Linus ADHD Tips

Linus ADHD Tips

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus ADHD Tips”.
Linus, how was your neurodivergence hindered you on the path to getting to the successful place you are today? What strategies do you use to overcome it, or has it had the uh, or has it possibly helped in certain scenarios? I don’t really think of how do we Divergent from if we are all Divergent yeah I’m about to get spicy here, because I don’t necessarily consider ADHD to be neurodivergent in that sense, I don’t really consider it to be a major disadvantage. I think everybody’s a little bit different and we can try and group people into into buckets and and sort them by color or by uh. You know the method that they are best approach, a problem or you know whatever else it is, but at the end of the day, all we get is the hand we’re dealt, and you know we got to make it work and there’s definitely been times that not Being able to focus on stuff has been challenging. I mean I flunked out of school. That’S that’s a pretty! That’S a pretty bad Mark, the beginning of the hack uh yeah. I mean I was pretty pretty useless there right, there’s definitely times that it’s challenging, but the best thing that you can do, I think, is surround yourself with people that make you better surround yourself with people who fill those holes right, like you know, take my wife. She is super focused, but doesn’t have that same creative dragon, energy that I do so. She found a partner that fills her holes right, which is good. I was not gon na dignify that I I’m recognizing some of the words that were said now, because I was very focused on what I was typing: wow .