Linus Sebastian vs Ryan Reynolds

Linus Sebastian vs Ryan Reynolds

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Sebastian vs Ryan Reynolds”.
Mint mobile, our fellow Canadian, Mr Ryan, Reynolds hasn’t that big money has caused no small amount of controversy by investing in then promoting mint mobile as like a a middle finger to the big carriers and then selling to it, bringing a whole bunch of customers over on The basis of a better experience than the big carriers and then promptly, but I mean hey – he got 300 million for it. Yeah, let’s go um. The actual sale was like way more than that, but uh based on his percentages or whatever people uh, expect that he made over 300 million. They don’t know exactly how much so T-Mobile second largest mobile provider in the US is acquiring their direct competitor, mint mobile. As a subsidiary uh, many of men’s current customers have responded to the news with disappointment, as they chose mint as a cheap, responsive alternative to massive telecommunications conglomerates like T-Mobile T-Mobile States. It has no intention of changing mint’s current 15 a month plan and that for now it’s business as usual at mint. Can I just point something out really quick here. Watch me: okay. Watch me: I have no intention of charging for access to data from the labs for now it’s business as usual at LTT. What have I said? Nothing, absolutely nothing. That statement means nothing.

It means literally nothing. It means that I I even assuming I’m honest okay, so on the one hand I could be a big liar, and I absolutely have intentions, have plans already underway and I have plausibility plausible deniability up the butt now, because you can never prove what my intentions were. Yeah and it’s like no intention cool cool, how long is cool for now for now is literally just now and now it is no longer now already you say it it’s over. It’S already not now! Well, it’s it’s now, but now it’s not now anymore, so um. I could very well have um paid access to Labs data, it could be all of it, it could be some of it, it could be not now, but it could be now.

Ah mint’s largest single stakeholder Ryan Reynolds was heavily involved in mint Mobile’s Direction since 2019 and will be staying on in a creative capacity. Yeah, that’s usually part of the deal. Actually I had some people speculating about what exactly that. Remember. The the nine figure deal that I talked about um.

I will say this not as good as his deal. Um. Definitely definitely smaller than Ryan Reynolds um, which is fine, I’m comfortable with it he’s more attractive, smarter, more talented, yeah, it’s okay, I’m I’m comfortable with it. Now the point is that um, my wife wants him.

Linus Sebastian vs Ryan Reynolds

No, no! No! Sorry! I’M sorry wait. Did I say that a lot? Okay, it doesn’t matter. The point is um. What was I saying? I’Ve been distracted, so a few people asked me yeah.

Linus Sebastian vs Ryan Reynolds

A few people asked me: well, it’s not the attractiveness, it’s the charm, it’s the Charmed, you yeah yeah, exactly like uh. He could. Are you wait? Are you a mint Mobile customer now? Well, I feel like if I’m not I’m missing out um. Some people asked about the the offer that we got and the answer is yes, of course, it is pretty typical for Founders or key key person like having like a key person Clause of some sort.

Linus Sebastian vs Ryan Reynolds

It’S typical for there to be some period of time where you’re required to to stay on and the the the the level of involvement that you have can vary a little bit, but very often uh. You would have to not just stay on as a as a drone, just keeping the same title but sleeping at your desk, but stay on in a in a functional capacity with strong incentives to to perform at or above the current level. Otherwise they could impact that overall payout and, of course, you, like vesting style, incentives, yeah stuff.

Of course there was a deal like that and I’m sure that Mr Reynolds has a has a similar deal um. He tweeted. I only want the best for mint mobile customers. Think I’ve found it. Ah, I think he’s gon na hurt his brand here, because that’s also a super insincere statement.

He does seem like one of those people that, like the target, is uh the moon and the stars and the Far Beyond in regards to what he wants financially um but uh. If he ruined his brand, he ruined it for 300 million dollars so like maybe he doesn’t care. I don’t know depends what his like financial goals are right, because if it is just, I want everything as much as I can possibly get then yeah that could hurt him long term yeah. But if it isn’t it’s 300 million dollars, it’s a pretty big bag.

It’S like yeah, it’s like super yacht money. You know pretty massive back yeah, it’s like who are you trying to impress you’re already married to Blake, Lively and Ultra Rich already? Like did you? I don’t know, I don’t know, I think. Probably I always find it very sus when people are like. I think this is the best for you and don’t say why.

Yeah, because mint mobile customers already decided what they thought was best yeah. What they thought was best was trusting mint mobile with Ryan Reynolds involvement. That’S what they thought was best, so you’re, basically saying it’s, not it’s! It’S not you! It’S me. You know this brand is Deadpool.

This is a total Deadpool move. If you think about it, I don’t like it is. No. What are you even talking about? No his? His brand is extremely wholesome, like outside of the characters that he plays on TV like you got to be kidding, he’s the like super wholesome troll, yeah um, generational wealth for his kids bruh. Oh, that’s more, that’s more than generational world, so you’re! So far beyond It.

Let’S do let’s do some quick math here, quick, math, math. I’Ve never done before, because it’s never crossed my mind once you start getting into hundreds of minutes. Let’S take a hundred million dollars, for example just an arbitrary number and let’s multiply it by 0.1, 0.01.

Okay, so, assuming you basically put it in like a savings, account all right, I think that’s even worse than that yeah, but, like you put it in the crappiest savings account put in a suitcase under your bed and randomly stuffed a couple bills in one day, uh. Well, no, I’m talking interest yeah, but zero. One zero point: zero! One percent! No! No one! Oh okay! Point zero! One! Okay! Okay! You put it in a savings account yeah! You keep saying point zero, I’m being really dumb! You did all right! Yeah thanks! Man keep going um, you would make a million dollars a year yeah just having that kind of money sitting in a savings account did I mention that he’s still working like he quite a bit Yeah, so I yeah there’s other stuff going on this.

Isn’T his only company? He has what was the Whiskey one uh Aviation gin? I think it’s gin, yeah yeah, there’s the yeah and then he also has some. I honestly don’t know what the difference between those are whiskey and gin yeah. I don’t know. I have no idea what gin is. I think at a certain point, there’s like so much alcohol in it that it’s more to do with just the purity of it.

Okay, I honestly have no idea. We are the last people to talk to Absolute absolute morons. When it comes to alcohol. We know nothing, I mean if you, if you want to know about.

You know how to leverage chicken, for example, for social advantages he’s your guy, but when it comes to alcohol, we’re just not not familiar with the tools. Yeah, sorry about that um yeah, and then I think he owns some like. I don’t know if it’s soccer or what but some sports team somewhere yeah uh, and then I think you own some other stuff as well, apparently sold the Gin Company for over 600 mL geez.

You, like man, that’s wild, hey some people. Just don’t have a point. I mean yeah see the funny thing for me is like if the motivation is just to take these like in some cases, struggling Brands like in my understanding is the Gin Company was like really struggling turn them around like build something awesome.

Why not have it just keep being awesome yeah? The only reason to cash out is money like I could like. I can tell you now because having gone through this process recently, there was, unless I was lying to myself, there was no. There was no justification for taking the deal other than money like I could tell myself, okay with a larger ownership group, there could be a benefit um. There could be a benefit to our our operations. We could streamline our operations because uh certain things could be just handled by handled by depends on who the owners are the bigger group. Well, that’s the thing is you’re you’re losing control of that um, but I could. I could tell myself that, though you know like oh, maybe you don’t have to do our own accounting anymore. Maybe that can all be Consolidated right and that would be more efficient because maybe you’ve got all these different media companies that are operating under either this one team that has a much smoother way of doing that um. But realistically you would also, at the same time, be giving up a lot of the flexibility that you have. You know what, if that team just does just simply doesn’t feel like dealing with the paperwork of selling LTT store merch to Europe.

They sit there and they, you know in a very business-like way, go well. It makes up X percentage of the business and cost y percentage more time y being the key. Why no forget it right, so you might end up with a very different answer that could alienate your uh. You know your long time, viewers or customers and and it could ultimately hurt you, but that’s how you end up with like really short-term decision making, I think, is if you have people working on things that are too far removed from them um. So I could have told myself stuff like that, but at the end of the day I just don’t think it’s true if you actually want what’s best. I think the The only positive that we were really identifying was like, if you, if, if you needed to get out and you kind of decided, nah and now we’re here so uh.

Congratulations to Mr Reynolds, I mean realistically, I think, other than the handful of uh mint mobile customers who are upset about it. I doubt he’s had much impact on his brand. He certainly no less sexy so aging like fine gin or wine or whatever, whatever somebody’s mad at me, because they’re like they’re different they’re, distilled from different things. I don’t I’m sorry yeah for sure. I don’t know cool. That’S awesome! Nice love! It .