JISULIFE Portable Handheld Turbo Fan with Speed Adjustment and Rechargeable Battery

JISULIFE Portable Handheld Turbo Fan with Speed Adjustment and Rechargeable Battery

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “JISULIFE Portable Handheld Turbo Fan with Speed Adjustment and Rechargeable Battery”.
But before we start, today’s video subscribe to our Channel hit the Bell notification icon and like share and comment to this video hi everybody today, I want to show you this portable fan that I just got is from the makers of Jesu life, and it comes in This box – and it’s really nice because you can use it for camping when you’re sitting out here in the backyard and it’s hot and or you’re, hiking and um or in an event Outdoors package comes like this. When you open it up and right here, you have all the accessories and you have the fan itself, which I’ll show you in a minute, and you have these little attachments over here that I will go over in a second. They very easy. But first I want to show you the fan itself very light made of metal and it charges with a it comes with a charger. It’S a USB charger and it has a little light too that I can turn on right here, see if it’s bright too bright to see it right now, but – and you turn on the fan right here, and hopefully you can see right there right here in the Middle, you would see the number, but again it’s a daylight, it’s hard to see, but it’s a digital.

I can see it right here, but it doesn’t come across in the camera so and you have this wheel to have it at a 100 % speed, which is this right there and I think you may be able to see the light right there. But it is really powerful. I have a long hair and see right there, but uh again, very nice for when you’re, camping or just an outdoor event. So now the attachments you have this one right here that you can use for inflating something you want to inflate a inflatable mattress or a football, or something like that, so you can use it if you’re camping, you can use it for blowing on the Fire, and You have this one right here, which is also, if you want to dust something on the table: hair dry it or mainly, if you want to dust something and then the other little nice attachment that it has, is a stand that again, you can put it any Way you want and it will keep blowing and regardless of where you put it and what you’re doing now on the accessories it comes with a strap, so you can uh again attach it to your back pack or your pants or just carrying it on you get Two Chargers: one with a USB and one with two C connectors on one and aside from the manual, it also comes with a little brush just to help you a brush right here. You know this is where all the air intake is going there um, but again it takes about 1 to two hours to charge it, but it will give you anywhere between 5 and 6 hours of use again, depending on which speed you use but um. I think it’s pretty cool, it is uh the especially the the base. I think it’s a really nice add on to it and um. So I hope that you guys find it as useful as cooling as I am .

JISULIFE Portable Handheld Turbo Fan with Speed Adjustment and Rechargeable Battery