LTX 2023 Was A LOT Of Fun!

LTX 2023 Was A LOT Of Fun!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “LTX 2023 Was A LOT Of Fun!”.
It’S 2023 I’m here at LTX, and I’ve already ran into 163 of you. Thank you for coming. One of our folks came from Austria, hello, and I hope you enjoy your stuff because it’s so far away Vancouver British Columbia. That’S where my I’m at it’s LTX. 2023.

There’S over 5 000 of you it’s I don’t know if it’s over 9 000, but there’s a lot of people, it’s a little overwhelming. If I’m being honest but hey, it’s a lot of fun. A lot of you have said hello, and that’s actually really exciting and LTX is more about the fans and the people with motorcycles and uh. Just meeting all of you and seeing everything and getting back together and there’s something special about this one because it’s kind of post-pandemic, so that’s you know it’s first time seeing each other uh a lot and I don’t know it’s a lot of fun. So, let’s take a look at what’s going on in the convention center floor, because there’s a ton of stuff to do it’s not just getting a bunch of sweaty nerds in a room together, there’s actually fun stuff to do it’s a real, full-fledged convention. In addition to a LAN party and like the LAN party inside the convention is larger than a lot of land parties that are like dedicated land parties, so it’s sort of nuts it’s bigger than like comic conventions.

I can’t believe it. Let’S take a look foreign so here I am making my way to picturesque Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, okay via Seattle. That’S fine, a wardrobe courtesy of, big, big thanks Linus was sort of noticing that I didn’t fit. My clothes super great and computex, and so he sent me some clothes and hey I’m more than happy to wear them fun times. The Pacific Northwest is so nice and I’m imminently greeted by so many people once I actually do get to Vancouver it’s down by the docks. The convention center LTX has got the whole Convention Center for 2023.. Even though I entered an hour early, the whale land party is starting, the participants are ready, they’re, they’re already lined up and making their way in this is going to be a crazy weekend. I can already tell this is where main stage will be now. I had a few panels up here with Jeff geerling Chris from crosstalk Solutions, craft Computing, Patrick from serve the home and and more just talking about stuff, Luke and Linus. They did a live. Wan show from Main stage, and it was a packed house. In fact, it was so packed. They had to have kind of an overflow area in the land side, which is on the other side of the convention center, and so they were doing a live stream of main stage in the same building. Just because there were so many people. It was completely nuts.

LTX 2023 Was A LOT Of Fun!

Oh yeah and here’s Jake during no ancho, it’s just traveling, just a little bit. Oh it’s! Okay! I got to troll Linus too by asking him to borrow a Sharpie. Somebody came up to me and was like hey.

Were you sign this and it’s like? Oh, I don’t have a Sharpie, but then I saw Linus wandering around in the background I was like hey can I borrow your Sharpie and then so the the uh, the the person who asked me for Sharpie turned around and it was like it’s like wait who’s That, oh and then Linus got in on the trolling. Sorry thank you here. Can you sign this too nope? I don’t have a Sharpie so yeah. That was pretty epic.

LTX 2023 Was A LOT Of Fun!

Oh, don’t worry! I was super awkward too. I think the most awkward thing that happened was. I accidentally told somebody that my name was Kyle. Well, you see, their name was John, but I misheard them and I thought that they said their name was Kyle and then they misheard me and thought I was saying.

No, my real name is Kyle, and so they said hi nice to meet you Kyle, but I didn’t put it together later until later after I was talking to somebody who was standing within the earshot that it could explain to me what had actually happened when I Turned to tell them I didn’t get a chance because they were gone so uh, but that’s okay, Paula Falls. Hardware was also signing autographs as Kyle, though presumably that’s a different Kyle than the one that I misspoke into existence. The other thing about LTX is just running into other creators. All in all, Linus invited more than 75 creators to LTX 23, small and large alike.

LTX 2023 Was A LOT Of Fun!

Some. You know smaller creators, it’s a lot of fun and it’s fun to connect and chit chat, talk shop and just talk fun stuff, make new friends people to take a chance, just have a bit of fun, and you know what we haven’t really had a lot of. In contact you know in-person contact over the last couple of years, because you know the global situation and yeah everybody was trolling, everybody else. Here’S Jake from LTT trolling Jeff gearling again.

Can I get you to please say my name: Jeff say my name Jeff? No! You can’t say, is you say my name Jeff there we go. Thank you Jeff, but all in all, everybody had a really good time. Virtual reality was also pretty big this year and, and there were a lot of people super interested in that a lot of lines. I think I think Linus is going to work on that for next year.

No worries all good, remote, controlled cars and first person point of view with VR goggles yeah, that’s uh, that’s that’s back and a lot of people were super into it. Virtual laser tag in a big open area and that’s beat saber over here, yeah pretty much everything framework. The laptop is also here because, of course, they are, and you can play with a framework 16 a little ahead of time, probably only like one of one or two in the world. The framework 16 here at LTX, yes doing this wacky YouTube stuff, really is apparently a global operation fans from Mexico, hi from Mexico, Tina, Poland, Germany, Austria, the UK and a ton of other places all over the world all came up to say hello, and that was Just me personally and I’m zetir Linus took care of us and gave us a great place to recharge.

I might have uh looked a little bit overwhelmed, so they gave me some tech support to do to help me recharge my batteries. I I helped them set up their 1v1 CS. Go set up without a switch hey, it turns out. We can do CS, go with a ping time of less than one when you’re using a crossover cable. There is no ethernet switch, it’s just Nick to Nick. So, what’s happening behind me is actually pretty pretty brilliant. One is to set up a bunch of different gaming stations that have you know better mice, better monitors and better gaming Hardware. It’S going to run 360 Hertz, it’s going to run at 240 hertz, but you don’t know what you’re playing on you just sit down and you play there’s even one system that I helped set up, which is uh, basically zero ping time we’re using a crossover cable.

One computer connected directly to the other CS: go land play the painting. Time is less than one one V1 me bro yeah, that’s set up, so you can see how you play in that kind of a scenario where ping time doesn’t matter. You do slide to reveal to figure out what you’re doing you write it down, and then you look at how well you did in terms of gameplay after you’ve gone through all the different stations, it’s actually pretty cool. I also got to make my own level one text: screwdriver, the LTT screwdriver yep, my first time going Hands-On with the ratcheting screwdriver Madness sensation, so I’ll be playing with that in some builds and some upcoming videos and some fun stuff, and it was cool meeting. The team, the Brain Trust behind the design and but also manufacturing. How do you make something cool? That’S also manufacturable.

Well, they actually had stations set up to walk you through creating your own screwdriver, so a bunch of different colors of plastic and the components – and you literally, you know, put your screwdriver together yourself with whatever colors you want, and so all the creators and attendees everybody Else that wanted to partake of creating their own screwdriver. Well, they could that’s exactly what I did. These stations were pretty awesome.

They walked you through creating your own stuff, looping up your screwdriver, putting it all together, putting the bits together. It’S pretty great V1 Tech was also at LTX, with lots of cool artwork and everything else, and I got to take some of that home. So thanks V1 Tech, it’s the Nintendo’s tool assistant Supreme speed runs, but instead of doing it on emulators we’re doing it.

On the original console Hardware, on the gamecubing Game, Boy Player, nice yeah speed runs on real Hardware. Yes, yes, the Game Boy interface is made by extremes to do all of the like playback of the inputs. It’S reading them off of an SD card. We can swap it between the two systems to load different tasks and uh yeah Extremes. In a lot of the Gameboy interface stuff, I wrote the tasks just been a huge effort for bunch of people. Yeah, that’s awesome.

It’S a robot doing speed runs. What is this madness and the case toss made a return that was super fun, hooking computer cases, as far as you can setting a record having a leaderboard there’s. Also, a history of Windows: kiosk that you go Hands-On with every Windows version on the original Hardware, starting with Windows 1.0.

They were even selling Teslas, I mean they know their audience. I mean the whale land cost is pretty significant and yet it’s sold out and I got to meet a fair number of those people, and that was really awesome as well. The age gamut was quite wide, I meant retirees and at least one precocious.

Teenager 3D printer backpack EK was at LTX in full force, showing off all of their cool stuff, whether it’s custom, Loop, water, cooling or racing simulator. You know a lot of people, it’s like yeah, I don’t know if I want to Splash out for a racing simulator but look who’s physical haptic feedback. I mean some people are all about that.

It could be a thing like. Okay, I’m going to try this okay. I have to have it at home.

That’S a thing, that’s a thing that actually happens. It’S like okay! This is really cool. I’M gon na spend a lot of time in this.

I need a racing Sim. I know there’s a lot of people buying kvms for racing Sim. It’S pretty crazy! I’M here with Rob at the booth, there’s cool stuff here, there’s pinball, there’s all kinds of other things, but I wanted to call out High specifically because they’re doing awesome things with RGB and they’re already supporting the open RGB project protocol standard. Thank you. Thank you. So much it makes it so much easier on end users yeah, like you, know, we’re trying to give customers an experience, we’re not trying to keep them into a Walled Garden of products, and so if we can make a really powerful piece of Hardware, we’re going to Do our best to create a really powerful piece of software and if that still doesn’t fit, you like you’re interested we’ll give the protocol to open RGB so that they can support you and share that protocol, so that you can make your own software. This is a really amazing beginning for this kind of thinking. It is so awesome to see that kind of support. Thank you and those products definitely deserve a consideration because of the philosophy. So this is the future of consumer gear, just like open Computing. This is where we’re going and it’s so awesome you guys get it. So. Thank you. That’S our pleasure. Thank you for supporting us.

There’S a secret passage. I I write it’s it’s it’s, so it’s so narrow, it’s so narrow, but then it opens up by the way. Um just curious uh: what do you? How do you feel about Canada uh? What is it, what does it feel like to be here versus where you’re from I like uh, I really. This is not my first time in Vancouver. I’Ve been to Vancouver like three or four times I really like Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest in general yeah yeah. So I grew up in the mountains and it feels like home because it’s the mountains, but also the air quality, and everything else is really nice here and it’s just it’s so pretty and nature everywhere.

Yeah. Last time I did the suspension bridge like a super long suspension, bridge yeah yeah, so I did the the hiking trail for that and it’s just. I like I like to go to places like that and just turn my brain off and walk around. It’S really nice yeah.

I love the walkable Trails like even like three or four miles. I can do that and it’s just fine. It’S like maybe five percent over the whole thing, because yeah nice awesome. I will check that out. Cool thanks have fun, have fun tossing cases.

Thank you. This was a lot of fun. I can’t wait for LTX 2024.

Ltx 2023 was an absolute blast. I’M Wendell. This is level one engage in the comments below I’m signing out and I’ll see you there in the level one forums and everywhere else all the usual places.

Thanks again for everybody that came to LTX, it was really awesome. Seeing you and I’ll see you in the next one, I think that’s good .