Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Unboxing

Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Unboxing

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Unboxing”.
Uh hi: what’s up guys, it’s uh, it’s been a while. What am i doing here i’ll tell you what i’m doing here, i’m here to uh unbox this guy right here. We’Re gon na check it out and do a little bit of a hands-on, slash first impressions, something like that and uh yeah. Let’S go ahead and just check it out alrighty. So here we are: let’s get into the box, shall we again just one sticker here.

Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Unboxing

I think i can probably just peel this off. I don’t think i need a knife for this, so yeah, just gon na take that sticker off and open it on up. Okay, set that off to the side there uh double compartments, open it up like that and there it is. This is the phone right here and uh yeah. That is one beast of a phone. It’S pretty chunky, i’m gon na set that off to the side for just a second uh we’re gon na see what else is in the box.

That is nothing at least. I think it’s nothing what’s in here, uh, you have a case. Oh, i wasn’t expecting a case, so you do get a case here. It feels like it’s like plastic, silicone yeah, it’s a combination of like plastic and silicone. It feels like set that off to the side, always nice to see a case included in the phone.

Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Unboxing

You also get an adapter here. This is a usbc to 3.5 millimeter adapter, because this phone does not have a headphone jack. So it’s nice that they include that as well.

Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 Unboxing

You got some reading materials in here. This is usbc to usbc another usbc to usbc uh, we’ll explain why there’s two a little bit later on and it’ll make a little bit more sense, greg. That is a pretty fat charging, brick, if i do say so, myself, uh type c and type c. So it looks like there are two ports yeah one fuels at all: yeah there’s two type c ports on this brick here for both of the cables, that’s kind of neat as well.

I think that’s, the only other thing left in here. The rest is just cardboard. There’S a lot of cardboard in here set that off to the side. Uh that’s empty.

I think that’s everything yeah! That is everything so uh yeah. You actually get quite a bit in this box, so pretty neat um, i’m going to well. Let me peel the plastic off real quick because i don’t know, i think, some of you guys kind of like that stuff. So peel this off here and there you go and there it is the lenovo legion. It is a pretty beefy phone, there’s a lot going on with this phone, but uh. You know what i’m going to clean all this off and i’m going to set this phone up for a second and then we’ll get right back into it.

Okay, so we are back, i’m signed into my google account. Now i have the phone all set up and ready to go. Uh first things. First, it does have the snapdragon 88 processor, so you are getting the latest and greatest from qualcomm, and that also means you have support for 5g, which is great and with a processor as powerful as this, and with this phone being designed for gaming.

You, of course, are going to have a cooling system built in, which is something we’ve seen on a ton of gaming phones, and even some non-gaming phones have some sort of cooling system built into it. So this phone uses a combination of a vapor chamber and a copper wind tunnel and something that’s unique to this phone and something i don’t think we’ve seen on any other smartphone is this phone actually has two fans built inside of it, two tiny fans, obviously very Low profile, given the fact that it’s in a very small form factor and lenovo is calling it. The active twin turbo fan cooling system, that’s kind of a mouthful, but basically just saying that there are two fans in here and if you look at the back, you can actually see uh one of the fans exposed there and the other fan is actually right.

There uh there’s a little circle indicating that it’s right there, but this one isn’t exposed in the same way and then obviously the copper uh wind tunnel is here along with the vapor chamber, cooling system. It all lies right in the center here, along with the processor. So uh the two fans are gon na help maintain airflow and also keep the system uh that was kind of loud. There keep the system, nice and cool when you’re gaming on it, or you know, obviously just pushing it really hard you’re going to be able to maintain peak performance for a lot longer without worrying about getting throttled now. One thing that they did here is they kept all of the main components in the center of the phone, so the processors here, obviously the cooling system – it’s all in the center here – and that was a conscious decision by lenovo and they chose to do that so That, when you’re holding the phone and gaming on it, that all the parts that are generating a lot of heat are away from your fingers and away from your hands so that you don’t actually feel the heat. When you’re gaming on it.

And it’s going to be a much more comfortable experience. Another thing about this phone is that the weight is also very evenly distributed and uh. The way that they were able to achieve this is by using two batteries. So there’s actually a battery here and a battery here and both these batteries combined make for a total of 5 500 milliamp hours, which is a pretty beefy battery. It also supports 90 watt fast charging, fast charging and dual charging, and i believe it gets you a full charge in 30 minutes and a 50 charge in 13 minutes, which is pretty wicked, fast uh. Now the dual charging is exactly what it sounds like. So if you look right here, there’s a usbc port right there and down here is another usbc port. So that’s why this phone comes with two uh usb type c cables in the box, because you can actually charge with both of these ports. At the same time. Okay, so the next thing that i want to talk about with the dual 2 is the emphasis on its controller, like design – and i mentioned earlier that this is a very tall phone and it’s tall for a reason, it’s tall, so that it feels more.

Like a controller when you’re holding it in landscape, but there are several other features that help it feel more like a controller as well or sort of give you that controller s experience and one of those features is the use of eight virtual triggers. So if you look on the side here, there is a total of four shoulder buttons. You have l1, l2, r1 and r2 and then along the back, there are two additional capacitive triggers which sort of work like uh paddles, i suppose, on an xbox controller and then on the front which you can’t see is uh embedded into. The display are two additional forced touch triggers, so all those together give you a total of eight virtual triggers and for basic games. This is not going to be, you know, overly useful, but for more complex titles such as pubg, mobile or even fortnite games that have a lot of binds.

So fortnite is a pretty good example, because you have your build binds. You have your floor. Your cone, your ramp, your wall and then you have your weapon binds as well. So there are a couple of other things that are going to enhance your gaming experience, or even just your multimedia experience in general, with the dual 2 and one of those things is the dual front-facing speakers which you can see up top here with this grille and There’S the other grille down below here as well.

Obviously, dual front speakers are great on any smartphone but they’re even better on a phone built for gaming uh. The other feature is the dual haptics. So there is a vibration motor in this corner here and a vibration motor in this corner here. So when you’re holding the phone in landscape, the vibration motors are basically in your palms.

So when something is happening on the screen, obviously the haptics are going to kick in and correlate to whatever is going on within the game and you’re going to feel that in the palm of your hand, so that’s another way that they’ve gone about making. This phone feel a little bit more like a console controller. The screen on the dual 2 is a 6.92 inch amoled display, but the big highlight here is that it’s a 144 hertz screen with a 720 hertz polling rate and if you’re a gamer like myself, you’re a pc gamer, your console, gamer, even uh, you’ll, understand how Important it is to have a monitor or screen with a high refresh rate uh. It does not default to 144hz.

It actually defaults to 60hz, so you do have to crank it up in the settings, but the 144 hertz is really nice. Uh you’re not going to be able to see it. You know coming through the camera and on youtube, because this video is recorded in 30fps, but i’m telling you, if you see it in person, it’s fantastic. It makes the ui look silky, smooth and gaming on a screen with 144hz refresh rate is gon na, be even better, especially if you’re into you know really demanding titles um, it’s gon na look fantastic.

So, with the dual 2 being such a gaming, centric smartphone, you wouldn’t expect the cameras to really be a part of all that, but they actually kind of are and uh. I want to start with the front facing camera first because i actually think the front face. Camera is a little bit more interesting. So let’s go ahead and flip to the front camera and, as you can see, it is a pop-up selfie camera.

But, unlike a lot of other pop-up selfie cameras that we see on other smartphones, this one is oriented in landscape, whereas most other phones typically have it in portrait and the reason behind the landscape orientation. Is you guessed? It is for gaming purposes. So, when you’re holding the phone and gaming in landscape, the camera is already in a perfect position for when you want to do live streams, you want to stream yourself, you want to stream your game play. You can do that with this phone and you can even overlay yourself on top of your own gameplay directly from the phone uh, similar to how a twitch streamer would have themselves on top of their own gameplay um. The camera is 44 megapixels, so extremely high resolution. So it’s probably going to be pretty good for selfies, but let’s take a look at the rear cameras. Uh. The primary camera on the back here is a megapixel camera. It’S a wide angle lens and the secondary camera is a 16 megapixel camera. It’S an ultra wide.

So you have a wide and an ultra wide, so this uh, the wide on the ultrawide, is going to be really good for taking photos of large objects, taking photos of landscapes, group photos. And what have you now something that you may have noticed throughout this entire video is that this phone has rgb lighting and a gaming phone would not be complete without the inclusion of rgb. So if you like rgb it’s there, if you don’t, you can turn it off. You can also keep it turned off for better battery life. If you want, but if you like the rgb, you can customize it, you can customize the colors make it look. However, you want, you can also use it for notifications and for music, and things like that uh. But one of the cooler things that i liked with the inclusion of the rgb here is that they actually used it to highlight uh. One of the main features of this phone, which is the uh the cooling fan, so the rgb lighting actually encompasses the two fans here, which i thought was kind of a neat touch with the rgb.

So yeah, not too shabby there uh, but anyways. That’S pretty much going to be it for me with the dual 2. Let us know what you guys think about this phone down the comment section below. Let us know what some of your favorite features are as well and uh.

Thank you guys. So much for watching give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe as well, and i will talk to you guys in the next article you .