Linus’ Worst Wipeout

Linus' Worst Wipeout

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus’ Worst Wipeout”.
Okay, next up is from Kevin. I had a motorcycle accident this week, happy that my LTD backpack held up very well tumbling 70 kilometers an hour along the ground and kept my electronics unbroken. Have you ever had a motorcycle accident or close call picture? We need a picture of that glad you’re, okay, uh yeah. We could use a picture of that.

Linus' Worst Wipeout

I should have reacted with that. First uh, but we’ve always still need a picture. We’Ll sell stuff new CEO right here. How can we leverage this to improve our sales margins projection forecast, because that would be a reflection on material choice? I know but priorities Luke if Kevin C wasn’t alive, he wouldn’t be here to spend 55.97 this week. Clearly he certainly I have my priorities in order. Clearly he survived because he sent the merch message: okay, goodness: okay, anywho um. Yes, I have had a motorcycle accident uh.

Linus' Worst Wipeout

I don’t have many close calls, I’m a very defensive motor vehicle operator. I tend to kind of keep my space, which is much easier on a motorcycle when you’re faster than anything else on the road um. Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about the point is that uh, my my only time you know having an accident in motion. I was barely in motion. I had finished my training fairly recently like not the day prior, but I was in my first season or two of of riding a bike, and one of the things that I recalled from my training was that under any kind of slippery condition, so under normal conditions On a street bike, you would um lean mostly on your front brake right. Oh man see I’m gon na.

Linus' Worst Wipeout

Add the clutch yeah. I don’t know it’s all once I’m on the bike. I know which one is which, but whatever don’t don’t worry about it? The point is you’d lean on your you’d. Uh you’d rely on your front brake, so you would load the weight of the bike forward so that you get better uh, better traction, so there’s more weight on it uh and then so you load it and then squeeze and – and you use very little of your Back brake, which is on your foot um now, depending on the type of bike, if you’re writing a chopper or something like that, that’s not necessarily the case, and you might rely more on your back brake.

You can usually tell just from looking at a bike how it’s intended to be stopped, because on a street bike, you’ll see like a giant front, brake rotor like this and then on the back wheel. You have a little little tiny little tiny brake rotor anyway. So I recall in our training they said: hey, hey, okay, so here’s the deal on a street bike. You use primarily your front brake unless slippery conditions, because you will lose control extremely quickly if you use your front brake for and it and it locks up.

Um uh or you lose traction for whatever reason. Abs is like a very modern thing. Right, yeah, like a lot of a lot, don’t yeah so anywho, I I was going uh. Do you know that bridge in I guess it’s Burnaby or cocoa? It must be in Coquitlam, that’s right by the you know, when you take the the new West exit on on Highway, One you go down through New West, yes, okay, so going the other way right before you get to the freeway there’s like a little wooden bridge.

There do you know the one I’m talking about it’s like where the planet laser is in New West. Oh Yes, actually yeah, so yeah! So, just just east of that right, uh there’s a little wooden bridge there anywho it was raining and I was on that bridge and I think it alternates traffic like one at a time. Okay, each way it was my side’s turn and I’m going along this bridge at, like, I don’t know, seven kilometers an hour like really really slowly, it’s it’s pouring rain and I’m just like you know, thinking thinking thinking. Oh, this is one of those conditions where I know that um, my traction is extremely low because I’m on literal wood wet wood um. If you want to know if you wan na, if you want to find out, you know, try doing anything on wet wood.

All right, so I so I’m kind of sitting here going well. It couldn’t be that bad. Why don’t I just give it a little on the ground, immediate bail.

I couldn’t believe I. I don’t think that if I had just been suspended in the air and dropped I could have fallen to the ground that fast. It blew my mind uh. Fortunately I had my gear on, so I had it on my shoulder.

Armor uh the car behind me stopped almost in time and only uh like damaged my license, plate holder a little bit. If you look at my bike closely, it’s held on with duct tape, uh um, so they didn’t follow a bike that closely in the rain. Well, they they weren’t, they just had no traction, oh yeah, so you know anywho and we were all going really slow like we were a little like procession like this right and why would they think that I would suddenly instantly I mean be on my side still In my opinion, if you know you have no traction, you still you’re trying to level three off. No, I don’t blame them for real. They were chill.

Everything was fine. I was a complete idiot like that’s on me uh, but that’s yeah. That’S the worst! I’Ve um! That’S the worst I’ve ever had.

I found out. I found out quick too yep all right. Next, one mine has got wet wood and fell over. Look I slipped onto it, classic excuse, oh my goodness.

Okay .