Lift: Luminous Sculpture

Lift: Luminous Sculpture

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Lift: Luminous Sculpture”.
Uh, my name is michael garg and i live in san francisco. My project’s named lyft and i’ve been making wire sculptures for many years and about seven years ago i started adding lights and last september i started lifting them around on helium balloons uh. I start out doing a sculpture in an oil based clay. I reproduce it with molds in wax, and i weave the wire stitch by stitch around the wax melt, the wax out and then weave in led lights. I kind of like it when people don’t quite understand what they’re, seeing and they’ve they’ve certainly never seen a flying sculpture generally, that isn’t itself a balloon. So i like it when they spend some time getting closer and then realize that it’s something pretty special. Well, i’ve only brought my work to make a fair once this year, but i’ve come for a few years. You know what is not to like there’s a lot of stuff, it’s almost impossible to imagine some somebody not being able to find something they like to make affirmatives .