It’s beautiful…and I MADE IT! – InWin @ Computex 2023

It's beautiful...and I MADE IT! - InWin @ Computex 2023

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It’s beautiful…and I MADE IT! – InWin @ Computex 2023”.
We’Re here at the inuin booth at computex 2023 and we are checking out their doobly full tower PC, but this is a little bit different. It comes flat pack, you might have noticed. This is a full-size PC case, but this is a very small box. The main advantage of this is that the shipping costs are way less. They can fit double as many PC cases into a shipping container, but there are a couple more advantages.

You can see it right here. This comes packaged like that, because the computer case is completely modular modifying. It is very simple, so they have a bunch of different ways that you can configure it, including these really nice little leather handles and stuff. Also, if you want to modify it yourself, it will be really easy to do a sick paint job with an already all packed out just on a table like it is right now the final version will come with a nice 3D user manual so that you can Very easily put it together, you don’t even have to worry about dealing with the big paper thing.

This is going to be very nice, but uh. We don’t have one for this case. It’S a very early version, so uh we’re just gon na have to ask the designers, as I said it might be possible to do it in about 20 minutes. Does that seem about right? Yes, 20 minutes.

It's beautiful...and I MADE IT! - InWin @ Computex 2023

Let’S see how well I can do with no instructions, starting now all right. So first we’re going to build. Is this the base right here? Oh that’s called top handle.

It's beautiful...and I MADE IT! - InWin @ Computex 2023

This is the top panel holder. We’Ve got the little slide it in just like oh geez, I’m already falling behind just like that. I’Ve got the LTT stubby screwdriver right here.

It's beautiful...and I MADE IT! - InWin @ Computex 2023

It isn’t on just yet, but it’ll be really great, because the TSA will not steal it from you. With this short little handle nice, we’ve got that now Jubilee is an anagram of I built they’ve, just sort of rearranged the letters into making it sound a little bit better. The bottom piece we weren’t able to fully take it apart because uh these adhesive things not super happy about coming off now. Does this go up here? Something like that perfect? Oh, that goes there first, okay! These are some super nice screws, okay, so this gets held here and now we do these. This one should be using this small screws. Oh we’re already off to a bad start: we’ve lost our screws.

All of these panels here are made out of sheet metal steel, except for the beauty panels. Right here which are aluminum. Is this just brushed aluminum? It looks fantastic. I really like it does that just go like that.

I want to put this screen here. First, oh yeah: this is definitely the sort of thing where you need to read the manual because there will be order of operations problems. So if you look at this screw right here, if you forget about it and then just start building it willy-nilly, you are going to end up where you cannot put this in once. You have screwed this part down and I’m sure there’s lots of other things. Just like that, so we’re going to hope that the Reps right here uh, remember everything like that before I screw it up. I do have to say the powder coat that they have on.

This looks fantastic. There are a couple of different color options and all of them look great. It must be way easier to just do a really good paint job on these. When you don’t have to worry about actually assembling it and riveting it all together, it the back panel time nope, oh top first, so they were just telling me that it’s actually more expensive to do the powder coating on this flat pack assembly, because normally you just Take the whole case Huck it in there spray it and you’re good to go, whereas this right here, every single individual piece needs to be powder coated. Does that mean this is more expensive? Oh, it’s! Coming up on 10 minutes elapsed since I started.

I don’t know how good of an idea it was to do that without a manual and needing to host a video. At the same time, we’ll see this case will come with 440 CFM fans, and I also have a nice big old Fan Hub right here to just make all of your RGB and fan problems a lot simpler uh. What do we do now? The back panel yeah now we’re mostly done with our you – know normal looking screws and into these absolutely beautiful gold-plated ones. They are fantastic. Looking dang, it remember how I said that you have to make sure that you put the screws back in in the correct order.

Well, uh, I didn’t right here so we have to put the top panel on after I take this one out. It goes this way so that your i o lines up for. I o we get two USB type A’s a USB type-c and a headphone microphone combo Jack, pretty standard for a case like this. Oh geez, I don’t think we’re gon na do it.

I could definitely save a little bit of time right here by you know only putting two screws in each van, but this is their floor model and one of the only ones. So I should probably put it back together correctly. There’S no way, Oliver we’re not going to make it two minute warnings gone I’ve just wasted about four minutes, putting fan screws in all right final fan: all of them are 140 millimeter jobbies, and I imagine these are going to be pretty quiet, given the fact that They aren’t really moving all that much air, oh all, right onto the front panel. You do have a couple of options, although I think that you want the one that has the best airflow, which is this one right here.

Is there an option to have a mesh grille for this? Oh, it’s right. There perfect order of operations gets me just as the timer runs out. We didn’t do it all over my family’s ashamed, my mom’s not going to send me Jam in the mail anymore.

I think we’re gon na be able to do in 30 minutes, though that’s still pretty good. Well, we weren’t able to put this computer case together in 20 minutes, but what we were able to do was tell you about our sponsor thanks to motiongray for sponsoring this video, tired of back pain from prolonged sitting and staring at a screen. All day, motion gray aims to provide ergonomic workplace Solutions at affordable prices. They’Re sit to stand desks, come in a wide variety of models and sizes, they’re simple to assemble and with a bunch of available accessories, you’re sure to be able to pick out one to suit. Your needs, they also have a range of ergonomic chairs available with each one, focusing on adjustability affordability and providing maximum Comfort check out motion gray at the link below and use code Linus for 10 off your purchase.

Now, for this little beauty, piece rate here, you have two options: we’re going to be putting on like this, which turns it into a handle, but you can also do it the other way and use it as the feet instead of this guy right here can’t believe That we’re making the one with these handles the leather ones are way nicer. Look at that in here. You can actually see Machining marks from where this would have been CNC machines. So what they must have done is had a flat piece of aluminum, CNC machined it and then done these bends right here afterwards. One thing that I always recommend doing for building something like this is that you go ahead and you only sort of tighten everything down until you have all of the screws in place for your piece, then you can go in and tighten it down and you’re, not Going to have to worry about slightly misaligning something and having to go back and you know loosen it, move it around and then tighten it back down way easier. If you just do the final Titan null at once for this piece, we have a couple of options. You have the mounting holes right here for two and a half inch ssds, and we can either put it right here so that we can cover up some of our cables or put it right here. So we can cover up some of our cables but beside the power supply. I think I’m gon na put it right here and it’s actually going to be kind of difficult to manage all the cables.

I’Ve changed my mind, we’re putting it down here, so you can just sort of hide the rats test. There’S a screwdriver, it’s not magnetic, could have saved a whole minute on the build time here. If I had a good screwdriver with Magnetic bits.

Oliver, do you know where I could get one of those. I can’t handle this. It’S going up here, it’s so much easier. There we go. This right here is starting to really look like a computer case. Now we just have to put on the side panels.

I think yeah, that’s all that’s left. This does have really nice magnetic air filters. So if you want to clean them off, you just go where and slap it right back on excellent, if I’m honest, the Cable Management Solutions back here are not the best that I’ve seen, but fortunately, because you have these nice big screws and Allen wrench you’re, going To at least be able to really wrench it down and just cram it in, if you don’t actually do a good job, how does this go on like that? Did I get it right? It feels like it’s hitting, oh on a cable. Why do you not want to go in? They just told me that it’s way easier to do this. If you lay the case down like that, so then all of your cables don’t try and fall out the bottom. All right final piece, nice, big temper glass panel, is going to be going on.

I am excited there. We go all right final little bit of tightening here and in total. This has taken me 35 minutes, which really is not all that bad, especially for a case that looks this good there. We go.

Oh, what a beauty I do have to say. That is a fantastic looking computer case if you’re looking for something that’s a little bit smaller, they also have flat-packed ones that look a little bit more like this. You have to bend some of those stuff yourself, but also very easy to put together, and I just think dang that looks good and it feels so great to have built it myself anyway. Thanks for watching this, video hit like get subscribed and just have a fantastic all day, see you later. They just told me at the 20 minute, build time was with an electric screwdriver like come on guys you’re busting, my ass with the dude .