Life-Size Underwater Horse Lamp

Life-Size Underwater Horse Lamp

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Life-Size Underwater Horse Lamp”.
I hope that Rhino isn’t 3D printed, the Rhino. No, that is uh, that is ceramic yeah. I hope we didn’t pay for that ceramic Rhino. I’M sure we did I’m sure we did. I hate man, I hate how much just like knicknacks cost drives me crazy.

Life-Size Underwater Horse Lamp

It that thing does nothing table B if it cost more than $ 2. I it was a waste of money where, where do you think it was from? If you had to guess, I hope it’s from Value Village and I hope some other idiot paid $ 200 for it and I paid $ 2 for it ceramic Rhino. What what were you saying ages ago with the super expensive table? Balls uh? What about them? I was just saying I hate that we there was a whole rant months ago about yeah just I think it was just basically this like like knickknacks. It drives me crazy how much they cost.

Oh. Was it the bit about how uh? I think the whole thing is just a conspiracy where designers um buy this stuff because they get a commission ba for for the Project based on how much they spend total so they’ll just pad it with like stupid line item things that are like just an overpriced Glass ball that they spend $ 400 on, so they make 40 bucks. I’M not sure, because we used to know like one of those interior designers. Oh and some of this stuff just is like expensive.

Life-Size Underwater Horse Lamp

I mean the thing: is you go to like home cents or something like that and it’s an $ 80 table ball? Okay, but like this interior designer was like well, we went to an artisan who would craft a table ball and it’ be like 300 bucks. Sure I mean it’s not like. I don’t understand that things are expensive.

Life-Size Underwater Horse Lamp

I mean you’re talking to the person who made a solid gold, Xbox controller. I get it yeah, but that’s a little bit different than like a knickknack. That’S an art piece! If you want to think about it that way, I think of it as more of an investment.

I don’t think of it as I made a solid gold, Xbox controller, I think of it as I bought some gold. So that’s my justification for that. As for like the Artisan table ball made of or whatever about, you guys justify it, I couldn’t find this rhino, but I did find a $ 6,000 Rhino. Oh my God, how tall does that it’s 24 in tall? It’S it’s like what is that 4 feet long? It’S by France by France, good job country. What what the heck go up C cursor up here right up up left, oh wow by France, yeah France, France made it good job. France look at the other made.

What is this? Oh, it’s $ 88,000. What is that? I had a wow all right, so this is the type of stuff that they would put in your house. I had a blast um. There is a there’s, a secondhand shop, okay, someone at a partner sent me this couch brand that they were like man, it’ll change your life.

You sit on this couch you’re, never going to want to sit on any other couch and I’m like knowing you um. This couch is stupid, 10 grand or something like you’re, not even close, dude 40 Grand probably closer to that range anyway. Um this couch company is so far up their own. They already look like it. The store in Vancouver the store in Vancouver Luke does not have a sign on it. Ah yep it it.

If you don’t know where it is and who they are, I’ve been to this store. You don’t deserve to be there anyway, so that looks very comtable. They had like they had like a $ 122,000 bean bag. Yeah, I think hand knit or something yeah. That doesn’t surprise me anyway. The point is not this.

The point is that I went there for fun because there’s no way that I would spend that kind of money on any couch. It could give you an orgasm every time you sit on it and I wouldn’t buy it. There’S other ways to get that and they’re cheaper um, but I went there just to check it out to humor to humor my questionable RE reusability Factor to humor my contact also the danger of the cheaper ones, yeah, the number of people that say laundering when, when They see stuff like this, it’s like no, no, that is actually just their business. It’S not not. Everything is money laundering leg like how people will just cry like tax write off? No, it’s not how that works anyway, um, so I went just to just to just to know what a couch that costs as much as a whole ass vehicle, a a new one, yeah um would be like really nice couch, great couch comfy, but what I had The most fun with was actually the secondhand store a few doors down. Okay, if you’re telling me I can get that comfy of a couch there for cheap I’d be happy while I was there uh hold on, or is this one of those like crazy, expensive, secondhand stores? It was a secondhand store for things like those couches, okay yeah.

While I was there, I found this, I’m excited huh, it’s a lamp, Okay, in the shape of a horse, all right it costs. I can’t see the break 6,500 Euros. Oh, and it is oh, my God, how are their pictures so bad hold on 95? How are these their only pictures? You don’t need to see it. You do need to see it.

It’S the size of a horse. Oh wow, it is a. It is a hor sized. So you, where the would you put this? Well, you also have an enormous mansion that you need to fill with things.

I guess so I would I would if I owned this, I would put it at the bottom of my pool just because you can yeah, I mean that that would be reasonable. Scba dive inspect your $ 99,000 horse lamp 5year warranty, though nice. Oh man, sweet yeah, so it weighs 120 kg. So that’s about 250 lb waa. It is 2.25 M high. So that’s about 7 ft.

It’S enormous man, this place just for a trip, go on a date. Go down to Chinatown. Okay, get some food go with the is just go. Hang out in this store for a bit hey. Do you want to see how people live just play the? How much do you think this cost game and you just like, keep score, bring a little notepad and then play Price’s right rules and see, if you guys can just just have some fun: it’s actually fun. It’S a blast. So the I think the 100 gcks song is just about that lamp, so uh, to give you some idea of where it is um yeah. It’S it’s. Definitely it’s definitely it’s kind of east of Chinatown, southeast of Gast town uh, and it’s called oh man.

No, that’s not, it might be. I think it’s this one um, oh no, this might not be it nestled in the heart of an up. Yes, yes, yes, yes, here it is here it is okay, I’ve got it. It’S called Carriage House, affordable luxury yeah. That horse was like half price uh.

If I was, if I was more of an idiot, I’d, be like wow what a deal and I would buy it um, so they are Vancouver’s Premier, Luxury furniture store, which is not actually quite right because they’re. Actually this an Upscale Consignment Boutique. So if you’re not familiar with Consignment, basically you drop off your thing and then the price goes down down down down down down down down down the store, handles this for you until it sells, and then they keep some percentage and they give you some percentage. So obviously uh it’s in their interest to curate the items in the store to make sure they’re, offering a variety and it’s in your interest to have it sell, presumably at the highest price possible. So it’s almost like a reverse auction. It’S starts high and then goes low low low low low until it sells, or until I think you like, come back and get it so it’s kind of like a classy, pawn shop, um man, it’s just that that horse would be a great way to get people In the door freaking wild, though dude, like I don’t know we should we should get that horse and put it in the lobby. These lamps aren’t that bad. I mean it’s more than I would spend on a lamp Ralph Lauren lamp. Why is there a Ralph, Lauren lamp? I don’t know because yeah it doesn’t look good dude. I don’t know it looks like someone put a lamp head on like a tri like it.

It looks like it has the three legs connecting $ 900 here: go camera tripod that doesn’t look good! Well, you get two though they’re half price yeah two, but like I’m not even trying to like if that was $ 15 like show me a lamp that you think looks good, I don’t know. Google lamp and you’ll probably find better looking lamps than these. Let me let me Google lamp what a hater hey. I am immediately found multiple, better looking lamps and I haven’t even like clicked in on it like what do you yeah there’s a Christy, projector lamp who doesn’t like that? A bunch of these look super cool they’re. Also, really expensive – these are very expensive lighting is flipping. Lighting is really expensive.

They know where you’ve been shopping for the last 5 minutes. Also, probably that that’s probably a thing, but here we go look. This is a cheap lamp that looks cool, doesn’t have enough animals in it. It’S not. A horse needs more tation. I like things that are tesselated like it’s 2009, so you’ll know that I’ve completely gone off the rails.

When I own that horse lamp, you buy that horse, that’s your that’s your uh Canary in the coal mine yeah! Is you buying that horse lamp yeah? What if we 3D print lost it? I’M looking at some very large format, 3D printers. Why uh, obviously for Content? Four feet tall yeah, I’m into it yeah we could do, we could do a mini. We could do a Shetland, [ Laughter, ] lamp – oh my goodness.
