Level Up Your Rig Ep1 | PC Makeover with MathasGames ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

Level Up Your Rig Ep1 | PC Makeover with MathasGames ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Level Up Your Rig Ep1 | PC Makeover with MathasGames ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO”.
What’S happening, guys, tax arias welcome to my new series on the channel level up my wig, it’s very similar to setup makeover, but instead of redoing, the entire set up, I’m gon na be focusing on upgrading the PC only I’m actually in Boston Massachusetts. Right now visiting Michael who has a gaming channel over 200,000 subscribers and apparently his PC is in need of an upgrade. I do want to give a huge thanks to Samsung for sponsoring this episode and sending over their 97 the evil m2 SSD. To help me level up his rig, alright, let’s go check it out, hey. How are you good to meet you? This is Bob my cousin how’s it going man good to meet you yeah.

This is her. Does she have a name? It carries over from me being a kid. So shadow is the car very edgy, very edgy, alright yeah you weren’t kidding it upgrade a bit of a mess in there Wow I got ta. Ask you one question hard way: have you ever heard of an air duster? I use my mouth a lot, oh, and do it and hope that works? Okay yeah definitely needs an upgrade, so they call them right.

Good, I’m glad you agree. So what exactly do you use your PC for? Basically, it’s it’s my go to everything for work, so recording video streaming, editing, video, rendering out the the video afterwards it just it never stops work. Oh that was so speeding. My John 24/7 yeah, it’s pretty much on 24/7.

Level Up Your Rig Ep1 | PC Makeover with MathasGames ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

Ok, so now does it handle and gaming. For example, I’m guessing you play in 1080p yep I play and record in 1080p, if I’m not recording at 1440. Okay, but even in both it’s been struggling when I’m not recording, I can go anywhere between, depending on the game, 40 to 60 frames. A second once I flip on the recording software that dips it sits down.

Wow. Is it playable, you would say, wait while screaming? It’S playable, depending on the game. I have to be very picky and choosey about what I’m playing oh, but you prefer, obviously you my friend, oh yeah. I would I want to be able to run this thing at 60 plus.

You know yeah, of course, that yeah okay, so Mike tell me how long does it usually take for shadow to boot? Up I mean if I was to average on this thing on boot up time anywhere between one to three minutes, probably on average and then one to three minutes: yeah yeah, booting and then, as far as the game, depending on the game anywhere between thirty seconds to Two minutes how much it needs to bring up. It makes sense why you’re keeping it on 24/7 yeah so has there ever been a time where lag has affected you at a very crucial moments, from winning a game or to the next level? Yeah, I’m sure. There’S plenty of it on film as well from me, recording but yeah when I’m any any multiplayer competitive shooter online. If the frames dip you’re immediately, not gon na be accurate and I’ve died more times than I can remember, because I haven’t been able to pull off the headshot that I was looking for at least hit the guy because it’s stuttering, it’s being slow.

Level Up Your Rig Ep1 | PC Makeover with MathasGames ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

It’S fighting me in every turn. Jesus sucks yeah. So I guess that’s pretty much it.

Level Up Your Rig Ep1 | PC Makeover with MathasGames ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

Let me do my thing. Come on work, my magic, I’m gon na bring you in afterwards and finally we’ll deal the PC hopefully meets your standards, I’m assuming! Well thanks. I appreciate it do this okay, so I pretty much all the parts I need to level up. Mike’S wig we’re gon na be giving them a brand new CPU new motherboard and some new RAM also gon na be building inside in your case, so long cosmetic upgrades as well. The icing on the cake, of course, is the Samsung 97, the Evo m2 SSD.

It’S going to be a huge upgrade compared to his current storage device. The nine seven evil offers speeds up to thirty five hundred megabytes per second read and twenty five hundred right. It’S gon na allow Mike’s PC to boot faster and load up applications and games faster as well. It doesn’t make sense having a beast gaming PC like this.

If you don’t have the storage to complement it, you know you really shouldn’t cheap out on one of the most important pieces of any PC, but anyways with that said, I think it’s time to level up Mike’s rig. Let’S do it. I said a PCS finally done mike is outside waiting on my grab a little quick and see what he thinks of his new rig three, two one, [ Applause ]. What do you think you are a master of your craft? It is gorgeous holy crap.

I haven’t said a pc look like this. Since ever what did mean what the color scheme – it’s beautiful, dude, black and red, is gorgeous more space that I’ve ever had in a PC before I love the see-through design – God it looks great nice. So I know you were using an older platform. You were still on ddr3, so we went and upgrade you to something more recent.

We got you 267 GK, skylake CPU, which is using ddr4 memory, and I expect actually the only thing we didn’t upgrade was the graphics card and the power supply, and you came in 1080p. That card is still a piece, so still gon na get the job done. For you awesome, we also updated your storage. Your PC is now using the new Samsung 970 Evo m2 SSD.

It’S basically gon na run faster than before, and you also have faster, read and write speeds compared to before. According to the crystal disk mark that we ran, it’s also gon na affect your gaming experience, let’s say you’re playing a game and you got a load up a map or let’s say you finished a mission and you got a move on to the next level. Well, the 970 bow is gon na help. You load a lot faster with those incredible speeds compared to your previous storage device.

That way, you spend less time waiting and more time gaming, it’s also great for heavy workloads. I know you told me you’re youtuber also, and you do editing as well yeah, but the PC is my main central workforce. Man thing edits and renders and takes care of everything. So it’s perfect because the 97 Evo has this thing called turbo write technology which basically uses the correct buffer size to speed up the read and write speeds. So it’s perfect when transferring large files or using applications such as an editing software. So your models pretty much it.

What do you think dude, it’s beautiful! First, thank you for coming here and building this thing. For me I have never had a better-looking PC in my life and a big thanks to Samsung for the 970 Evo. That thing is going to change my workload drastically awesome. They will congratulations. Thank you very much sheet.

Thank you guys so much for watching. If you want to check out the 97 Evo I’ll drop, a link to it down below and also drop a like, if you guys want to see more types of content like this, let me know what you guys think about this PC, also by leaving your feedback Down below thanks again for watching and I’ll see you the next one. Thank you.
