Linus’ Life as an Ex CEO

Linus' Life as an Ex CEO

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus’ Life as an Ex CEO”.
Has Linus’s workload decreased in stepping down? It sounds like he has a lot less obligations overall. Thank you for the years of content. What do you think Luke? No, not at all hi LDL, it’s like hold on I’ll give I’ll give an example. Do you know that Meme, where the the person’s trying to fit blocks into a thing and they’re like uh, usually it’s like some new game or something on one block and they’re like how do I make this fit? You see them taking out the Sleep block. Put a Shen comic, something like that yeah, it’s just. How do I make this work? Take out some duties input more new ones. Like you didn’t no workload was lost.

I would even question I think, at certain points. Over the last little bit it’s been higher than it was before. Now the new things are fun, so they can take up even more space. I don’t necessarily know if that’s the case, I’m exhausted guys um. It’S been more work than before um. A lot of what I’ve been doing is is uh.

Linus' Life as an Ex CEO

Like I have a boss. Now I guess is probably the best way I could put it so. I’Ve always had a boss. That was fun. There was wasn’t it literally Tuesday. There was a meeting where he was like. I need this thing and you’re like when am I supposed to do it he’s like? Well, I need it by this day and you were like okay, I was like whoa, I mean the thing is like it’s a weird dynamic right because I pay him. So what am I gon na? Do pay him to tell me stuff and like not listen to him? What’S the point of that yeah, how am I getting? How am I getting my money’s worth of like? Do you see what I mean this like super weird power Dynamic? It’S like well, I’m pretty much throwing away, throwing away the money of him being employed here.

Linus' Life as an Ex CEO

If I don’t listen to him, so I guess all right. Yes, sir yeah and I mean there’s some stuff that I’ve taken on for myself, like I um somewhat, not notoriously, did not review our videos or watch them for many years ever yeah. I don’t think I ever watched our videos um and which is why, like a lot of them, would have like blatant, especially in the early days, they’d be like missing audio for half them stuff like that, because I just hadn’t looked at the footage at all i’. Just upload it raw right to the camera um and lately I’ve been watching almost every video providing detailed feedback on almost every video, because it’s not that I don’t know how to review a video.

Linus' Life as an Ex CEO

It’S just that I find it to be um. I find it does not hold my attention very well as a as a task, and I find I have found over the years that the better use of my time has been to be working on the next article and that’s just a a mentality shift that as An organization we’ve been undergoing here and I have had to kind of I mean I’m not CEO, but I still have to put on my leadership, pants and and and try to set a good example um for so so I have been. I’Ve been reviewing every video I’ve also been trying to convert um a lot of those video reviews into Sops. U standard operating procedures that can be used to make our videos better in the longer term. So, like here’s an an example of something from uh a recent one. I I have like a dock that I put um.

It’S called process improvements for pre/post SL production um. So here’s one that I wrote um that I called visual intent um this example. Oh here there’s a better look. Uh this example is a dense wall of text that adds very little to what the host is saying. Nothing is highlighted, making it hard to parse. So it’s not a type one.

It adds very little to what the host is saying. So it’s not type two and it’s definitely not entertaining which rules out type three. It also lingers unne necessarily, and what I’m doing here is I’m defining uh how our, how our visual guidance uh should the purpose our visual guidance should serve. It should be reinforcing supplemental or entertaining, and we have to make sure that we’re editing with intent, SLP purpose, rather than just throwing a visual onto the frame for the point for for the purpose of having a visual.

And so things like this, I think, are in the longterm going to make a big difference, but in the meantime, are a ton of work um a ton of work for me so yeah. No, I’m really I’m really tired, um yeah. So, that’s probably not the answer that you really wanted, but I mean you know what it’s one of those things, though, where uh people people see what they want to see right uh, you know, we’ve talked about all the comments from people, whether it’s after these videos Are so much better now now that lonus has so much energy because he has a new CEO or these videos are so much better. Now, after the production break, it’s so different um, you know.

That’S that’s not necessarily the case. You know some of the some of the ones post- production break. I haven’t reviewed and that doesn’t mean that they’re worse, it just means that I didn’t review them and I’m not like creating processes out of them um. So if you guys, you know, want to see that you know: lonus has help on the executive side and he’s so much happier making videos.

Then yeah you go ahead and see that that if that makes you enjoy the videos more want to contradict it. But you know no, I’m tired. It turns out that my job is a job. There was a while there when it was pretty common that Lis and I would play games after work and now that like doesn’t happen because every time I reach out to him he’s like I’m working yeah. My my day yesterday, uh started with calls and then was an all day: AMD ultimate Tech upgrade shoot and or maybe I’m getting my days confused because the days have grown very confusing. This was Wednesday. It started with calls. Then I had an all day AMD Ultimate Upgrade shoot. Then I drove to the office to shoot the iPhone 15 pro and pro Max short circuit, and then I got home around 10:30 or 11 and then yesterday was oh man. I’M going to struggle to remember what happened yesterday. Uh! No wait! Yes! Oh my gosh, I don’t even know what happened yesterday. Uh yesterday, oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah, oh, oh, we shot a sequel to the uh tech tech shop.

We went. We went through the stuff, uh Jordan, you guys have seen him, but he hasn’t really said much on camera. He uh. He helped me with the all teamu gaming setup um, so he co-hosts for the first time as like a like a alongside like co-host of the video, and we did dueling gaming setups.

Can it run crisis? You know we throwback throwback, meme um and we had kind of a fun rule set for it where kind of uh like draft style. Almost we each had to pick a category of product one at a time, so, rather than just being a mad rush to go get stuff, we took Post-it notes and wrote all the things that you need: CPU, motherboard, GPU power supply all that kind of stuff. We had five flare items, um that we could put in there and then at each pick we have to reveal what the next thing that we’re going to get is, so we both picked items in different orders. So that means that if one of us picked CPU like drafted CPU very early on, then we could get the first pick of the CPUs, but the other might pick GPU and might go for that um.

So it’s going to be really fun, really fun, video uh! So I shot that and then I did something else and then I had my badminton class for a couple hours and then I went home and I reviewed two videos and then I slept uh. So it’s been basically like that um pretty constantly .