Joining the Console Master Race

Joining the Console Master Race

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Joining the Console Master Race”.
Console Gamers, yes, PlayStation, VR2, uh, hey um! Are our reviews up yet or like what’s the deal? What are we about to say it’s out? It’S out, people can buy it, people have it. Then I can talk about it. Right yeah I tried it. Have you tried it? No, oh there! It is yes psvr too! Ah Luke, it’s enough to make me want a PlayStation. Really. I want a PlayStation for the first time since the PS2 wow yeah, like I wanted a PS2, because I wanted to play like final.

Fantastic. Have you tried the the new uh Facebook, one, the thinner one yeah like professional one? Yes, and this is better – oh dude, oh it’s OLED! It’S OLED! It’S actually pretty sick. I’Ve never seen that in the specs and being like damn.

Okay, it’s exactly as damn as you think it is um. I mean you can try it on. Okay, I’ll show you the I’ll, show you the adjustments. Okay, so there’s two adjustments this button at the back, pretty normal, pulls it like that, okay and twist to tighten that do be how yeah and then there’s one here that goes like that: okay, so a little something like that.

Oh the screen, though the screen we’ve got a full review coming soon, where we try a bunch of different games and um do like a short comparison against what kind of VR setup you could build. Um, like a PC, VR setup that you could build for the same price, but this thing is exciting uh. It came out this week last week, Sony released a full official teardown, showing off the new hardware and based on the specs and based on my experience.

Joining the Console Master Race

The psvr2 is a significant jump: 4.1 megapixels for per eye versus one megapixel per eye. Hdr display yeah OLED, HDR, Luke, HDR, OLED, um and pupil tracking, that’s right, Affiliated rendering games Look So Good In Spite of the on paper, lower graphical performance of the PlayStation 5 compared to a top tier PC um. This puts it miles beyond anything else.

That’S in an equivalent price range, which is 550 US dollars in terms of visual quality, and I got it. I got ta tell you this okay, I expected I’ve, never actually used eye tracking infoviated rendering before yeah. I have used eye tracking before, and I know that it’s like can be pretty fast. It could be pretty okay, it can pull at rates of well in excess of 100 Hertz, which is you know, pretty good, but the eye moves faster than a lot of eye tracking technology, and my concern was that with foveated, rendering – which I guess I haven’t explained.

Yet what they’re doing is they’re tracking, where you’re looking rendering just that spot? I think it’s. What four percent of your field of view is actually high res yeah, it’s small and then everything else is kind of junked here, even if it was in focus, it would be junk tier right, um. So what it does is it takes that spot you’re looking at, renders it at higher quality and then everything else kind of goes to crap, and I couldn’t tell if it was working from inside the headset, because it’s so fast and Alex and uh all right. So if you, if you like think something in your peripheral, is, is poorly rendered, so you go to look at it. It’S nicely rendered by the time you get there and I thought it just wasn’t working.

Joining the Console Master Race

I thought everything was just rendering it full quality, because I’d like intentionally look right, so I but then Alex was my was my Spotter and he he had a TV set up capturing the experience and we played a little game where I said I was in Horizon. Whatever the The Horizon experience, oh, he had to try to guess where you were looking. He had to guess where I was looking based on the render quality and he’s just like yeah there and there and there, and so I’d, be like I’d like I’d.

Joining the Console Master Race

Like look, look and I’d, try to I’d, try to beat it and see the Lord. I couldn’t do it. That’S kind of cool. It’S incredible Horizon call of the mountain is that it yeah yeah, that’s the one and it is. It is. Oh man, it’s just.

It’S moving in the complete opposite direction of what Matt is doing with their VR headsets. It’S it’s! No unapologetically us of a non-standalone VR headset, It’s the Best Hardware. They could build into a headset. It’S Tethered to a box deal with it, because that’s what it takes to have this kind of fidelity um I mean that doesn’t mean they haven’t streamlined it.

The original psvr had a large breakout box and a complex AV setup, whereas this is a single USBC. Cable is: is it possible to turn off the eye tracking? I don’t know why would you want to people with lazy eyes or, oh or other? Oh that’s a good point. I didn’t think of that. Okay, I need to do that audio pickup uh, maybe talk about. I don’t know Comfort or something and um it has attached ear buds which I’m not actually as much of a fan of, because what? If you have more than one person at your house that uses it uh or something I would prefer the like. The disc headphone things that I believe the index has um those were totally fine. In my opinion, I don’t I’m not a huge fan of that, but General comfort and stuff, actually quite good um. The earbuds come off yeah unless they have like built-in headphones that replace it. I’M not a huge fan of wearing other headphones with it either if they have additional headphones, that you can buy that come with it are designed for it, then that’s cool, but if not, I don’t know personally uh, but yeah comfort’s good. This shroud.

This, like rubbery shroud, it’s got a 3.5 millimeter Jack yeah that doesn’t solve it for me personally, I don’t want to earbuds while I’m playing um, but that’s a preference thing yeah. They said that I’m not super into that. Well, here’s the thing right, though, the alternate Solutions are either what meta is doing with garbage tier audio, it sounds so bad or what valve’s doing, which presumably is expensive. Okay, the index costs twice as much as this still and it doesn’t even have an OLED display.

Then and oh the screen, the screen door effect negligible. My understanding is still see it. I’M assuming there are actually headsets out there that are slightly higher resolution um, but it’s real good. It’S real good and oh, the just the persistence is so low.

Like I got the headset on I’m going like this and I’m like wow, this is amazing. There’S like no smearing, I’m just gon na go like this. This is my new game. This is yeah, no external beacons. No, that was the tracking it’s okay. I hope that valve stays full purist and sticks with outside in tracking I literally wired up my house for their base stations.

My my ceiling in my rec room has 12 volt power run inside it, so that I can always have four base stations. I am a one of a kind, I suspect nobody else has actually done that um, but that’s how committed I am to outside in tracking it really is superior from a performance standpoint, but it’s inconvenient, it’s the. I will say for a tethered experience. The single USBC cable, with no breakout box is pretty sweet because I’m used to like this, like thick cord of like three different cables coming out.

That has to plug into some like junction box at some point and then go into your computer in like three different plugs to the point where you might be like maxing out the USB on the back of your motherboard, exactly blah blah. It’S super annoying just having one cable is really cool, I’m totally down with that yeah 120 hertz adjustments, it weighs less than the previous one and it did feel light actual ipd adjustments, very cool yeah, I’m man, I’m excited. However, how are the new controllers great they’re right here? Oh hey, what’s up yeah, I’m Bob okay they’re a little heavy um like rotationally. I find that uh, my hand’s too big.

This is kind of bulky and there are definitely some things about the headset that are Japanese, designed that’s one of them, and I personally found that my oh, I actually find that very uncomfortable. Roman knows um was not super compatible with the headset. You you tried sliding it out, though yeah, but I don’t like that.

I like to have the head setting tight against my face, because I I play games that require a lot of moving around and light leak, sucks and well. The light leak is really good on it. Actually, I did notice because the rubber thingy, but still that, is usually a reason why you want it closer.

But for me a big part of why I want it closer is just so that when I move my head, I I’m not um, I’m not feeling that drag right. Yeah yeah yeah uh, it’s like less leverage for it to move around on my face right, and so I um someone said: try pushing buttons yeah. Even the trigger is like hard because my the the bone of this part of my pinky loot, cam yeah. So the the bone of that part of my you can, can I show you yeah I can I can it’s colliding and like bending my pinky in so even pulling the trigger feels super awkward, because if you see the natural position of where my finger goes on, It isn’t like, ah up there like that’s, extremely uncomfortable, it’s like down here, because it’s cranking my hand down and then even to get to this thumbstick is like my thumb’s on Full Tilt. So I don’t know I could do it, but um, not not. The biggest fan Bixby asks what product doesn’t have: ipd adjustments, Quest 2. yeah, they’re, they’re, digital they’re, fake yeah, whereas the psvr2 has proper uh ipd adjustment, um Alpha’s Intel says Luke Bing chat. Gpt knows you were talking about it on wancho. It asks you not to be disappointed in its abilities, yeah. Well, I I think I talked about this last show I won’t get into it too much but uh.

I I mentioned how it now has a form of memory, because people are posting uh conversations that they have with it online and it can search the internet right. So it has a form of memory. It can see conversations that it has had in the future. Not all of them just only ones that people have posted online and it can see transcriptions of different things.

So if we have closed captions for this video for wancho, it might be able to have access to that. It can’t watch the video, but it could watch a transcript and it could see people discussing what we said on the show as well. If there’s text versions of that, so it would be, I would expect that it would be aware of that. I don’t know if you want to call it awareness, or I expect it would be able to search that up, but yeah, oh okay, this is interesting.

I was just poking into people are talking about using the psvr2 on a PC um, but the creator of the ivory driver uh, which is a way to use the original psvr on a PC, basically says um yeah. I don’t think this is going to be that easy. It goes you’ll be wasting your money, there’s no guarantee you could ever use it on a PC and quite a good chance. You won’t be able to the original psvr is electronically equivalent to a monitor um.

So it’s relatively simple to get a video signal up on it. Reading sensors Etc took a lot of reverse engineering at least a year from release before anyone figured that out took a couple more years before it was usable as a pcvr, headset yeah yeah, and it’s still a work in progress with tracking controllers with the original Hardware. Over five years from release um wow, okay yeah – I wouldn’t expect that to be a thing: yep, okay, that’s fair enough! I mean it’s kind of a it’s kind of a funny thing to me like if people can use it on the PC and they want to use it on the PC, is there really no margin in it at 500, like they couldn’t just sell it as a Vr headset, I guess that wouldn’t be very PlayStation of them that wouldn’t be very Sony of them. Uh sort of PlayStation’s actually been moving a ton of games to PC and has been fairly faithful in regards to like patching them and making sure that they actually run.

Okay, like when Horizon, was one of the earlier games they brought to PC and it was quite a mess when they first brought it over, but they cleaned it up and as far as my understanding goes, it’s pretty stable, now um. So in the past. I would definitely agree with that, but these days they’ve actually been pretty PC friendly, okay. Well, I guess we’ll see yeah, I don’t know.

Conrad says it’s hard to keep customers in your Walled Garden. If you open the door, I mean yeah, it’s fair enough! True! Why don’t we jump into our .