Is the Old Web Worth Saving?

Is the Old Web Worth Saving?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is the Old Web Worth Saving?”.
Imgur immigr, I think at Imgur uh Jif GIF. I feel like it’s one of those things. Last month uh. However, you say it announced a ban on nudity and sexual explicit content as well as old, unused or inactive content that is not tied to a user account. Um also known as a bunch of things from Linus, the the changes took place on May 15th time. It was not one time it was not one time three times, maybe more accurate. I used to use uh share X or what was the one I used before, that it was a similar Tool. Push. I think it was a push push super cool anyway. Uh share X was the one where I started uploading to Imgur. I think, but I I used to use, share X to just anonymously upload anything that I would screenshot only if I screenshotted it with share X like explicitly um and then I would just get it would just automatically take the the link to the file you copied And put it on your clipboard, so you can just quickly send things to people and one time I send Luke confidential information in a in an image thing and he’s he like freaks out.

Is the Old Web Worth Saving?

I’M like, without the context no one’s even gon na know how important that is, it doesn’t matter it shouldn’t work that way it shouldn’t work that way anyway, so anything that someone like me ever uploaded yes, carry on yeah, yeah um. The changes of this stuff took place on May 15th, but it will likely take some time before all the images are deleted. The Purge of old and Anonymous content is likely to destroy countless images embedded on other sites across the internet, including Reddit, where hosting on imager uh was the standard method of posting images from 2009 to 2016.. That is true. Another thing it’s probably going to ravage is the count to ten thousand thread in the bronze section on the Forum, which is sad, oh yeah, because there’s tons of imager embedded images there yeah that’s a bummer that actually kind of sucks, because it’s kind of funny to Go yeah, broken, broken image, links in forums and stuff photo bucket. You see just like the the the skeletons of old photo book and it’s like man.

Is the Old Web Worth Saving?

This would have been a really cool thing to actually be able to go through. It’S almost like this, isn’t a viable business model and you’re an idiot for doing it when they take big money from ad providers to put malvertising ads on their site, which they’ve done like a bunch of times. At this point, maybe they do make some money, but I don’t know uh. They do show like, if you see some picture or GIF or whatever, there’s a way on imager, to see how much like how much data it has taken to serve this image, and some of them are like whoa like it’s a gift.

Is the Old Web Worth Saving?

That’S been like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of gigs worth of data transfer for this one gif, it’s like yep, that’s rough uh, the administrators of something awful Forum have taken on a more selective effort to back up every imager link embedded onto the Forum during the Last 14 years, wow the forums uh – I don’t think we’re gon na – do that uh yep Shawty, not uh the forum’s owner, who goes by Jeffrey okay, uh, has stated it’s clear. We need to host our own images websites, promising that they’ll host your images for free are never going to stop running out of money uh, it’s nearly impossible to monetize a site like that. A good deal of the modern internet is treated as transient and okay to delete whenever, and that is a real shape. If anyone is to ever look back on our society, they won’t be able to understand it without understanding the internet.

I’M yeah that’s going to be true regardless, notably the something awful for him has paid membership and more resources than many other websites. That makes sense. How do we retain the popular history of the internet? Are we doing enough? I don’t think we can.

Maybe some of it should just die interesting. Well, that’s a hot take wow do go on. I don’t think that everything, no matter what is worth saving.

I do think a massive volume of stuff is worth saving a huge percentage, but there is a bunch of like just transient stuff on the internet that does not need to be safe. We don’t have to save every single thing that ever happens in the digital world, but are we gon na lose the stuff that was important and end up keeping garbage? That’S that’s a concern. Yeah.

That’S a big concern. That is a big concern. Oh that’s rough yeah! It’S hard to say because, like we were like, we were talking about those photo bucket links right, yeah like there’s, there’s old threads, which, like it actually has pained me to come across them and be like man.

This was a big deal. I’Ve probably been to this thread like a ton of times and now these photos just timed out – and this is basically useless and now that we don’t actually write anything down physically. You know. Let’S say you were trying to do uh.

Let’S say you were trying to overclock an old Celeron 300a and all the images for which pins to jump or on the motherboard or whatever were on Photobucket or a non-account. Imager, say right, because that would be happening now. You’D lose that that’s brutal like there is. I’M not saying there isn’t stuff, that’s worth it, there’s obviously, oceans of stuff, that’s worth saving yeah, there’s also a lot of, but like repair, repair guides and stuff didn’t used to be video and there might be like you’re talking with the old seller in it. There might be old repair guides that, like it’s, for something that very rarely breaks yeah, but you can’t get new ones or for something. That’S rare and very few people know how to deal with it, and there was that one resource that everyone leaned on in order to calibrate that CRT or whatever. It is right because for every for every Forum thread that you find when digging for something old, where someone’s like. Oh I’m, having issues with these things and then no one responds and they just reply.

Oh, I fixed it and it’s like oh man, why don’t you tell me how um there’s there’s a bunch of other ones where they do and losing that? Because a ton of that information is in pictures you’re talking about like this bios screenshots, whatever else it could be, there’s there’s lots of pictures on the internet. There’S tons, there’s tons of useful ones; okay, thank God, we’re still going to have tick tock. As long as we don’t live in Minnesota, or whichever state banned it or something happy wag, so this would be a good reason to fund libraries. Well, there is so I I do agree and their libraries are one of the libraries. Libraries are one of those things that are just kind of constantly changing, constantly evolving yeah, and this might be one of the ways that they do that yeah. Unfortunately, the way they’re evolving right now is not getting funded.

So that’s uh, probably not going to happen. Yep uh Cal turn uh info plane chat. Sorry Montana! Is that right I don’t know it was someone um keltern says: convert the moon into a huge Cloud Server. The zero atmosphere would be excellent for cooling and there’d, be plenty of room for all that data problem solved. Okay, there’s a few issues with your suggestion: uh number one: okay, getting servers there very challenging the Moon is actually above the cloud number. Two zero atmosphere is actually not good for cooling.

It away. Um problem number three plenty of room actually you’re right. There is plenty of there’s a lot of room, yeah yeah.

If you don’t mind your server getting hit by like little asteroids and stuff yeah, so solid effort, kaltern um and no well, not just that right without an atmosphere, there’s a lot more radiation from the sun, which is really really handy. If you don’t like having your data yeah, so what radiation is just going to start flipping bits all over the place yeah. So what we could do, I guess is uh build a moon base, yeah! No, no! Well! It would have to be a mobile data center. It would have to be on like Treads so that it could stay like on the dark side. Oh there’s still there’s still a lot of this like passive radiation yeah, it’s not a real solution. No, no! No! We’Re doing this. [ Laughter, ], constantly rotating snow piercer, the server okay float plane chat actually has this solved. We just put it Underground on the moon. Oh all, right, good call, good, call, perfect good call. We do we do all the cooling geothermally. We can dig with nukes right uh freaking nuke, the Moon.

Is that what we’re saying? I don’t think, that’s a good idea. This is a reference to Elon Musk wanting to Nuke Mars for terraforming [ Laughter, ] Mars. We need to Nuke the Moon Pluto’s too far. If we send a nuke on the other side and hit it back, it can come in closer. That’S great. We can nuke Pluto, just nuke everything, laughs, .