Just What IS Happening With Intel Right Now?

Just What IS Happening With Intel Right Now?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Just What IS Happening With Intel Right Now?”.
Like usual, nothing boring going on in the tech world this week. Some interesting stuff has been panning out intel. Who was once talking some major stuff about uh some other silicon has reversed tactics and has done some weird stuff and nvidia has something new. That’S coming out and you can actually find a video card. It just might not be at the price you want.

So let’s talk tech. Did you just build yourself, a brand new pc, or did you just upgrade your old pc but find you’re in need of a windows? 10 key? If that’s the case, your cd key has you covered and buying it’s never been easier. All you do is go to your cd key website find the windows software that you want to buy. Put it into your cart, enter the code.

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Just What IS Happening With Intel Right Now?

That were basically saying: oh, you know that processor sucks use ours like hey those guys. You know they were kind of really dissing on it, which is just you know, kind of funny. But now, in a strange turn of events um, you guys may have seen the justin wong commercials. You know where one guy’s a pc one guy’s a mac.

Just What IS Happening With Intel Right Now?

You guys have probably seen that before. Well, you know they use. That kind of tactic to you know, obviously say they’re better than other people. But what’s really weird is that now they’re asking the people at apple if they can make their silicon, which means they want to use their fabs to make their m1 processors? Now, that’s just that kind of spells some serious shite right, i mean think about it.

Just What IS Happening With Intel Right Now?

Intel’S fab so open that they don’t even need to make their own damn cpus those aren’t selling anyway. So, let’s make let’s make apple cpus, because those are selling. I mean it’s really kind of really funny, because you know apple in the past has used intel. Cpus, they’ve used, intel, graphics, they’ve, used, amd graphics and they’ve used. Nvidia graphics, i mean pretty much apple – has slept with whoever there is to sleep with in that industry, if you’re, a giant who makes these things apple has probably slept with one of those companies and made a deal with them.

But, what’s really funny is that now intel actually wants to make the apple silicon, which is just funny now the original m1 chip. If you guys haven’t checked it out, you should definitely go check out reviews from people that have been. You know talking about it because even their entry level model actually edits. Video really well in final cut. Really well, i’m saying it.

So it’s a really nice machine for doing stuff on an entry level that people can afford, because something under 700 isn’t very expensive, especially if using it to make money so intel they ain’t selling any cpus. Obviously, because well guess what they’ve got room in their fab to make apple’s m1 funny stuff right? Okay, i’m sorry i feel, like i got a frog in my throat and by the way guys. Yes, i know the audio is still a little bit echoey. I did get a rode pro mic and stuck it on stuck it on the camera. I’M still waiting for my new mix pre to show up um editors, people in la um who are watching this video. Please feel sorry for this poor bastard and send my new mix pre.

Thank you. Please all right now, next story, nvidia has a new driver, that’s just come out and it will actually reduce latency by 30 percent in rainbow six siege and there’s other games that are going to be coming out. That will actually have the same thing, but for right now, if you’re a person out there and you play rainbow six siege, especially if you’re somebody out there who’s a competitive player. Well then this is probably something that’s going to interest you, 30 percent. Less latency means that you know your game is going to be playing a lot better, taking a lot less resources from your system and for most the guys i know who play professional stuff they’re, not really all that into looking at the pretty graphics. I mean, let’s just face it: they’re, not there as tourists to look at stuff they’re there to kill you right, they’re on a mission they’re on a mission to kill some other freaking people.

That’S what they’re doing other people me included, sometimes i’ll admit, i’m a tourist in there, i’m looking around going! Oh wow, these graphics are awesome, check that out, not that that game has the most outstanding graphics, i’m just saying, but for me in some games when i first go in and play them, i’m like whoa the graphics. Oh, these are cool. Like you know, i’m totally into the graphics aspect of the game and what it looks like, but for the professional guys, they’ve got the graphics all cut down.

They’Ve got low resolutions and they’re flying through the game. You know like 16 billion frames per second, so that they can head shot and kill their enemy, and with this new 30, less latency that’ll actually allow for better headshots, better accuracy. So all in all the game should play a lot better now.

I know that a lot of people say there’s no video cards available. Well, okay, i’m gon na debunk that that’s not true. There are video cards available. I’Ve looked around, there’s, actually quite a few video cards available. The thing is is who the wants to pay? The prices for them – i mean you know what i’m saying i mean when you’re seeing you know last year’s card selling for 800 and a thousand dollars even for like an rtx 2060 online. Like you know what i’m saying like these cards are selling for a lot of money.

There are cards they’re, just not at the msrp, if you’re willing to dish out the money and pay for the cards, there are actually plenty of cards out there to be. Had i’ve looked around they’re out there, there are cards they’re just being over priced over taxed gouging, that’s really what it equates to. I think it’s just gouging all the way around it’s happening. People are accepting it, and i mean it’s not only i’m going to tell you this right now, it’s not only in the pc industry. Okay, the other day i went to go, buy some guitar strings. I use elixir 1052 strings.

These are coated strings. I like them, because they last a long time you can play the shite out of them and they still sound good now. These are usually 9.97 before the pandemic. If you buy a single pack and if you bought like a three pack, sometimes you might get lucky and even get it. For you know, i don’t know, let’s say like 28 bucks. Well guess: what now one pair of those strings is like 28 on amazon ebay and that’s even if you can find them in stock, which is just ridiculous.

Honestly, i am not paying anybody 28 for a set of strings. I will stop playing guitar and play your guitar and be totally happy. I’M not paying anybody 30 for a set of strings. I’M sorry, you know for somebody out there who, obviously, you know, plays guitar.

They make money off playing guitar. I don’t i’m usually the singer in the band. I present my ideas in guitar, but usually the guitar playing is done by jesse hunter jonathan or you know, by josh kenson. Those guys do all that type of stuff. So but that’s today’s video, it’s not a super duper long, video, short and sweet, but there you have it intel once a company that dominated the industry has now fallen to the lows where they don’t even have enough. I don’t know enough sales to even sell their own. Damn cpus right, so they’ve got plenty of room in their fab to make the apple cpus, even though they said. Oh, you know these m ones they suck they suck. Well, they suck so bad that intel wants to make them. Let’S just go from there. Shall we and nvidia latest driver you’ll be able to play rainbow six siege, 30 less latency make sure you got an rtx card that is going to be totally cool for people out there who competitive. Like i said a minute ago, and last but not least, yes, there are video cards, there’s just not any video cards at a decent msrp.

If you do find one at an msrp and you get lucky to buy it, consider yourself lucky because amazon, ebay and these other online stores and stuff people are gouging the crap out of not only that stuff it’s in every market. It seems like even my beloved guitar industry, so, like usual, i will have links down below um by the way. A lot of people always ask this are those codes in the beginning, authentic? Yes, they are they’re oem codes, they always work. I’Ve never had anybody complain. Make sure you use the code tt20 and save yourself 25 until april first also, if you want to support the channel, you don’t have any money.

I have a link down below to amazon. Prime make sure you use my link and try it out. It gives me some money: keep the channel around you get to enjoy amazon, prime and for a single, lousy dollar.

You can support me on patreon, so peace out, we’ll see you guys back here for more tech videos and yes soon, hopefully i’ll have a new audio solution. So echo echo, echo, echo .