Korean Users Abandoned

Korean Users Abandoned

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Korean Users Abandoned”.
Anywh who um speaking of local? Only if you are local to South Korea, you will no longer be using twitch. Twitch has announced that they will be permanently leaving with all service projected to end before March 2024, due to exorbitant Network fees. According to a post by twitch, CEO Dan Clancy twitch will be helping Korean streamers migrate to Alternative platforms that will not work very well. Probably um September last year, TW tried capping Source quality to a maximum of 720p in South Korea, but its Network fees are apparently still 10 times more expensive than most other countries, and twitch has been running at a loss in the region. Twitch lost popularity in South Korea after restricting Source quality, and they experimented with peer-to-peer models for Source quality to get around that self-imposed cap back to 1080p. However, this required users to share their IPs and increased the risk of a Cyber attack. Since 2016, operating in South Korea has been far more expensive for services that host and stream large amounts of video.

In no small part, due to the passage of South Korea’s sending party Network pays law in most countries, the receiving party pays for information that they get beamed to them through the series of tubes, that is the internet, but in South Korea sending parties also have to Pay Defenders of the policy have argued that this means that large data senders have to pay their fair share of the upkeep of Telecom systems. However, critics who have common sense note that this is effectively allowing Network operators to double charge for the bandwidth that they are providing to their users. That is uh. That is not how that works.

You guys, uh. The law also violates the net neutrality principle that all traffic must be treated the same, meaning that telecoms can negotiate Wild ly. Different prices with different companies, notably South Korean internet, is extremely fast and extremely cheap, but it’s not significantly cheaper for individual users than other Asian countries with similar average speeds and we’ve got a little table of some wow. That’S really cheap dang it.

Why is our internet always so expensive? Oh Canada, I mean we have some stuff, that’s good. Our discussion question is: is this a fair policy and the answer is absolutely not this is this is just double charging. This is kind of like how would I even I was about to say this is like a server asking to be paid by the by the restaurant and by the customer. But then I went wait. The problem is they only really yeah okay hold on a second before people get all upset about that the problem is server not getting paid enough. Yes, that’s the actual problem and restaurants having no incentive to to change this Arrangement because it allows them to advertise low prices on their menus.

With, with this essentially hidden fee 603 on float plane chat goes you just described tipping, that’s the joke. It’S the kind of comments I make it’s one of it’s one of those things, man where it’s one of those things where I um, I can’t tell, is it that people think I’m stupid cuz. I will often kind of play the straight man like I’ll I’ll. Keep it I’ll I’ll, keep it straight-faced.

Korean Users Abandoned

When I say something like that and then [ Laughter ] thanks love, you guys should do a poll. I got you. Oh man, I’m already on it darn the absolute first person to say it was Conrad. Oh man, all right! Well, there you go, hey, hey, look, look, look! 18 % of you aren’t losing your float plane subscriptions.

Korean Users Abandoned

That’S awesome! That would be bad for you yeah. Actually, that would be very stupid thing to do. That would just be. That would just confirm the poll.

Are hate viewers, 80 % of our audience? That’S why I’m here hate worker now for everyone who doesn’t get it? That’S, probably quite common. We are all joking, it’s actually a joke. It’S okay! I my feelings are not actually hurt man. I saw this. I saw this one comment the other day that just hurt my feelings so much um for them come on lus. Oh, no, that’s not it where’s uh! It was oh man. It was just brutal uh. Basically, it was like it’s it’s it’s cringe and misogynist.

Korean Users Abandoned

When you talk about the wife approval factor of your upgrades, you know we we we get it. You have relationship issues and I’m kind of sitting here going the are you talking about hey it’s totally a thing and wife can mean anything. I don’t care what gender! Your wife is partner approval and yours is a wife yeah. Exactly uh and B caring about the approval of your partner is not a relationship problem yeah, that’s good, yeah, jeez, just painful.

Why do I read comments? I know why I do it because I actually audience. I care about the feedback and I can’t help it yeah. It’S like a compulsion. Sometimes I think you go too far.

Yeah, probably like very much. Sometimes it makes my brain hurt like it’s actually painful yep um. I think it goes far beyond utility sometimes, but you know what I like comments like that yeah I I just I muted them yeah they’re, muted forever. Now, because that is that is so. That’S an example of the kinds of bad takes that that do actually result in a shadow ban on the channel. It’S not criticizing me or ing the content, or you know pointing out something we could have done better.

It’S never something like that. It’S always when I didn’t even so, phenomenally far off base that I just I don’t think, there’s anything useful. You could ever possibly hope to contribute to a conversation with another human. When I didn’t even have a partner, I would consider my like roommates approval Factor. Even just cuz like I don’t, I might not have thought of some reason why this might inconvenience them and I can at least ask them about it and if they’re like yeah, I don’t know but, like you seem to care about it, a lot. Even if don’t if you ever bring someone back yeah the like hey, I am not a complete degenerate.

Look to your domicile, probably not a bad thing to consider yeah or don’t like that’s fine. I’M just saying it’s not wrong to consider the wife approval factor of a solution all right, it’s not wrong uh. What am I even supposed to be talking about right now, uh you’re doing two topics as of 25 minutes ago: oh wow, how many of them did? I do so far -2, nice uh.

No, that’s not even true. We did the twitch one .