Linus soaks Ludwig

Linus soaks Ludwig

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus soaks Ludwig”.
Uh, this is great uh. The float plane team asked me to do a little sneak peek of this, so this is from. This is from the up the team liked it. This is from the oh, that’s hilarious, the upcoming collab, with the one, the only Ludwig, so we built the PC that punishes the user um. It’S got a variety of uh of servos and relays on it uh.

It’S got an integration with Minecraft, courtesy of signal, RG and basically every time he goes in the water, and we put him on this Wipeout Course. Every time he goes in the water, his b days go off and spray him uh if he dies. There’S a variety of effects that will hit him with everything, including these little uh gel ball blast this little gel ball, Blaster here to a fart Cannon which, like left wels, oh yeah, it really hurt um. The point is it’s going to be an absolutely awesome? Movie movie, it’s going to be an Absolut awesome, video yeah thanks! It’S going to be an awesome, video and we’re going to have some exclusives on float plane, including the sneak peek and maybe we’ll maybe we’ll do an uncut this time uh, and this is why we need to fight. We need to fight yeah. I warned him in the in the uh in the what do you call it pre-show? I warned him in the pre-stream pre-show that we have on float plane and also technically twitch uh that we were going to fight this stream.

I prepped it, but I didn’t tell him why this is the topic. Are you salty that I didn’t tell you? Lwig was coming and you didn’t get to hang out so yes, but also, I’m very sorry, it actually did not occur to me. I was very flustered that day, there’s multiple other things: oh okay, apparently we’re fighting about a lot of things. So that’s that’s one of them hanging out with lewick would have been cool, but you even mentioned with the the the like the entire Badminton Center screen thing.

Linus soaks Ludwig

You’Re like oh, I should have brought you over. What do you think would have been the most entertaining thing for me to be engaged with, probably in the last multiple years that we’ve done? Probably the punishment PC, yeah, okay, okay, okay, um, that looked insanely fun. It still like works right. I don’t know.

Linus soaks Ludwig

Oh man, we should do like an extras thing of just like random people in the company trying to do it. I would love to do that. You want to try the so much fun.

Linus soaks Ludwig

I I like had work to do, but I, like just sitting there watching it happen, was like fantastic. Okay, I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what it looked so good. I promise you it’s been broken down hold on hold on.

I promise you TI’s down. I promise you if – and this is actually some very bad news – oh boy, we got some news from the city of Sur that we may not be allowed to do landan events at the Badminton Center we’re going to work with them. I’M I I am confident my team is Sag cuz. That was this was a lot of.

I know. I understand. Other people also put a lot of working, but I hold on. I am confident that we can. We can can find a solution together at this time. I’M still confident, okay um they.

They have expressed a variety of concerns that I think we can address if, if as long as everyone is, is moving forward together in good faith, yeah that I think we can address cool okay as long as it goes forward. As long as it goes forward, I promise you at one of those whand events. At least we will Resurrect The Punishment PC, that’s okay, because the code is done, and that was the hard part was the esp32 based web server and the integration with signal RGB. You want to be involved, you need to bring a change of clothes in a towel you, you should bring two changes of clothes in two towels yeah uh. We we had to redress him multiple times. That’S amazing, the last the last the last part. This is a the triple part thing um, I think you cheated on me. I cheated on you yeah, sorry what yeah yeah. I would never play Super checks with anyone else. No, the shot, callers, the shot callers.

It didn’t technically happen, but you had intention – and I don’t think electroboom counts, because my reasoning for this, if you are in a European country that does cheat kisses, you do cheat kisses. That is not cheating, even though it’s kisses, if you’re hanging out with Electro boom you’re going to get shocked. This is fine. Okay, okay, this is fine, but there was a plan for shot colors and I was not involved. I see okay, so so our our exclusive thing mhm is BDSM. Is that what you’re saying that was really close? I think it went back into the bort uh? Yes, I guess I guess I guess so. I see okay I’ll, keep it in mind. I didn’t really fully put that together until now, but yeah yeah, yeah anyways I’ll, keep it in mind just messing around, but that I watched I didn’t watch the whole thing. Lus. Do you say to Luke upes, I’m sorry, I’m not! I’M I’m not! But I’m sorry.

Oh, my goodness, all righty, then usually the show doesn’t get this unhinged. Until much later, I watched part of the exclusive footage. It’S awesome.

That’S going to be a fantastic, an A Talent s tier world class Talent um. He is, he has the same level of get it done at any cost. I could.

I was only there for like a couple minutes and I could tell which is just that’s cool the guy’s Next Level to say that he was a good sport about everything that happened to him. While he was here would be a gross understatement. Um, let me put it this way at one point: he had to to sit on a toilet that had a GoPro in the bowl, barely even phased him. That sounds about right, yeah, my um yeah, I don’t even know if I want to mention or not my favorite YouTube.

Video of of potentially all time is I’ve sent it to you. Even I don’t even send lights that many videos. You know what I’m talking about. Yes, I know which what you’re talking about it’s one of lwigs? No technically, not it’s one of slimes, yes, Slim’s top 10 salty ice, clamor lwigs in it a lot yeah yeah, it’s good! It’S it’s like actual top tier content, yeah um, anyways, all right cool. So anyway, yeah that’s going to be a fantastic video, um yeah absolute it out absolute mad lad check out the full PL exclusive check out the full video when it releases had a ton of fun with .