Is This REALLY Windows 12?

Is This REALLY Windows 12?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is This REALLY Windows 12?”.
Oh, thank God, you’re here I have all of this Tech news. I can’t get rid of it. There’S boxes filling up my living room. My wife wants to divorce me. Please take it.

Microsoft is reportedly planning to release a game-changing Windows update next year, but they’re scared to actually call it Windows 12. They lack the strength, they lack ambition. The update code named Hudson Valley will feature groundbreaking. Ai features like a new AI powered GUI and even built-in super resolution TCH for videos and games, because the convergence will not be stopped. Altman be praised, haven’t played Dead Space, I’m sorry wow. In addition, Hudson Valley’s efficiency will allegedly increase the battery life of some devices by 50 %. You could use your Rog Ally for 12. More minutes.

Hudson Valley’s release will also feature the return of annual release cycles for Windows 2 years after Microsoft announced they were shifting to a three-year cycle which came a year after they returned to a one-year cycle already. They just don’t know how many windows people want it’s it’s hard now. Hudson Valley won’t be released to manufacturers until August, but the platform it’s built on germanium will go out in April as qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon X, Elite laptop chips depend on new advancements in that platform.

With all these new features, Microsoft deciding to call Hudson Valley, Windows, 12. Would be understandable? On the other hand, less than a third of the world’s 1.4 billion Windows users are on Windows 11 and releasing Windows 12 will fragment the user base even further. On the other hand, number go up, which is an argument I don’t see given enough respect.

These days 23 in me has changed its terms of service to try and prevent lawsuits by forcing customers into binding arbitration if they don’t opt out within 30 days. I mean if you can’t trust the people that collect tubes full of your ant’s saliva. Who can you trust society’s breaking down? The company probably doesn’t want to be sued for negligence over the data breach they suffered back in October last week. They said only 14,000 accounts were compromised, but this week the spit tube enthusiasts confirmed those compromised accounts were used to access the personal data of 6.9 million people, including data like birth year, relationships to other users and self-reported locations Now 23 and me have sent an email To users telling them to accept the new terms of service and that any users who don’t opt out of arbitration within 30 days will wave their right to sue the company. Even worse, the email, the company sent told users to send their opt-out requests to Legal 23m. Me.Com, which isn’t the same email as the one mentioned in the new terms, they’re, really making it hard to not accuse them of negligence. Here users may have to be more wary about sneaky tactics like this as more data breaches occur according to an independent study commissioned by Apple. The number of data breaches tripled between 2013 and 2022 and tricking people into arbitration is a lot cheaper for companies than actually protecting all the data they take from you. It’S purely business. I’M sure you understand Lord Business, for no reason.

Mr business, we meet again in Bane. The game awards happened yesterday and we don’t want to wait 4 days until the next gamelink episode to talk about how ridiculous they were so surprise game link segment, but I don’t like games. I, like Tech, tough, as noted by Paul tassy at Forbes. The game awards has apparently responded to criticism that it’s a glorified 3-hour commercial by becoming a glorified 3our commercial.

The vast majority of the show’s runtime was given to videos, teasing new games, celebrities, teasing new games and straight up commercials for the steam deck and Legion go handhelds. Sorry, they were also giveaways. I mean imagine if the Oscars asked you to call in for a chance to win an iPad.

Now it’s time for best director brought to you by budl the winners of more than a dozen awards that Jeff Keeley in His Infinite Wisdom, deemed too small to properly include in the show, were listed off rapid fire in a sick mockery of our quick bits. They didn’t even email us first, we’re suing, While most of the developers and performers that did get to accept awards were played off after a minute or less. But that’s a small price to pay to give Jordan Peele and Jeff’s. Waifu hide oima, 6 and a half minutes to Hype up their upcoming game. What do you want to anger kojiman? So then he doesn’t let Jeff get early access to his next slow Melancholy game.

With a plot diagram shaped like a PL, a spaghetti. That’S what’s at stake and then let him lady in the Trap with videoos. The show also lacked any mention of the thousands of game industry workers who were laid off this year, but to be fair, it’s hard to think of a way to scold the same game. Companies who are paying you to advertise their games, even if some of them admittedly do look pretty cool, and I mean technically they’re, not in the industry anymore.

Perhaps the best thing about the show, though, was this Transcendent performance of the song Herald of Darkness from remedies Allen, wake 2. Can we have more of that? Please I mean: if fans want to see trailers, they can just do what we do and watch them all at work with one hand ready to altap. Just it’s simple. I don’t do that.

Is This REALLY Windows 12?

I I work now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by delete me who puts the personal back in personal data. If you do basically anything online, your info ends up being shared and sold without your consent, which can lead to annoying Robo calls, scam emails and a higher risk of identity theft. Sure you could spend hours manually opting out of people searching websites or you can spend minutes signing up for delete me. Who will do it for you with their slick, software and team of equally slick experts, you’ll even get regular, personalized privacy reports showing what info delete me found where they found it and what they removed? Get your personal info removed from web Searchers quickly by going to join delet,, TechLink and use code TechLink for 20 % off a protection plan, a warning quick bits present a choking hazard for children under four, but all the cool toddlers are watching them.

So what are you going to do? Do Apple and Google have confirmed an allegation by us Senator Ron widen that governments, both foreign and domestic, are spying on smartphone users through push notifications. Furthermore, the US federal government reportedly restricted what companies could disclose about this practice to the public according to weiden, because these notifications are sent through Google and apple servers as intermediaries. The Government Can secretly compel them to hand that data over quote.

This could tell governments how users interact with certain apps, give them access to a notifications, complete text and disclose some unencrypted content. That’S right, Candy Crush is a narc, hey, kids. You want some candy. Google has said they fixed an issue that was wiping the data of Drive users. The company has called it a sync issue with the drive desktop app, while many affected users have stated they never even used.

The app Google has now locked Community Forum posts full of people saying the fix doesn’t work, thereby solving the problem by ignoring it. Meanwhile, privacy focused Proton Drive just launched a new photo backup feature as an alternative to Google photos. Terrific news for fans of not having their data mysteriously deleted with an extra side of gaslighting. Google has also admitted they faked their best demo for their recently unveiled Gemini AI model in the video Gemini is shown responding to drawings and even a cup game in real time via spoken prompts. But a Google spokesperson revealed the video was made using still image frames from the footage and prompting via text turns out.

The demo wasn’t done in real time. Nor did it include spoken prompts, which means all Gemini did was lie to me. Oh, so it’s basically Bing. Then the EU has managed to scare the entertainment industry by considering a ban on geol blocking streaming content. An Entertainment Group says Banning geol blocking would put jobs at risk, as well as cause price increases for streaming services.

Is This REALLY Windows 12?

They also said geol blocking is one of the foundations for Europe’s creative cultural sectors. I mean the money that they charged users in some locations to access some content. It goes back into the filmmaker’s pocket, so they can make more stuff is what they could say. If that’s, what they did and old huet Packard has gone mask off with a blunt new ad campaign featuring users physically lashing out at their printers, followed by a slogan claiming that HP printers are made to be less hated. If true, that would be an improvement over the past few decades, where HP printers were primarily made to trick consumers with deceptively cheap models and then lock them into buying pricey first-party ink that a recent class action lawsuit described as more expensive per ounce than silver caviar And champagne, but you can’t print out an essay with fancy fish eggs. Now can you so you didn’t think about that dude? Luckily, you can come back on Monday for more Tech news, we’ll have it All Tech news? That’S it! That’S! .