Linus Hates Fun

Linus Hates Fun

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Hates Fun”.
Hi dll, I work for an underwater robotics company with a pressure tank. What tech or LTT store item would you want to pressurize to deep ocean depths? What I love this question so much so offthe wall? None! You wouldn’t want to squoosh a a tech item or an LTT store item. Let’S see what happens with the backpack like how much we’ve cut through it. Have we really put it to deep, a water bottle into the ocean and the single bottom layer hold up to deep ocean pressures? Can fairely hold up to screw no one’s broken through it ever yet jeez? Maybe the deep ocean will um yeah full point shot said bread that doesn’t. Can you deep ocean pressurize a loaf of bread? It’S just going to it’s water, it’s going to melt, but no it’s the pressures.

It’S I don’t think yeah. I think it would just it would just go in into the it would seep into it, and then it would also be pressured from the outside, like it very boring, it has to have a cavity inside it for any any of this to matter at all, is My understanding water bottle, you got to do your water bottle. I mean that’s just yeah. Everyone knows what’s going to happen yeah, but at what depth? I don’t know that. But just don’t that’s the point of an underwater robotics lab. It’S never going to get there cuz. It’S going to be full of air, it’s going to float, neither of you have just fun ever I have fun you don’t just like doing stuff, because you want to know things have fun. I have fun vicariously through my children.

That is really sad. Ask ask them. Ask that is kind of sad ask them what they would want to Deo and pressurize – maybe maybe a sheep, which is a comment that no no one’s going to understand, except for lonus and and it will not be explained I’ll, explain it a little. I got a letter from one of my kids teachers about a gruesome story that they wrote in their creative writing class that involved a sheep being um nuked from the inside.

I have good kids in the. If you read the whole thing, it’s like it actually doesn’t not make sense, yeah just kid creativity, but also like yeah, maybe a little far on that one yeah, you know Minecraft, I guess, or something yeah any. Oh man, .