Is this worth the extra $1,000??

Is this worth the extra $1,000??

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is this worth the extra $1,000??”.
If there’s one thing people around the office know me for it’s that I wear driving gloves, I don’t wear driving gloves anymore, but I do like Logitech and I do like cars, so this could be a very interesting combo. This is a thousand dollar racing wheel and a 350 dollar set of pedals from a company whose last racing wheel was like 300 bucks, with both the market for direct drive. Wheels like this has really been going up with fanatex csldd. I think thrustmaster just launched one. A couple days ago, so it’ll be interesting to see how this performs, because at the price point this is a hefty ask, but I can’t wait to check out what’s inside, unlike the thrust master or the fanatec options, Logitech is selling this as a kit. So when you get the wheel – which I assume is this thing – okay, cool cool – this is impressive. Okay, the thousand dollar price point, I’m kind of starting to feel it all right.

Is this worth the extra $1,000??

Previous generation Logitech wheel. It was a good way to get into racing games, but not very well built this by contrast, feels really nice, nice buttons, these paddles click, the paddle David click, click the paddle. It feels pretty good, but it’s not clear if you’re going to be able to buy separate Wheels. I imagine because there is a quick disconnect on the back of here, then you can take this on and off that they will sell other cool branded Wheels.

That’S okay! This thing is massive: the nice thing about the fanatec option is it’s pretty compact. This is a bit of a chungus 15 pounds, power, cable and a chungus power, brick 300 watts wow. Ah, that looks like a table Mount good. Ah man, these table clamps are always underwhelming. This is a thousand dollar product and it’s just like it’s a plastic screw and plastic housing.

I mean realistically, if you’re, using a wheel like this, you probably shouldn’t mount it to your desk. You probably got some sort of like a wheel frame or something, but this is a little disappointing on first glance: yeah, okay, cool little cover. It’S got a little like ball, bearing things to hold it in place.

Okay, it works, it really does work, it feels cheap, but it does work in terms of the wheel. We got our x y, a b left trigger right trigger, since this is the Xbox version. There’S a PlayStation version, they’re the same price. They do both work for PC, so if you play on PC you’re welcome to buy whatever version you like on the inside there there’s four pins. Those are going to connect to four little contacts on our quick disconnect. It’S keyed, so you can’t put it in the wrong way so make sure you line that up and then you want to pull this back.

Fanatec lets you spin it infinitely. There’S no stops. This one does have stops, but they are both direct drive.

Is this worth the extra $1,000??

This does use hall effect sensors, so it’s not going to wear down any potentiometers or anything like that, and it does feel nice and smooth. It does have their true Force tech which, when they describe it to me it’s kind of like it’s almost like having a speaker in the steering wheel. That gives you these finer inputs, at least on their older Wheels, because this one’s direct drive and it’s just a big motor.

Is this worth the extra $1,000??

I imagine that feedback, it’s also probably just done by the motor um, we’ll have to see how that feels. Oh, I forgot there’s a little OLED display on here wow, that is Tiny. It’S got to be like this big little OLED display there. Ah that’s lame on the back of this. For connectivity, they just have a bunch of USB a ports like the OG style like USB 2.0 type, A ports there’s a micro USB, which is lame in 2022.

This should be type c at the very least. They have made this a molded cable and you can see that it matches the profile of the inside of that. So once you push this in, it’s not really going to be affected by a side to side Force, but you could very well, you know rip it out this way and these little prongs on the micro b Port are going to wear down over time now. The type A ports aren’t going to be protected from left and right movement. So, if you do wire this up, man, maybe just get put some cable strain reliefs or something because I can see someone very easily damaging this uh.

It’S not even like tight fitting, like kind of disappointing on a thousand dollar device. Hopefully the performance still lives up to it. There’S stuff in here. Oh, this looks promising so far, I’m seeing a lot of metal, that’s good, buying, pedals that are plastic and you get a ton of flex.

These feel pretty good, though this is 350 bucks. This feels like a lot better value than this steering wheel, but I mean, I guess, we’ll see. The thing I always find with like racing pedal clutches is they’re, always super linear. It’S just like a lever when, in real life your clutch will kind of you’ll feel the point at which it disengages and engages the brake pedal is load cell, which is cool and the gas.

It’S okay for gas to just be a lever, because in a real car, that’s what it is: okay, oh Jesus, yeah replacement, Springs, cool and look at that replacement, brake, um foam. I don’t know what you call these rubbers brake rubbers see. I want to make the okay all right. Actually that came out really easily. Did I just get it stuck now? Oh God, there we go. Okay, it’s a bit tight.

You tighten the thing and that’s good oops. So when you’re pressing the pedal at first, you feel the compression of this soft foam and then you kind of hit a wall which would be this much harder rubber, there’s, probably a couple different presets. They give you like yeah there you go, they give you a chart, so you can replace the pieces A and B and then you’re always going to have one of these they’re, not really labeled, though they are kind of labeled. Does that look like a label? Ah man, okay, Logitech again colors. If the system is colors, does that look like the same brown and you can almost say that that’s the yellow, maybe it’s! These are the natural colors of these materials, but make sure that the color in your manual matches or at the very least dye them so that they look really different. So you can’t screw this up.

Okay, we can also switch the Springs yeah, okay, that one’s white. So that’s the lightest one. This one is brown. The clutch pedal has red, which is the second heaviest and the gas has yellow, which is the second lightest. Let me put these on my feet and see how they feel man playing a racing game without a cockpit kind of lame. Do we have room for a cockpit? I do they did a reasonable job with the rubber kind of anti-slide stuff? Obviously, when you’re getting into it, you’re still gon na be pushing the pedals forward. I think my gas pedal is a little too firm and the clutch is a little too soft, so I might swap those they feel pretty good, though there is a bit of play. Left and right not only are the pedals themselves moving, but the actual like metal piece that holds them in place kind of the channel that they’re in is also flexing quite a bit. I don’t know if it’s, because the rest of it is plastic. What’S holding that metal beef in is plastic, oh cool, the pedals are adjustable.

You can slide each pedal around as much as you want. You can also adjust the pedal faces themselves. You see that we’re using these holes right now, but you could move them over here. Over here or up there anywhere, you want interesting, they are modular which is cool. Each petal connects with a little looks like rj11 or maybe RJ9 kind of like a phone jack, and then there is our USB, which is also micro. Usb again, this one, I think, is less of a problem, because there’s these nice cable strain reliefs right here. How are you going to screw this up? You’Re probably not going to, but once you plug this other end here, let’s, let’s just demo, I don’t know if it’s the right way. If it was type c it wouldn’t matter. Oh did I get it. Oh I got it all right. Maybe it’s not so bad. I’M a professional plugger into Port kind of guy okay. I do this for a living, okay. Well, let’s set it up with the computer and play some games – God.

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When I was plugging in the power I realized it’s got active cooling. There’S a fan in this thing you can hear it, you totally can hear it. I felt it at the back, that’s pretty cool, I guess it’s because it’s pretty hot I like that everything is integrated in g-hub. Now you don’t need to download discrete drivers, it just automatically detected it and it needs a firmware, update, Hey, look: it’s got a little blinky lights when it’s updating, it’s not blinking anymore, God dang it. Oh it blinked! It’S blinking again! Oh yeah! That’S a good amount of torque.

I like this thing. We have a fanatec CSL dd2 upstairs, and I think that thing can do 25 Newton meters, but I usually set the peak around 12.. So having your Peak at around 11.

Is it’s pretty good? The interesting thing is they call these dual clutch pedals like that’s. The only only car that would have paddles is one with a dual clutch: okay, so maybe they’re not talking about a dual clutch transmission they’re talking about there are dual clutch pedals. You can rebind them to pretty much anything. It looks like um, you can make them even your gas. I guess so because it’s a load cell, you can actually set the amount of force. You apply, 100 kilograms.

There’S no way you’re going to be doing that. Without these mounted to a frame – and I don’t even think you’re going to be doing it even with it mounted to a frame – that’s like 120 pounds of force uh, so you play it. The right pedal goes fast. It’S the second pedal wow thanks, hey look! There’S little bar graphs for them here, gas and clutch super linear clutch. I don’t know what the other ones are: we’re playing the new setup, Corsa competition. I guess I don’t know, I don’t speak Italian or whatever that is.

It has true Force support. That’S why we’re using it? I usually play regular, aesthetic corset which we might try after but for now, let’s do this. Okay, so I can pick a car. Let’S do the m6 GT3. Ah, it’s so much easier to use a keyboard and mouse, damn it um they’re. Fine, I guess practice yeah. Let’S do that! Realism! Okay, let’s try this thing. It’S just like you can hear the engine through the wheel. It’S really weird sounds terrible. Yeah, it’s a little like much sauce! Honestly, I really don’t like the true force.

It feels awful just the whole wheel feels like it’s just vibrating constantly. It sounds broken. Oh my God. It’S not shaking like it’s broken. This is so much better. Oh my God! Oh my God.

I don’t know why there’s a racing line, but whatever this is much better. This is much better. Oh, my God, I’m going too fast for this car uh. So if you slow down four turns yeah, it’s a great idea. I should do that. Okay, it feels way better now that the whole desk and steering wheel isn’t shaking like a cheap toy.

Oh too much spice, okay, ow see that’s what I mean like there’s some there’s some serious torque there, it’s nice, it feels very crisp. The force feedback feels pretty good. I really did not like the true Force thing in a set of Corsa or ACC wow. This whole monitor is like shaky. This Ikea table is not built for racing Sim, it’s a good amount of feedback. This is like as much as I would ever want it’s one thing with the fan attack that I have I’m always like. I just want like a little bit more feedback. This is a little bit more. Oh Jesus! Oh, my God feels pretty good for a 350 dollar set of pedals, I’m pretty happy with those surprisingly usable on a table, despite the monitor like going all over the place, it’ll be interesting to see when there’s more more wheel options I mean the stock wheel feels Pretty good the build quality is nice. It’S got, I would say, just the right amount of force feedback.

I don’t know if I’d want any more than this, but for a thousand dollars you got to be pretty in to racing games to want to spend that much money and that’s not including pedals. If you look at the competition, the csld with three pedals like this and a wheel, is still less than just the base and the wheel. Thrustmaster just came out with their new direct drive base that can do 10 newton meters of torque for around 650 US Dollars. It still kind of seems like the CSL DD from fanatec is the one to buy just because it is so much cheaper. This does feel like a really good experience. I don’t like true force that much, maybe other people do. Your mileage may vary, but it does perform well, it’s just the price for a thousand dollars with a bunch of micro b, ports kind of disappointing. I don’t know, I think, if I was buying.

One of these I’d probably still go with the fanatec csldd with the Boost pack, because then you’re pretty much in the same neighborhood in terms of torque for a lot less money and there’s a lot more supported. Custom wheels, for instance, I’m sure Logitech is going to come out with some more but fan attack has a lot lots and there’s already a community behind them. Building other custom wheels this thing.

I think it would be an absolute steal for 750, maybe you’re worth buying. I think this is just a little too expensive thanks for watching. If you like this video, maybe check out one of the watch videos I did the Apple watch Ultra.

That thing was pretty cool, although also very expensive, get subscribed goodbye .