Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | Official Trailer

Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | Official Trailer

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | Official Trailer”.
Buried somewhere out here in the mountains is a story about a pioneering but doomed computer called the Apple Lisa. We were building a new kind of computer that had never been seen before. It was Apple’s big play to own the future of computing. That is until it flopped Apple, killed the Lisa and went all in on its successor Macintosh.

Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | Official Trailer

What I’d like to do now is show you, the Macintosh in person, but the Lisa lived on. It was rescued by an outsider who gave it a second chance. There is a need for a less expensive computer and for a while it almost seemed like there were two possible futures for Apple.

Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | Official Trailer

Until one day there wasn’t, we ended up getting an anonymous call at the paper. It was one of the people from the landfill who said you need to come down and see this. They were destroying hundreds, if not thousands, of brand new computers and the first people that we ran into they were hired. I guess by Apple to make sure that the disposal took place as as quietly as possible. So what really happened that day ticket answers? We went back 40 years. You had a shovel and start digging to find the people who brought Lisa to life. Yes. Well, it was really exciting. This was the New Foundation, the New Frontier, definitely a rock star vibe, to figure out why it really flopped you’d have to feel a little bit vindictive to have that project taken away from you, but there definitely was an element of Revenge and to understand why Apple Would bury its own past literally, it seemed like the mob had come to town. You know, .