Linus Abuses Employee on Camera

Linus Abuses Employee on Camera

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Abuses Employee on Camera”.
But why don’t you pipe up, then? Dan? If you know what we’re supposed to be doing, you don’t even have your mic ready. Mr three merch messages, shake the sign. Don’T make me tap the song. I was gon na say it’s like he’s tapping the glass uh.

Linus Abuses Employee on Camera

You want some merch messages today. No, I don’t. I want to open this gift that I got at LTX. Let’S open the gift, just as an F you to Dan. The Giver assured me: it is not a bomb, but I’m gon na.

Linus Abuses Employee on Camera

Have you open it anyway? I’M going to step out for unrelated reasons thanks Daniel he’s. Still there wait, isn’t it a gift for you? Why do you want me to open you? I don’t know you want me to like present. It just make sure it’s not a bomb. Okay sounds good.

Linus Abuses Employee on Camera

I’M down he’ll check, though right yeah, I mean realistically a bomb that size it’s not like, I’m actually saving myself so yeah. I know I thought you were being like I’d, be fine, I’m like nah. Well, if you turn the other way, that would help a lot I’ll. Do it like this just meet Shield? Oh okay, am I going for it sacrificial Luke.

We need a shirt now. This is fine, I’m surprisingly comfortable position crouching over an exploding bomb. I got it guys get out of here. Okay, okay! Oh, I have no idea. What’S in here. Um a Creator gave it to me at LTX: it’s not it’s, not a bomb.

It’S a little! I was a little surprised. It’S a fan! Um, it’s a heatsink! Maybe it’s the box is sealed. Maybe it’s in a heat sink box plate, so you haven’t even shown the audience yet Luke. Are you a professional video host or what don’t worry? He’S good he’s good at this? We can’t. I can’t like there’s no Zoom, but it’s a heatsink yeah, it’s a heat sink. Well, there is actually the ETS is actually a zoom Luke there.

We go, don’t worry Dan, I got it there. You go ETS. F40Fs is this like? Is this uh? So it’s a heat sink, but is there something else in it? Maybe it’s it’s seal. Has it been resealed? I don’t think so. Oh I definitely didn’t just rip it uh! Well, just rip it. It’S fine yeah, but we’re with the cardboard. Is it because they’re my biggest fan? No, probably not, I think they’re, I think, are you gon na name the creators uh wow, you put me on the spot, like that. I don’t remember: okay, uh, I’m so sorry wow you just it is it.

Is you made me say it? Okay, it is definitely just a heating. It’S definitely a heat sink, not just a heatsink to be clear. It’S very nice huh, but it’s not it’s not like it hasn’t been replaced.

This is clearly an unopened box. It’S a prime and float plane chat. Did you just get re-gifted you might want to put the phone back in, for you is this like like? Was this in an early video? No, this is new.

He uploaded a video of him, giving it to you, uh, yeah. Okay, who was it yeah, did he like say it’s amazing people for a particular reason really is it can I can I can I yeah yeah? Is it what what does someone say? There’S people making let that sink in jokes. Like I don’t know, maybe I’m not CEO anymore or like um, so uh I feel bad.

Did I just get trolled, I don’t know. I was apparently supposed to open it there like on the spot, but I was on my way into the byoc to do. I think the beat saber 1v1 challenge, or something like that, did you put the sticker back? Did you resealed it yeah so that you could re-gift it again? Oh okay, um yeah. Merry Christmas Dan yeah you’re gon na count? No! No! It’S heavy! It’S heavy antenna! Nothing! Do it you coward all right, fine, we’re going for it all right, the monitor, it’s okay! I got four we’re good it. Actually it shranked that one in front of you might want to raise it back up there.

You go it hit the top of the monitor. Oh, my god, I’ve also got glass here, that’s okay, we’ll clean it up. He doesn’t dared me yeah. That was a bad, throw Pokemon start hard.

It’S his equipment. That’S true! That’S true! Are you gon na Dent me come on? Who cares? Get me in trouble. Tell my mom exactly tell my wife: oh that’s a lot worse in this situation. It wasn’t a the CEO might tell the CFO what the CVO did: Dan, oh CD, okay, chief Dan officer, so yeah anywho um. He officiates the dance cool um at this company. What do you mean .