Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It’s TOO REAL”.
Speaking of dystopian, deep, fake, Tik Tok scams continue to plague social media. A scam video uh recently appeared on Tik Tok, featuring an extremely convincing deep fake of Mr Beast, announcing an alleged iPhone 15 giveaway. The video does have some tells that it’s a fake uh, the lip sinking is noticeably off and it lacks the more elaborate production value of typical, Mr Beast content, but regardless the effect is realistic enough that it could EAS fool and unwary user. And you know what is kind of interesting about it. Being Mr Beast, specifically, is that he goes out of his way to have lower production values, because he feels like higher production. Values are too slick which makes it easier to deep fake him, because you don’t have to have a super Crystal Clear, perfect, it’s harder to pixel peep, some lower res thing, even knowing Jimmy having seen him in person. This is pretty convincing to me like whoa. I listened to it, it didn’t sound like him sure, but that’s a matter of time. Oh yeah, given how much that’s the thing that keeps getting me is the voices are they have like underlying accents, which is interesting, given how people are like clearly fake. It’S emotionless bro, his head movements, don’t match the conversation, guys guys guys guys, I’m not looking at that. I’M looking at the convincingness of the replacement there there’s also a wild difference in and maybe maybe you’re perfect, and you would have got it anyways, but there’s a wild difference, and this has been proven in the amount of people that can recognize AI. When they’re told that it’s AI first versus people or whatever I know um versus people that can afterwards you mean can before they were told yes, sorry, yes, yeah yeah, big difference, big big difference and the audio is a pretty solid, tell but sure um. That’S if, if that gets better at the kind of rate that video has I’m, I’m scared man uh, similar scam. Videos have surfaced featuring celebrities like Tom Hanks, apparently selling fake dental plans and CBS anchor Gail King selling a sketchy weight loss product on Instagram. Another scam used deep, faked BBC anchors to introduce Elon Musk, who supposedly had an investment opportunity. Uh many corporations have enacted watermarking and metadata tags to ensure that AI created content is clearly labeled as such, but recent Studies have shown that current watermarking systems are easily subverted through simple methods like adjusting brightness or adding gausian blur goian. Sorry, that’s the correct pronunciation in English. No, I was making a joke. Gan Blair is correct.

It’S also it’s also easy to add AI watermarks to human, authored videos and images. Our discussion question is: how do we best protect the people being targeted by these kinds of scams like less Tech, literate, young people, the elderly? The answer is, we cannot yeah, I I was going to say I honestly don’t know I used to have strats for a lot of the old stuff um. I don’t know I don’t know either I got an I have. I got nothing man, nothing! .