Linus Nearly Destroys the Company

Linus Nearly Destroys the Company

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Nearly Destroys the Company”.
Youtube finally relaxes their overly restrictive profanity policy sort of so does that mean, I can say words like and yeah, so I think so the the sort of is that it’s relaxed. It’S not gone. I think some people interpreted this as like. Oh, we can just do whatever we want.

Linus Nearly Destroys the Company

Now. It’S like no, it’s not gone, do go on chilling out a little bit. Uh James has a note here that on Thursday we had a short circuit, video receive limited monetization, because the host said penis lamp at the 23 Second Mark, penis lamp really yep, okay, yep! Are you gon na elaborate on this? No, no one gets any topic information at all, never mind.

Linus Nearly Destroys the Company

Uh recap: in November YouTube changed its Advertiser friendly guidelines to be far harsher to obscene language. We talked about on the land show, among other things, communication was poor and the language of the new guidelines was vague. The changes applied retroactively, which is the most brutal part super cool, resulting in previously acceptable content being demonetized without creators. Knowing why now, after a few months of soul searching YouTube, has announced a new set of software, Google have a soul. Okay, sorry! I don’t know about that. Uh, their language is still somewhat vague and it does not address all Creator complaints, but there are now clearer examples of what is and isn’t acceptable.

Linus Nearly Destroys the Company

Examples are always great in these situations. Videos containing moderate profanity like or douchebag or occasional, strong profanity, like I outside the first seven seconds of a video, are eligible for full monetization. Oh so I didn’t even have to bleep that, but I felt like it anyways videos containing strong profanity in the first seven seconds or throughout the majority of the video like are eligible for limited monetization, rather than no monetization of holding it works Luke. But okay, does it not, I’m not sure it should it’s just a tone right Dan? Yes, it works.

Hey you hold it for as long as you want. Okay yeah, I thought so. This is a tone. Um videos demonetized after November’s changes will apparently be re-reviewed in the coming weeks.

Interesting so stay tuned, and maybe your livelihood, something maybe according to YouTube November’s changes, wound up being far harsher than they had actually intended. There’S a discussion. Question YouTube has to balance its relationship with advertisers and its relationship with creators. Is it striking the right balance? Is it enough to fix these oversteps after the fact, I think the biggest problem is that it was retroactive and it didn’t have it wasn’t clear enough yeah.

So as long as they’re communicating clearly and they’re not going back for your catalog, I think that the longer YouTube exists. The more they’re going to have to reckon with the fact that some of the content on their platform. But it was from a different time, yeah and so, whether that’s whether that means that yeah, I don’t I don’t know how to I, don’t I don’t know the. I don’t know the best way to deal with that, because I I can see how how uh an Advertiser with modern sensibilities might look at that old content that some people are still totally watching. Oh yeah and go um. Actually, no, that’s not really what I signed up.

For I mean it’s been, it’s been kind of uh, it’s been kind of eye-opening. I I’ve I’ve just sort of randomly here and there picked up. Episodes of you know old shows that I hadn’t watched in a long time from like the early 2000s and just the Casual um, The Casual sort of gay humor casual use of the hard R um. Oh really, it’s jarring yeah, it’s it’s jarring now and for casual use of hard R, yeah yeah, absolutely like uh like okay. It was an episode of American Dad and it was just like yeah. It wasn’t for shock value.

It was just just like used right. Well, I mean here’s the thing right that was in 2003 or something like 2002. yeah, like I’m, not gon na. I’M not gon na deny that I dropped my fair share of hard hours back then, because we didn’t even the term hard art didn’t even exist.

We didn’t think about it right and it’s funny because to me that doesn’t feel like that long ago, but to my kids, are you talking like n-word harder? What no okay, I’m pretty sure! That’S how people use that term? No, I think so the n-word. What are you guys talking about? Am I mistaken? I think so. No, the the one, the one with the uh like for like mental disability, I’m pretty sure people use hard R in a very different way than you just used it. Oh okay, either means ending.

I understand I understand, I understand what you mean. No, I’m not talking about that. Okay cool! So I’m glad that I’m freaking Neo over here dude we’re dodging bullets. That’S bad! Okay! Yes, thank you for that right.

I forgot about the part where I said yeah. I just like used it cat, no uh. Actually I was pretty surprised with American Dad and then you were like yeah me too. I was like whoa yeah, you’ve known me, a long time, yeah, that’s what yeah and yeah never been a problem. No yeah anywho. We can breathe everything’s, okay cool, so I hope um Everyone likes not having a job anymore on Monday, because apparently I’m a giant racist, we didn’t lose. Our money in the in the bank crash in the audience run all right. We’Re good, okay, we’re good um, so anywho! The point is that to like to my kids, 2002 2003 is a long time.

Oh yeah, it’s kind of like you know, 10 years before I was born 1976 is a long time ago. To me. It’S all! It’S all relative, I think right. It’S like yeah Peace, Love hippies, like that.

That’S a world that never co-exist. I never co-existed with right, and so it was it was just. It was interesting to me how jarring it was, even though, like I said to me, people casually using the r word, then, is that better? I think so. Okay, casually using the r word was what yeah it was.

It was surprising. .