Linus has a Punchable Face

Linus has a Punchable Face

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus has a Punchable Face”.
I demand box, you demand box, okay, this is the Box. There’S a yellow cable on the ground between you, guys, there’s a yellow, cable, okay, I heard of this um and it is perhaps better than I could have possibly imagined. This is the hit me Dan uh. Hey Dan, I hate to do this to you when you’re so busy lighting your fingers on fire.

It’S not gon na go! Oh wait! No, no, no you’re good, never mind! I forgot. I have a button um uh, it’s Thursday, Friday um. You know how I would say hit me Dan for the merch messages.

Well now I have a hit me down button courtesy of mellow underscore Labs that will actually hit me. So if you just want to plug that in there fun, I didn’t mean to press it. My bad, no, I I no! I did you press the button.

Oh you did press the button. Okay, so it doesn’t just go when you no. I definitely press this very 3D printed um.

Linus has a Punchable Face

So every time I say hit me Dan. Do we do we have to? I don’t know if this could ever get old. Okay, I don’t know why, but the sound is also quite satisfying go for it.

Linus has a Punchable Face

That’S great um all right! Well that uh, that was 100, I’m assuming I’m assuming Labs, has like some content on this mellow labs. This is a real job that I have what a world we live in. Yes, yes, they do absolutely fantastic here. It is so you can learn all about mellow labs’s Journey. Creating the hit me Dan um.

Linus has a Punchable Face

I don’t know what to call. It hit me down button. The the hit me Dan guy wow, you can like, beat the crap out of him. Damn were you involved in the design because it seems like he really thought of everything here.

Nope uh he’s he’s line improved to himself. This is the first I have ever seen this and uh. We need a little robot that just presses the button over and over again, oh yeah, you could even you could even just use like machine learning.

You could just have it listen to me and every time I say hit me down, it would just yeah. Oh, do you think we could hook it into the merch message dashboard? So it looks for a hook and then I can broadcast a message and don’t talk about this, because Conrad will start working on it and that is not Conrad’s done. That is not real work.

Imagine there was a fuss item that was only available during the show that punched Linus sorry a fuss item uh. Oh, what is it called yeah fast, free, uh, free up, sale, free upsell shelf, it’s literally, that is a stupid name. It’S the bonus bin! It’S where you get a free item with your order like stickers or whatever development teams like internal names, it’s a thing: uh, no Conrad, that’s not work! I mean it’s not connected to anything. Anyways yeah, yeah, okay, so no I’m not an stm32 in it.

No! That’S not real work, oh no, it has to be ethernet, so we can have it on the Redundant backup. It’S not real work. Okay, all right! Good! I don’t think comrade’s in the chat. Don’T worry I’ll message him? No, it’s no Dan! It’S not real work and if comrade sees this, he might like actually work on it. No does do stuff like that yeah! No! No, it’s not work. You have lots of quarterly goals.

Conrad yeah! This is not one of them. .