i’m not unhappy with my imac, but i’ve been wanting to work with these monitors that i got from Andrea, a friend of mine at benq, um she’s. Given me some really really nice, you know really cool monitors for photo editing and for video, editing, they’re, very nice they’re, all usb type-c stuff – and i just really didn’t – have a way on my desk, especially since i moved back here to kentucky a whole nother story. There, i just don’t, have the real estate, so when john started telling me how awesome this thing was and editing and how really cool it was for the recording studio, you know, even though right now, i cannot get the universal drivers from our universal audio stuff. This is just to be expected. This isn’t an xaba system, so they’re gon na have to rewrite all the code, but within a few months all that stuff’s going to work. So the first conversation really started out before i get to this i’ll unbox it. For you guys to show you what it is, um came with my editing, so i’m gon na try not to cry get upset right here. But like i miss my team in la i miss my friends in la i moved back here to take care of my mom, but i’m like i’m like completely out of my element heartbroken back here. I missed the guys on my team.

I kind of feel like i’m staying. I broke the band up, even though i’m gon na go off on a solo career with my music or anything. But, like you know me, anthony g has been working here there for a long time.

I left and came back here i didn’t edit. I don’t know how to film. Still i’ve been doing the b-roll, some of the stuff you’ve been seeing but john’s been trying to pick up the slack along with his own work and he’s super busy. So i really wanted to learn editing so in that same vein, he was so impressed with how you know how fast you know, even an entry level, one like this um really edits that he sent me one.

So i can reset up my entire area in my room and get going now, for you know a lot of people that are gon na. Think. Oh, my god! This is nothing it’s! You know. Eight gigabyte, cpu, eight gigabyte, you know gpu and then there’s 16 of these neural cores we’ll see.

That’S the whole thing that a lot of people just aren’t recognizing the 16 neural cores are what are really going to power behind this, because apple’s done something really interesting. Now will this probably these little tiny machines ever go and replace the people at disney or the people at pixel? You know making and rendering all the videos at a video farm – i don’t know you know it – could be possible because the next with an external super, fast drive rendering you could possibly do that because the m1 processor that’s in this one is the same one in Their top of the line model, so it’s the same processor only difference is in this particular one. It’S got a you know, really small ssd for the hard drive, it’s only 256 gigabyte and it’s got eight gigabytes of ram. But it’ll get me started and get me going so that i can, you know, get everything up and running, and then you know in a month from now when those other machines are readily available i’ll, swap it out and get the bigger machine. The main thing was, though, teaching me how to edit and the reason that john wanted me to use this instead of using my imac is because he really just said man, you just really don’t know what it’s going to do. I mean i should get my iphone and show you the text. It’S pretty much like it’s going to destroy it.

It’S going to blow it out of the water you’re going to be blowing out your i’m sorry, boop beeping, mind how incredible this thing is. So i’m looking forward to it now, there’s not much a lot to this inside the box. I’M sure there’s not so i can you guys, can’t see everything the camera i’ll try to keep it all up to the camera, because i don’t have multiple cameras that have been here yet something else coming.

I am changing all my cameras and doing other stuff, as as i get better, so i’m trying to just open the box here, so you guys can see it so, okay, a box right there, nothing in it on top, you can see it right there. On top. It’S flat, i’m going to uh just kind of tip the box forward.

A little bit right here. Try to get this out of here. Is there something locking it in here. Knowing me is something like totally utterly simple that i’m just missing, and it’s just like. Oh okay, duh, but no, it’s not all right, it’s just in there! So here it is. Let me set the little box down, oh and by the way inside the box. Beyond this, there’s really there’s not much. You get uh power, cable, big old power, cable, a beautiful power cable. This is gnarly shape there, man, power, cable; no, who cares about that? It’S irrelevant now, but here it is.

This is really small. Um honestly, though, it’s a little bit uh bigger on the base than i than i thought it was and on the bottom i’ll go ahead and take this off of here on the bottom. It’S kind of trippy, because it reminds me of like a speaker. It really does here, let’s check it out.

Let me get this off. Here’S a little paper stuff. Let me get that out of the way real, quick um in the back a little bottom right here, guys you see that says: mac mini right there and it is a very, very small unit. I mean it is, i mean heck and a i mean compared to the things i’ve seen in the past from my desktop.

This is a honestly i’m kind of tripping. Oh there’s, actually i’m sitting there going: okay, the. Why aren’t there any ports on this home? But all right, everything’s covered this little thing right here, so see this little tape thing right here, so we’ll go ahead and let’s go ahead and let’s go ahead and undress the mac mini. Oh, how sexy look at how effective that is effective all right.

There go all your ports and everything pretty much everything that you need is on. Here i mean you’ve got everything that you need. You got your internet, you’ve got hdmi you’ve got usbc, i mean everything. I mean there’s really nothing that you don’t. You know, there’s nothing really extra, but there’s nothing like lagging whatsoever for my recording studio, pretty much everything’s going to be hooked up. You know through a daisy chain and stuff.

So that’s going to work really great. I have universal audio stuff, um any plug and play type device. I have a couple of those you can plug those in and use them they’ll work, but, however, the universal audio it has all of its own really killer plug-ins. But but here’s what’s cool right. All right, you guys have seen this thing. It’S not it’s just cool! It’S really small! It’S really thin it’ll fit right.

Underneath my monitor uh, i’m i’m digging. It’S gon na be great for my recording to do. Let’S just go for that and great for learning to do editing a video, but when the universal audio stuff comes out, universal audio has all this new stuff called luna, and my big rack mount apollo is just it’s one of the older versions, so it can’t be Used with the new luna stuff, but i have a smaller one, a little apollo, quad little box and that will actually work with all the luna stuff. So my whole recording studio will be changed if you guys want to see my home recording studio.

What i have right now, you guys can go ahead and let me know in the comments down below and say: hey we’d like to see this, and then i can show you guys what i have right now and then the after effect, when i ditch out my Imac, ditch out some other stuff and change it, which, with much smaller stuff now, here’s the point i really want to make about this now, everybody’s, always, you know complaining, you know about you, know heat noise. All of these things. I know for a fact that this little mac mini makes absolutely no noise whatsoever. Um, it really literally doesn’t have any moving parts, so i mean think about that: no moving parts, so it’s never going to overheat on you or anything else like that.

The way it’s designed, it only comes with components that are in it. That’S kind of you know a drag you’re not going to really be do a lot of updating, but who needs it if you’ve got something that has you know, 16 gigabytes of ram and all those neural processors are going to help do all of your virtual instruments Or they’re going to help you edit all your videos or do rendering for a home studio for somebody who works at home. It’S going to be an absolutely great solution. I mean, i know guys who have a really really old old mac mini in their recording studio and they’re still using it happily clinton clark, not mentioning any names, update your shite clinton, i’m just saying so. That’S it folks! So i’m really stoked about getting this. I can’t wait to learn how to do better, editing and stuff, because right now it’s really hard, i’m having to send my files to la to to john and to my friend travis, and you know, and it’s like okay.

Well, you know: there’s not a lot of communication there, they’re busy doing their own stuff still sometimes sometimes gets a little bit fumbled it’s been hard to make all the launches and everything with everybody being so busy. So i really need to start learning how to edit more plus. It would be a lot more fun to me to be able to film. Do my b-roll know what the heck i’m filming and put it to my video than trying to relate my ideas in my head to somebody else now, honestly, maybe that’s how, if you know francis ford could pull and all these great directors out there they go out And they just shoot a bunch of shots, and then you know they have some guy edit it. But for me i would really like to be able to shoot my shot know what i’m doing and then be able to go in there and edit it and put it to exactly what i want and that’s something i’ve been really looking forward to. So that’s it.

If you guys want to see what i have in my recording studio, what it looks like right now i’ll show you. I literally have my bedroom, my recording studio and most of my amps. Well, not most a few of them in my room as many as i can fit. So that’s it small house, small space, you got ta, do what you got to do so, if you’re, a pc person out there and you’re totally like maggie’s, mackie suck just think about it.

This way, if you can get something, that’s really really small. That works really really super fast. Why wouldn’t you use it, and the last thing is people don’t really get this either the way that apple did this? Is they actually designed the software around the processor? So, instead of just having a processor company over here or a company over here, making cpus a bunch of islands trying to work together, these guys got rid of all that crap all together. So they have the software being developed for the cpu right from the gate, which is why it’s going to work so good and if you really think about that, that’s a really smart thing to do so, even if you’re a person who’s like.

Oh, i hate apple stuff, you’re, probably carrying on an apple iphone right now, so hey watch it. You know, there’s really not a lot to complain about here: you’re not forced to buy it, but the technology is there and as they advance upon this in the future and expand it next generation, 16 core 16, core gpu, 32 and then expanding and expanding expanding. Just think about the possibilities of how fast and how cool this will be, because it’s going to be stable just like the old day stuff in linux, everybody knows that linux was much more stable than the windows environment ever was. This is going to be like that completely stable and cool, so peace out thanks for watching tekken tomorrow, hey i’m a pc guy who is um getting a new little mac mini. What can i tell you guys? Oh also, if you like what you see hey hit that sub button make sure you turn the notification bell or you’ll, never notice, i’m here and if you want to support the channel.

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