Luke Hasn’t F***ed the Bear Yet

Luke Hasn’t F***ed the Bear Yet

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Luke Hasn’t F***ed the Bear Yet”.
Microsoft removes offensive AI written articles. Do you want to talk about AI, I’m actually going to interject in front of the AI really to talk about a topic that I think I’ve brought up for the last four when it shows three okay? So what this is like? A new streak: this is like the your substrate yeah, okay. What is it uh not much because of recent events, but I got some time to play: Ballers gate, three fun: oh okay and fantastic. Bear sex! No! Okay, not not! In my run. No, I mean I heard that’s a thing. I think it is yeah. So why not? I don’t know if you not like Bears. I don’t know if I’m far enough in the game. What’S your problem? Don’T kick shame? No.

I know I really didn’t think we were gon na go down this path. Um when Dan has excused himself see ya, dance just leaves uh wow um. No, I I think I know what character that would be, but I’m still probably the bear. I’M still they’re not in my uh Team yet, but I think I know who who it would be um, but no, but it’s just a great game.

I’Ve really enjoyed Larry and Studio games. Up to this point, they didn’t get rid of the the like layering Studio. Id that is really good, like a lot of the combat mechanics and like camera style, and how the game kind of feels at its core still feels larion, which is great.

Luke Hasn’t F***ed the Bear Yet

But then you have this d d layer on top of it, where there’s like dice rolls for things, and you have inspiration, so you can re-roll things and stuff. It’S just really cool. If you can dress up as like a horny bear, would you would you say that it’s a leisure suit, larion game he’s not here to press the Bell, so I don’t have to worry about it.

I can mute your mic by the way. That’S another thing that I just shut and you’re muted you’re gone. I still have oh um, okay. Well, I guess you get to fix that now.

It’Ll be fine! Here there you’re back you’re back, I put it. I put in a special safety measures and told no one for the show today and saves saves what you’re you’re scum saving the show because of the buttons yeah it’s great dude. It’S great. I got the idea from you unplugging my mic. I was like how can I do that but easier? Oh no, did you tell them about the buttons? Oh yeah, I used it. Oh my God yeah.

I want my screen sharing back home next week, not not this week next week. All right, you got to be a good boy, I’m an extremely good boy, uh, okay! It feels good to do Wan show but yeah I don’t know I. I was very happy I got to play. I didn’t get to play it much, but I played a little bit and I just you just know, within playing the game for like an hour.

You’Re like this is awesome, that’s cool! This is going to be awesome and every bit that I played Beyond, I played with Wendell for a while cool yeah, oh sick, up to I think four people yeah thanks for inviting me. Oh yeah, no problem, I got ta, you got ta, be careful with that! Right now, because if somebody joins your campaign yeah you can’t you can’t remove the character. I came unstuck.

Somebody on Reddit posted a really good post about how to fix that, so you can actually delete it at the moment, so you can undo that okay ruined my whole campaign, yeah yeah, we should play sometime, yeah yeah. I suspect this is going to go. Similarly, to Divinity original sin yeah, I have about 47 000 games that I play for.

You know a few hours with a single person and then never continue again. Yeah um, that’s fine, but it’s fun anyways! I I’m not gon na. Do it I’m busy playing chained Echoes every single time? I see you online playing, so you know what the problem is um. I have, I think, 70 hours in the game, but I have only made it to like the beginning of the third chapter, because I just keep falling asleep, boring game. It has been a very exhausting week. Do you want to guess how many hours I have in slay this buyer? Oh no! I think I know this and it’s like 5 000 hours or something stupid like that. Yeah yeah yeah yeah, because I just leave it open. There’S when you finish a run, it’ll tell you like how long it took you and sometimes I’ll finish around it’ll, be like three days: people speed people, speed, run it in like minutes the anti-speed right I get so bothered by it too, though, because it’s like, I Don’T know why I care um, but okay, uh remember when people were kind of scumming TF2 upgrades or something like getting items, there were specific system Maps, yeah those custom maps and remember valves, uh valve’s Revenge where they made it like mess up your stats forever. So I have certain classes where oh you did that where yeah, where I did that, and so my stats are just completely broken and there’s no way to undo it and it because of the kind of person I am that bothers me so much like, I don’t Even really a part of me is uneasy that other people play Beat saber on our on our machine because because there’s lifetime stats for like successful cuts and percentages and stuff like that, I’m like these aren’t real numbers. This sucks and it’s the same for like the chain that goes play time like the second.

I fell asleep once while the game was running. I was just like. I don’t even know if I want to play this game anymore yeah I just I I just I hate it when there’s a counter and it’s not accurate, it bothers me so slave Aspire has something called ascensions and it’s like uh. It’S like a scaling hard mode.

Luke Hasn’t F***ed the Bear Yet

Basically, um there’s every Ascension there’s a new type of difficulty that they introduce like. Okay bosses are harder. Now, normal enemies are harder. Now you heal for less after you beat a boss, that’s pretty cool um. Other random, like kind of like New Game Plus chances, are less likely to go in your favor lots of different, so the game gets harder up to 20 times and it gets like really really brutal, and I I have Ascension 20 on on the silent, which is One of the characters I have like 18 on Ironclad and then not that high on the other ones um. If somebody played on my account and pushed one of the ascensions – and it wasn’t me that would bother me a lot forever – yeah, probably yeah yeah.

I hear that that would like I, I don’t I’ve I’ve I’ve actually like had the thought before like would I have to try to like wipe my save and just restart. I have some serious conversations with my kids about you know all kinds of things and as a gamer Dad. One of the serious conversations I had is okay, you can play cross code. If you save over my my save game, you are for real in trouble. Do not do that, do you do, do you do like um like Family Sharing, or do you just? Does everyone just use the same steam account no um uh, it’s probably time for me to just get around to setting everybody up with their own steam accounts. There’S so many like free to play games that, like there’s tons of stuff that they can do without using my Steam account yeah um but like.

Luke Hasn’t F***ed the Bear Yet

If I buy a new game, I will typically just buy it on my account so that it’s convenient for me and so like our TV in the basement, is just logged into my account. So I’m like a good rocket League player now, which is pretty cool. What well my son plays Rocket League okay, yeah, and he just plays on my account. So I’m like I don’t know what his rank is, but it’s like.

Oh so you mean like on a steam observation level, you’re a good rocket League player; okay, okay, okay, okay. I thought you actually like were playing with him a bunch. I was like whoa. No, I suck at Rocket League yeah yeah yeah, but I’m decent.

Now, apparently, it’s pretty cool, that’s cool, um anyways. I wanted to take a short aside to just like talk about video games. I guess people are saying what rank I don’t know if you should.

I don’t actually know. Okay, I I I I mean with all the like millions of people at every stupid, ranking Market. There’S also yeah there’s an insane amount of no. I didn’t mean that I just mean like people gon na I don’t know, I don’t know how good it is. Um yeah, I don’t even know what there’s there’s like a ton of granularity in rocket League ranks and they change them like all the time.

So oh yeah, or at least they’ve changed them a lot in the past. I don’t know if they have changed them much. I’M sure he’d know yeah, hey Linus. What happened to that game show down with Ludwig, so here’s something awkward um.

Is there a reason that you didn’t tell me that the challenge I was describing was basically a format he already does? No, I did tell you that oh did you 100. Oh okay, yeah. I don’t know why. I didn’t realize that oh yeah, no, we we were doing like a float plane meeting in your office, and you mentioned that this had happened and I was like oh yeah. He like does this and I I told you about it there and then you were like. Oh, we should talk about our own wancho and I guarantee you you completely forgot between then and when wancho happened, but I I totally told you about this yeah.

That makes sense, yeah yeah, definitely cool so uh anyway, I don’t know I um yeah. I guess I I guess I better ping him if we’re gon na Feud. We should probably like do it properly.

You know yeah sure yeah, all right yeah, maybe he’s just training. Yeah there’s like a format and everything you submit some games, there’s some like neutral games or something yeah. I think it’s hilarious that, like yeah, I basically pitched his own format to him. It’S um awkward, good job, good job, Linus yeah. I guess thanks for having my back there Luke, I did .