Latency as Fast As Possible

Latency as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Latency as Fast As Possible”.
These days we’ve become used to instant gratification, whether it’s ordering at a drive-through looking up incredibly important information on the connected computer in your pocket or gaming. With someone on the other side of the planet, we expect lots of things to happen instantaneously, but as much as our technology has advanced we’re still fighting the dreaded problem of latency and no I’m not talking about your repressed Freudian desires. What I mean by latency is the gap in time between some kind of input like a key presser. Turning your head in a VR headset and the system spitting out the appropriate response, and this latency affects the way that you use tons of things in the real world, but why don’t elect Rissa tea and radio waves travel super fast? Well, yes, they do. In fact, radio waves travel at the speed of a light, while electricity traveling through wires can go up to nearly the speed of light, but the issue isn’t with how quickly a signal goes from A to B. Instead, latency is caused by processing times and since any kind of input to a computer has to be processed.

Latency as Fast As Possible

Everything has at least some amount of latency. This can be very noticeable in situations where a slow, hard drive causes doing something simple like finding a picture on your computer to be agonizingly slow or when a webpage is designed poorly and you can’t click on anything for a few seconds while it finishes rendering you’ve. Also, probably noticed latency if well, if you’ve ever watched an interview via satellite on a news channel where the subject takes a few seconds to start responding to the reporters questions. Often these kinds of latency won’t completely screw up what you’re trying to do. I mean waiting an extra 15 seconds to look at that. Tps report probably won’t ruin your day, but latency can be an absolute killer in other situations. If you enjoy playing games online, I network latency, is caused by processing at each point in the network can cause weird laggy behavior that can result in catastrophic in-game mishaps or even getting kicked off the game server completely. You can learn more about latency and games up here and believe it or not. The consequence of high latency can be even worse than getting fragged in csgo with car manufacturers, increasingly installing backup cameras and some cars even completely ditching mirrors in favour of cameras such as this BMW i8. We were checking out last year and I’m wearing a lavalier microphone on me. That’Ll, give you guys an exact idea of how much delay there is between something happening and what’s on the screen. Low latency is a must so that drivers can react to hazards in time. Even half a second delay could lead to a tragic accident. So how do you cut down on latency other than just having a faster computer? Well in computing context, a common tactic is to use wires where possible, instead of going wireless. A good example of this is how current VR headsets, like the oculus rift and the HTC vive, rely on wired connections to a PC.

Although these wires are cumbersome, wireless tech typically has greater latency due to more complicated processing, which could mean disorienting or nauseating display lag when you’re in a virtual world. This is sometimes called motion to photon latency and, if you’re gaming online – and you have a choice of servers, pick the one geographically closest to you. Although electrical signals travel insanely quickly, latency of a few hundred milliseconds can still be an issue when you’re connecting to a far away server and that’s enough to wreck your gaming experience. In most cases, there’s also software and even special network adapters that push through data packets.

From your game before others, so they won’t be stuck waiting around for other applications on your system. Some routers can even be configured to push packets to your system, first to reduce latency. If a few people on your network are rudely deciding that, now is the time that they have to watch that episode on Netflix now, of course, you’re never going to get rid of latency completely. I mean there’s even I brain latency, since your brain needs time to make sense of whatever the heck you’re looking at the goal is to get it down to an acceptable level that won’t leave you frustrated or with a lawsuit on your hands, because your backup camera Didn’T show you that little old lady in time, we’ve teamed up with audible, they’re, offering everyone watching this video a chance to try them out for free for 30 days.

Latency as Fast As Possible

Audible has an unmatched selection of audiobooks, which are great to listen to when you’re stuck in traffic. On the train running errands playing games that you don’t need to listen to the audio or whatever else you happen to be doing. I’Ve personally been listening to the princess diarist by Carrie Fisher, a behind-the-scenes recollection of her experiences filming Star Wars. Episodes 4 from Princess, Leia, herself and audible is offering a free audiobook with your trial to you. So you can listen to it. Just go to, slash tech, quickie sign up download a free title, maybe that one and start listening that easy, alright, guys like if you liked it dislike, you could just like to check out our other channel channel super fun or even Linus tech tips. We do some, we do some funny gags and gasps and memes over there.

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