Linus’s pet goat story

Linus's pet goat story

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus’s pet goat story”.
Matthew P asks hey Linus. Can we get the pet goat story? Oh boy, um. We were at uh an animal auction and uh for some reason. I don’t know why. I got it in my head that I wanted to get a goat um.

They were super cute, baby, goats, adorable, and so I got a goat. My goat’s name was goby and um. The the understanding was, the goat would be my pet um. She had a she had a like a pen that was separate from from all the other animals and I’d go out and hang with Gobi uh like very, very friendly, very, very engaged animal um.

Linus's pet goat story

The problem is that, as goby got older, she would escape a lot. Goats are natural Escape artists, and if it had been possible to keep Gobi pinned, I don’t think that we ever would have uh we ever would. I don’t think I ever would have consented to have Gobi taken to slaughter. But the problem was that in the area that we were living, the probability of Gobi getting out on the road, which was what she was doing and ultimately getting either hit by a car or killed by a bear.

Linus's pet goat story

As there were, many of those in the area was getting uncomfortably high and tracking down go being bringing her home was getting more and more and more difficult, and so what I, what I ultimately agreed to with my parents, was that yeah um. If goby was going to end up dead anyway, it might as well be for food. We lived on a farm, and so Gobi was far from the first animal and not even the first animal, with a name that we ultimately slaughtered, but that I didn’t want to eat Gobi. So if they were having Gobi for dinner, I would have something else was sort of the agreement and then they tricked me and told me it was like ostrich or something, and so I did end up um eating goat, which was not my intention.

Linus's pet goat story

So I was not thrilled as you guys can. Probably imagine it’s pretty annoying, because that was not the deal but um. I think my parents probably thought it was pretty funny at the time. Intriguing people about food isn’t funny um, but I don’t think that it’s particularly funny personally, that is the pet goat story. I’M sure that if my sister and I got together and built another computer, we could probably tell lots more stories if you’re not a float plane subscriber, I think there’s going to be some stuff that ends up in an exclusive on float plane that didn’t make it Into the YouTube cut but um, I don’t know that we’re gon na get too deep into our childhood stuff. You know in public, it’s just not worth it.

I don’t need the drama in my life. .