Learning Robotics With Play: The Chomper Bot Kit

Learning Robotics With Play: The Chomper Bot Kit

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Learning Robotics With Play: The Chomper Bot Kit”.
Welcome to make workshop, where we check out tools, toys and tech built from makers today we’re going to look at a beginner electronics project from a magician. This is the chomper bot from mario, the maker magician mario’s, been working with us for a while doing all kinds of educational videos, primarily aimed at kids using magic to teach making and together with us, he has come out with a book and a robotics kit. And today we’re going to look at this robotics kit, since it is primarily designed for people kind of learning, electronics and maybe primarily for kids. That means a lot of parents are going to be picking this up and using it to learn, let’s dig into it and give it a try assembling. This kit is extremely easy. The box that everything comes in is actually the body of the kit there’s an instructional video that goes along with this. That takes you through everything, step by step from mario himself.

Learning Robotics With Play: The Chomper Bot Kit

He does an incredible job, breaking things down and showing very clearly what to do. The parts are all held in place simply with tape which allows for all kinds of flexibility. It also kind of reduces the feeling like you’re, going to mess it up or that you’re going to not do it perfect, because no matter what it’s going to look like, it’s duct, taped together, and so i think you know really, though it seems like a simple Kind of children’s project, i think it was really kind of a genius way of approaching learning robotics from mario, so great job. Mario, as you can see, it’s adorable, i love the way it looks.

Learning Robotics With Play: The Chomper Bot Kit

I love the fact that mario chose to leave the the brains of the robot on the outside as part of the aesthetic, the fact that it’s all just assembled with tape. It’S not complicated, i feel like this is really a great place for somebody to begin. No matter what age they are, you don’t have to be a little kid to get it. There is a card trick that goes along with it. I’M not gon na i’ll i’ll spare you, the agony of watching me, try to do sleight of hand uh, but there is a fun little card trick that goes along with it, so the robot is kind of like your uh, your assistant, in doing the trick. You’Ll have to buy the kit to see how it all works, uh, to learn more about the kit and to find it there’s a link in the description below and at the end of this video.

Learning Robotics With Play: The Chomper Bot Kit

The kit itself is 59.95 and when you buy the kit, there’s an opportunity to also get an electronic version of mario’s fantastic book on making and magic, and you can get that as a pdf for 26.99 and on that purchase page for a limited time. There is a discount code available. You have to go to the link below to find all that information and the discount code will be there for a limited amount of time, and that gives you a discount on the book that goes along with the kit. Now, since this is just an arduino, the great thing is: is you can take this so much further? You could add sensors to this, make it motion activated play with the code, the code that mario did for this is, you know, extremely broken down and simple, so that you can go in and adjust how often the teeth move and how fast they move. It really is a great place to begin learning robotics for any age. I would highly recommend this kit. It’S adorable. I love the fact that it used the box itself, so the the amount of waste is extremely minimized and it comes with an awesome little sticker to boot.

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