Is YOUR Smartphone case causing overheating?

Is YOUR Smartphone case causing overheating?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is YOUR Smartphone case causing overheating?”.
Okay, I’ve got five scenarios right here and we’re gon na see what effect each one has on how hot your firm gets. So we’re going to test the smartphone on its own, the phone with a skin added. On top of it, we’ve then got a slim TPU case, the kind that would come inside your box. We’Ve got a dual layered case, pretty popular on Amazon for drop protection and then, finally, we’re going to test a 360 degree, shell for maximum protection all around alright. So in each scenario, what I’ve done is depleted the smartphone, so it’s empty and cooled it down literally. In a fridge just so it’s at slightly below room temperature and then we’re going to plug the cable in let the phone charge and, at the same time run a battery wasting application, which is pretty intensive.

The idea is that, in terms of thermals anyway, a test like this should light your phone up like a Christmas tree charging the battery, especially when it’s empty, is going to really heat that up and then this battery wasting application. We’Ve got open right now is gon na push the phone in all sorts of ways, just take note of the 44 45 degree temperature that the phone is reached without anything covering it at all, and also on the application. We can see the battery temperature, which is 41 all right time to you, skinned the phone and see if it has any difference, bear in mind that because phone displays are becoming more and more uninterrupted and are filling up pretty much the front of these phones skins.

Is YOUR Smartphone case causing overheating?

Generally, have now been reduced to the back of the device, only okay, exactly the same test just now, with a skin on the back and in each of these scenarios, I’m running the whole thing for 30 minutes. So it’s not a complete charging cycle, but gives you an idea because the temperature tends to Plateau and charging. It doesn’t exceed a certain point within pretty much 5 minutes. It’S already hit 40 degrees, but then from there it pretty much trickles upwards, pretty slowly.

Is YOUR Smartphone case causing overheating?

Nonetheless, not a massive difference, but you might be able to tell that the temperature with the skin on is round about a degree higher in all situations. That’S not a massive difference, but it is significant. Even the battery temperature here is 42 degrees, as opposed to 41. Before with no skin okay, so off comes the skin and on comes the TPU case, which of course now covers the sides too. But there is a difference in that, whilst the skin was glued to the back of the phone. This case has a bit of an air gap, and that could be enough to actually give it a temperature.

Is YOUR Smartphone case causing overheating?

It really does look like this case is doing almost nothing to the phone’s temperature. Bear in mind that the room I’m filming the Sen is at about 25 degrees, which isn’t quite 45 that reaches in other countries. But for the sake of this relative comparison, it barely even touches 45 degrees internally. So it’s actually been pretty much the same temperature as without a case at all, there’s almost no effect.

What I was more interested to see is if we swapped that case for a much bulkier, thicker, two-layered one would that have an effect. The answer ends up being a pretty resounding. No you’d expect that as an insulator as a plastic, this thing would keep the heat trapped in and the temperature would rise much higher.

But it seems that because at least some of these cases are designed with ventilation in mind because they have internal patterns that perhaps stop your phone’s, squeezing against the very back of the case that actually ends up giving you a lower temperature than with the skin, which Effectively suffocates the back of the phone okay time to crack open the big one and I’ll give you this. This is an atypical usage case scenario. This is an extreme case, but nonetheless worth testing and there’s a core difference here in that this is not just a case but an enclosure.

This thing covers not just the back, not just the sides, but also the entire front of the phone, so the expectation again would be the heat becomes trapped inside. You can actually see, though, on the heat map that pretty much the exact opposite is happening instead of trapping. The heat inside the case is actually allowing the heat to spread. The heat is spreading across not just the whole phone, but the whole outer rim of the case, and so, whilst there is more heat contained there, it’s spread over a larger area, and so the temperature doesn’t seem to increase.

Even the internal battery temperature is sitting at 40 degrees. That’S the coolest. We’Ve had all test.

The enclosure feels pretty warm all the way around. It’S a little bit hotter. If you touch the screen, because obviously this is closer to where the action is happening, but nonetheless an interesting result – and maybe not what all of us expected, if you enjoy this video, a sub would be massively appreciated, my name is Erin. This is mr. who’s.

The boss and I’ll catch you in the next one you .