Luke’s Wild Budgie Chase

Luke’s Wild Budgie Chase

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Luke’s Wild Budgie Chase”.
Should we talk about my absolutely thrilling night last night yeah? What do you? What are you talking? Are you talking about talking about this? Like he’s been bagposting all day about this? I just I wanted to talk to you about it, because it’s very uh absurd – and I know you’d laugh at me, for it and it’ll be a fun conversation. So I just decided that hey, we don’t always get to talk that often might as well just do it on land show. I sure I guess so um so I mean we talked a lot like yesterday, but sure – that’s probably true all right. Yesterday, no yeah, because I was going to say I would have talked to you about this yeah. We talked for like two hours on Wednesday, but yeah. This hadn’t happened, yeah, whatever sure it hadn’t happened yet yeah sure uh um.

So I was wandering around various parks with a gigantic bird cage playing bird noises from my phone uh trying to not look crazy. You lost your birds, so I’m smiling because no, it wasn’t ours, but someone else did. Oh, so we were trying to help Emma my girlfriend found her name’s public.

It’S fine Emma found she was walking around a park for funsies, oh yeah. I guess she streams. I I mean I just tried color plenty time: yeah yeah I mean I’m. Usually I usually try to do that for people that I’m not 100 sure of, but I’m sure first uh. She found a little posted little sign thing begging for help in a park and was like we kind of know how to do this, so she was going at it pretty hard and eventually convinced me to come help and the strategy which does actually kind of work Is that you walk around with a cage, because a lot of like house tamed Birds understand that cage usually means water, food and safety right? Okay and you play bird noises because budgies are like super super flock animals and the second they hear chirping they chirp back and then they want to come, join it so it’ll like get them to come to you and then, when they get to you, they see, Like oh cage and food and water – and this is that thing that I used to go into and when I would go into it, things were good, so it’s very likely that they’ll actually go inside right. Also, there had been some sightings of the bird not by us, and it was trying to socialize with people, and the people would like take a picture of it and then walk away. Budgies are not native to BC.

If that happens, try to get it because it is someone’s bird and it will die and it will die. Yeah like it’s. It was very scary for the actually days that it that it was out.

It was very surprised to survived that long um we unfortunately weren’t the ones that ended up finding it. Someone else did it got found. Another bird owner found it oh wow um, but yeah I found because again it wants to be. It was going up to people being like hey help me.

Luke’s Wild Budgie Chase

There’S pictures, there’s a picture online of it sitting on a jungle gym next to some kid trying to be like hey and you can tell from the body language. If you know birds you can tell from the body language, it’s like pay attention to me, hello and, if there’s other pictures of it like sitting on a on a park bench next to people just like on the Park Bench amongst people like it, was clearly uh Comfortable with people and trying to get help and people just kept taking pictures of it, obviously a pet yeah which was crazy to me. But I don’t know um but yeah the person, the person that found it had Birds, but was not a part of the actual rescue operation they just like happened to find it um. Our concern right now is that no one knows who the actual owner is. It was just a bunch of people reporting like this is clearly someone’s bird. Oh, so we don’t know, don’t know who, though the owner yeah.

Luke’s Wild Budgie Chase

Oh, I might have said that, oddly at the beginning, but yeah we thought you were helping the owner so the the room. I guess you were, but the report was that someone had seen the social posts and immediately clued in that it was someone’s bird, but it wasn’t their bird, but they were like. We should try to help this, whoever this bird. This is so the person that has it um doesn’t really want to like bring it to a vet and stuff, and it’s like being all weird about it and kind of wants to keep it, but there’s nothing that like we can do about it.

Luke’s Wild Budgie Chase

So it’s a weird night but there’s like a halfway happy ending it’s no longer Outdoors where it has a huge chance of not surviving right. So that’s good! Now, it’s indoors where it also has a huge chance of not surviving there. Yep, that’s the thing. Yeah Luke’s had some bad luck.

It’S yeah, it’s been better lately, but birds are very fragile, especially really tiny birds. They get sick very quickly, they’re flock animals. They don’t want the flock to abandon them, so they try to hide their sickness and they don’t exactly have a lot of mass, so they they tend to die very quickly.

Um. Does the bird have microchips? I I don’t know we want the ones that caught it. I don’t think so. Can you microchip a bird? Usually you put a little band yeah around its foot. Yeah and microchips are very different yeah. I knew what they meant yeah. Someone else said. Is it banded yeah? So I don’t I don’t. If from the pictures I don’t remember, I don’t think it was though um but yeah that was that was interesting. I uh – I was talking to my girlfriend afterwards and she was talking about how, when she’s walking because she’s doing the same thing she took the small cage. I had a really big one. My hands were very unhappy by the end of it, because it’s just this like Wire, yeah um, but she’s, walking around playing budgie noises um and holding this cage and a bunch of people apparently were like talking you’re like oh. What are you doing whatever? No one talk to me, not a single person. I had a lot of people that were like jogging and they just got to love pretty privilege, hey yeah. Look it up it’s a thing.

Yes, people would like avoid eye contact, they’d run by one old dude going for a walk. I walk by him and he’s like on in the middle of the track and he’s like walking with a cane and stuff. So I go off the track. Yeah and walk in the grass just so he has an easy time.

Uh – and I I notice I can just tell that he has completely stopped and turned around and just stared at me as I walk away. I’Ve seen a lot of things in my life, but I’ve never seen that before the amount of kids. That would like hear the bird sound see that I’m holding a cage and like get kind of excited and look at the cage and then realize. There’S no bird and just look at me really confused and like what’s happening. Yeah, you have a new nickname in float plane chat by the way local Nutter Luke yeah, I mean.

Probably I was trying to help okay, oh man, but yeah. We went to like there’s a lot of little parks around that area and uh. The rescue group had like tracked the movements and stuff um, so we were trying to figure out like where he would probably be next yeah um.

It’S amazing how the difference between nice, Helper and terrifying person is like a y chromosome and like 75 pounds. You know yeah yeah, .