Linus’ Acid Trip

Linus’ Acid Trip

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus’ Acid Trip”.
I spilled acid in my car yeah, okay. What is this? What you talked about before, where it got under the floor, mat yeah? Okay. So how bad is it when you have a pool um? Occasionally, you need to adjust the pH so there’s chemicals that you’ll put in the pool to either increase the pH or decrease the ph, and I um now one of those chemicals. It can be muriatic acid, and so we happened to have some muriatic acid kicking around here at the office and the reason that we had a jug of it was. Do you remember that, weird, like shmoo, that was all over the floor in some parts of the lab Warehouse Dan? Did you see the schmoo? Yes, yes, yeah. Did you guys ever figure out what we thought that was from like it was like like it, it was thrown off of some kind of machine, or something like that? Do you remember not exactly? I do remember that there was a floor polishing step and some schmoo removal step and a whole bunch of ceiling, steps and stuff like that yeah. I think Jamie had a theory.

Linus’ Acid Trip

He uh he. He thought it was something to do with some kind of machine. That was in that space and just like flung out glue or like some kind of like oh, like pre-existing yeah yeah, it was yeah yeah. It was from the uh. It was from the previous, not even the previous tenants, but the ones before that was our was our theory about it. Um anyway, they they had the idea that maybe they could try putting acid on it to try to make it a little bit easier to get up. It did absolutely nothing, so they just had this jug of acid, and I was like oh, I need acid. Should I really be transporting acid in my car that just seems like it’s: it’s got over 10 000 kilometers on it, but it still didn’t have a single scratch yeah, absolutely nothing like pristine and uh. I was like. Do I really want nah? You know what? No, I’m not gon na live my life like that, I’m not gon na be like. Oh, you know. You know. My car is too nice to like carry a bottle of acid or whatever, okay, so the bottle of acid is in a bag just to make sure that, just in case it you know spills or whatever it spills into the bag. Instead of you know, spilling out onto you know wherever it happens to be, but that bag is open because we opened the acid and we were using it at some point, and I noted, as I was making my way over to my car, that you know the Bag was the bag was open and there was like kind of a little bit of like wetness or something – and I was like okay, but that’s fine, because I’ll just put it in the back, where it where it will, where it will sit up without falling over Um and everything will be fine, as I was pulling into my driveway. I was thinking man yeah it’s it’s kind of crazy that you know, given the state of my Civic. Like do you remember riding around with me in that car yeah back when we first met yeah, often yeah, it was in real. It was really well keptic, not full of garbage at all. No, no, no, no yeah um, so I was kind of marveling at you know how people kind of change.

Linus’ Acid Trip

You know how how you can go from having the actual trash mobile. That is a rolling dumpster. I got so desensitized to it that I I just I had a conversation with Linus at some point in time where he just he was just like if it’s in the, if it’s in the like passenger seat, it’s just like not important, and I was like okay And I just stopped moving stuff out of the way and I’ll just sit on it, actual conversation and actual resolution that we had so as I’m pulling into my driveway thinking like yeah man, I’ve. I even like I even empty out my car when I arrive home now.

Linus’ Acid Trip

Every time I pull out everything except a water bottle, my Powerball like a pen, some not like tissues like I have like a Loadout and I’m pulling into my driveway and I’m going yeah. It’S like kind of admit, and I went wait a minute. I had told myself when I got into the car – go easy on the accelerator. There’S muriatic acid in the back seat.

So I pull in I get out. I open up the rear driver’s side door. It is literally smoking the floor. Mats are smoking um, fortunately not that much spelled and the way that it spilled.

I have I have like all weather floor mats and it spilled onto them and then kind of like like surface tension over so it’s mostly under, but there’s an area about this big where all the like carpet fuzz is completely. I don’t know how to describe it. It’S not melted, it’s not burned, it’s eaten uh.

It’S completely eaten away, it looks yeah, it looks absolutely disgusting. Fortunately, it was like really late uh. Fortunately, I kept my wits about me and instead of putting on soap and water, I ran, got baking soda and like okay, yeah, and it like like there was. There was a lot. It was pretty bad, but um anyway, covered by the floor mat.

I wish it was completely covered. It’S like so like a little bit. It’S actually is there anything you could do about it. It’S actually, okay, you could do arts and crafts repair this.

Oh man, now I’ll show it to you. After the show, arts and crafts you’re gon na see it you’re gon na be like yeah. That was a dumb question: okay, yeah, it’s really bad um when it rains it pours. You know I spilled acid. In my car, that’s great! I dropped my phone in my pool. These are the most champagne problems that you can possibly have, but it doesn’t change the fact that I spilled acid in my car and I thought my phone came up in the pool.

Well, I dropped myself in the pool. I actually have it on the surveillance footage too so yeah realization moment on the surveillance, oh because if so that might be a good one, you said you’re gon na make a video for it. That might actually be a good thing to include in there.

I don’t know if I do I might have been inside by that point. I’Ll have I’ll have to check, but either way I definitely have the moment when the airport – oh, the good news, is the airpods survived great. So all right, so I still have my airpods pros and all it cost me was a Galaxy Z fold.

Three good trade, good trade. I should play Monopoly. I’D, be really good at that game. Yeah, like uh uh uh here I’ve got Boardwalk. Can I can I trade it to you for Baltic Wan na Give me a railroad realistically. My expectation is that my only the only job this phone has is to make me feel like it’s worth the effort of switching all of my stuff over for my fold. Three well, it doesn’t even have that job anymore because my phone is dead. Do you want to know how broken glass no you’re pretty funny? If it was no, it’s not, unfortunately, no, my pool has claimed its first victim. I was, did you draw? Did you jump in or did you drop it? I was running around? I was getting yeah.

I know I was running around. I was okay and it’s gon na be even dumber than you think. It’S way worse than you think I promise you.

I was running around getting ready for a pool party, and so I’m you know like grabbing hoses and vacuuming the bottom and just skimming and like doing all that stupid stuff. As I’m like walking my arm moves and knocks my airpods out of that little pocket. The little one right here, yeah like it, was not in all the way and I kind of went but and it just fell down and one of my one of my earphones went into the water and I went oh crap um.

It was in the shallow end. So I was like okay – I can probably just I probably don’t have to get all the way in I can. I can get this and I’ll just uh I’ll.

Just take my shirt off after so I so I put I so I laid down on the on the pool deck and I like, like blew hard out of my nose so that water wouldn’t go up my nose and I just like laid on the side and Tried tried to reach it while I didn’t get it, it moved obviously because you’re like fishing around in the water, so I’m like, okay screw it and I just go in I grab it. I jump out. Obviously, it doesn’t work, so I you know, put it out in the sun and like leave it there for now and that’s it that’s the end of the story. I never took my phone out of my pocket in my soggy pants that I didn’t change, because I was running around getting ready for the party, so I didn’t realize that it had been sitting there in a soggy pocket on a hot day yeah. For probably a couple of hours – and I can now speak from personal experience, if there’s anything that would be worse than having your phone submerged in water, it would be having your phone in a super high, humidity environment right after it got submerged in water. When I took it out of my pocket, the kit, the camera lens, was flogged, oh, which is never a good sign.

That’S not good, so I’m kind of feeling like maybe it’s a video just like can I can the good news. Is I saved this phone yeah? I backed up everything like three weeks before it happened, so I lost like a couple pictures. It’S it’s. There were no significant family moments or anything like that.

Someone said chlorine. Water is probably the killer. So is it? Is your salt and chlorine? Well, it’s salt chlorination. So it’s like they put salt in and then there’s some.

This is one of those things where enough people have asked me about it that I really need to just spend 45 minutes, read the Wikipedia on salt chlorination and be like yeah yeah. There’S there’s a a chlorination cell and it’s something something: electricity, something, but basically it converts some kind of salt that you dump into it into chlorine and it’s supposed to be a little bit less like chlorine, smelly and chlorine, feely um, but yeah, that’s the kind um. So yeah it’s it’s still chlorine, it’s still producing chlorine, but it’s doing it constantly. Instead of you just like dumping chlorine into it, no pucks, no pucks yeah, um yeah, the chlorine probably didn’t help.

Now it does turn on. I can see a Samsung logo, but what I suspect is that the battery is dead um because it was powered on the whole time that it was sitting there soggy. So it’s probably a power connection, that’s corroded uh, fortunately, ah Dan um. Thank you Dan, very helpful.

Uh, fortunately, Dan is pretty good with that kind of stuff and Luke has already given me the go ahead to have Dan help me with that project. So if we just get like a replacement screen replacement battery, I don’t know maybe I fix it has like uh. I legitimately don’t know they might have like a full three refurbished kit or like screen replacement kit or something like that, and we can open it up, have a look at it. Put it back together and see. If I can see if I can get a few things off of it, it’s the kind of thing that I’m not going to that. I’M not going to bother to you know, send to a drive data recovery company or anything like that. It’S not! No! It’S not worth it like. They want like two grand three grand five grand depending on the complexity of the issue we recover.

This at home is fun. Why not yeah yeah? It’S content! It’S content methods! Yeah! It’S content. Yes, remember bacon, your Xboxes! That worked, I mean you can do some stuff at all yeah. Well I mean it’s a very temporary fixer, hey! Maybe someone just needs to back it up.

You know. Can I turn it on for a while. You know what this is a really good point: um Androids only have this problem iPhone backs up instantly. It’S not quite that simple, but something that did happen is I hadn’t opened the Google photos app since the last time I booted the phone and so yeah, even though I have cloud backup configured, it didn’t back up those few weeks, so I don’t even have the Lower quality versions um, so I don’t have a pixel, oh I’m on Samsung, so I typically just use Samsung’s Gallery app because I don’t care um.

Well, it turns out. I should know and care. No, you do care yeah, exactly maybe I’ll. Just use uh use photos from now on, especially because I use my work account as my primary account because I own the domain, so I don’t have any concerns about my work account going away anytime soon.

So I have because of all of our Google workspaces accounts and how all the storage is pooled. I have like 600 uh, 600 terabytes or 650 terabytes of total storage available, so I I could never take enough pictures from now until the end of my life to to fill up all of it. It’S pretty funny. Am I supposed to use that for that? Probably not right, no, no, probably not. Okay. Who cares well that never happened.

Maybe maybe it does. I bet you you’ve used one of those photos for work at some point. Oh no, that that’s definitely a thing. Then it’s fine! That’S 100, a thing! I think it’s fine.

I take lots of pictures for work. .