It’s Samsung’s Folding Phone! … Sort Of!

It's Samsung's Folding Phone! ... Sort Of!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It’s Samsung’s Folding Phone! … Sort Of!”.
Whoa tech news now that’s cool Samsung has gifted the world with a vision of our inevitable future, the folding phone. Yes, the Royale, a flex. Pi was technically the first one to see daylight, but we can probably safely forget about that at their developer conference this morning. Samsung showed off their device, although it had some sort of protector around it and the lights were dimmed to only show the basic design.

It was all very mysterious, but it’s essentially a small tablet style screen that folds in half to reveal another screen on the outside and it looks actually pretty cool. The crease in the screen seems to disappear when it’s open. Samsung and Google are apparently working together on Android updates that will accommodate what Google has dubbed foldables and samsung.

Also demoed big changes. It’S making to its custom Android skin called one UI that should make operation easier on folding and big screen phones, but Samsung also teased new screen designs, the notched infinity? U and infinity V the Infinity o with a floating camera and the notch list knew infinity. It would be cool if they solved the knotch problem in their own way, but right now I feel like slider phones of the answer I mean, and I feel like feeling like I’m in the Matrix movies.

It's Samsung's Folding Phone! ... Sort Of!

That’S always a bonus. A couple days ago, Intel announced 848 Core Xeon processor, built on the 14 nanometer process and AMD was like. Oh that’s, hope, that’s, that’s nice, look what they did.

It's Samsung's Folding Phone! ... Sort Of!

That’S wonderful and then they were like whoa BAM, yeah and announced a 64 core epic processor built on this seven nanometer process. The second gen chip named The Epoch, Rome will support multi-threading for a total of 128 threads double the amount of the first gen epic Naples. Processor Rome uses a chip’let’s design sounds cute, which pairs Zen to CPU modules, built on the seven nanometer process, with IO components built on the 14 nanometer process, which will apparently lower the cost and make chip binning easier.

It's Samsung's Folding Phone! ... Sort Of!

Amd also announced the first two accelerator cards to use their previously announced 7 nanometer Vega GPU, the Radeon Instinct mi 60 and mi 50 they’re geared towards enterprise applications like machine learning and apparently, rather than taking that GPU and challenging Nvidia in the gaming space they’re leaning Into the blockchain, so they’re pushing GPU mining modules for cryptocurrency yeah, Oh AMD, that’s 64 core chip, though really great huh. Let’S remember the good times guys and if you were depending on hardware and encryption, to protect your data time to use something else, because apparently some SSDs from at least Samsung and crucial, but possibly more vendors, do not encrypt data properly and don’t even have password protection. Okay, but Windows BitLocker should still manage encryption, so at least you got protection there, except no. You don’t because BitLocker defaults to SSD encryption when it’s available, Samsung and crutial have both been notified and Samsung has advised users to use third-party software instead of hardware, encryption or BitLocker. Until a fix is released or hey.

You know what spread the love, don’t encrypt, it all, there’s, probably loads of people who would benefit from reading your data go ahead and help them out. You know or don’t, but you can help us out by checking out today’s quick bit sponsor brilliant they’re. The new way to master key concepts in math science, computer science and professional topics, learning from lectures and videos isn’t as effective as diving in and doing things yourself. So brilliant helps you master concepts by solving fun, challenging problems not by watching someone else. Do it by doing it yourself? Over 5.5 million members are already sharing their curiosity and love for math and science plus the first 200 tech link viewers to sign up, get 20 % off so head to brilliant dot, org, slash tech linked and sign up. Today you can be smarter, you know who do, who doesn’t want that? I guess on to the quick bits. Qualcomm has been a leader in mobile technologies, particularly 5g networking, and now they’ll have to share, as a US federal judge has ruled that the company will have to license its technology to rivals such as Intel and Samsung.

That’S gon na be a little awkward after the plentiful lawsuits between those companies, but I’m sure they can work it out. You know start low, then work your way up to hugs a company called Ferhat for some reason has unveiled the world’s most advanced social robot, which consists of a head that can look around and display facial expressions through light projection. This is great, I mean Boston.

Dynamics are making robots that do amazing things with their body, and these guys made the head. They can be like a lamer, Voltron and I’ll form. The head security researcher Doug Midori has discovered that for two and a half years Internet traffic from the US was directed by international communications company China Telecom to pass through China before it arrived at its destination in violation of the Internet’s border gateway protocol. It’S unclear whether the misdirect was intentional or not, but regardless it is, concerning. Midori is looking further into the story, along with other researchers.

Potentially, even more concerning is the fact that SK Hynix has unveiled the world’s first 96 layer, 4d NAND flash despite it, having nothing at all to do with 40 in the dimensional sense. What okay? The authority apparently refers to the combination of 3d CTF or charge trap. Flash design paired with periphery undersell technology, which somehow adds up to 4d I’d, say it needs the mist in your face or vibration in your seat to be truly 4d. Otherwise, it’s nonsense. Did you ever do 4d in the theater yeah? You know what I’m talking about.

Brandon knows, and after physics bugs in the fallout 76 beta were linked to manipulation of the game’s framerate Bethesda has released a fix, which amounts to locking the game’s framerate to 63 for some reason and capping the field of view 280 in third-person and 90 in first-person. Yep, instead of changing the fact that the game physics are linked to framerate in the engine, let’s just lock the framerate talk about a band-aid solution was really upset about this. But the tears just aren’t coming from me, but maybe that’s because this episode is over, but don’t you cry now there will be more tech news on Friday and we’ll be here to give it to you gently. Can you wait? Okay, I get that sounds weird subscribe.

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