Is Console Gaming Slowly Killing PC Gaming?

Is Console Gaming Slowly Killing PC Gaming?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is Console Gaming Slowly Killing PC Gaming?”.
For the last few years, video cards seem to be getting harder and harder to get your hands on, especially if you only want to pay the msrp. If you’re willing to pay more chances, are you know that you might be able to get a new video card? Now is this actually having an effect on the entire pc gaming industry um? I think it is so today. Let’S talk about is the pc world dying and i do mean the gaming division or is it just changing? Let’S talk tech? Are you building a new computer or just upgrading an old one? If so, then chances are you need a new windows, 10 key and cd key sales. They’Ve got you covered. Buying has never been easier and prices for windows keys are under 20 dollars and there’s even additional discounts.

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Is Console Gaming Slowly Killing PC Gaming?

I mean – and i see them doing this in troves, because let’s just face it um, you can’t get your hands on a video card right now at least not very easily. I mean there are tricks about how to do it and stuff like that. But here is the thing right now you can get a console that you can hook up to your tv and if you have one of the newer tvs, it’s going to have free sync or g-sync in it and you’re going to be able to play most of The games that you like right on your big screen tv you’re, going to have it in gaming mode, where you’re not getting any, ripping or tearing so with the availability of being able to actually get a gaming console without having to spend. You know the humongous amount of money that it’s costing to get just a video card.

Is Console Gaming Slowly Killing PC Gaming?

I do see that there is a definite change in the pc gaming industry. Now i don’t think the pc industry gaming is going to actually die. I’Ve seen some guys make some videos saying you know the pc industry for gaming is dying, it’s not really dying, but it’s definitely changing, because if it’s gon na cost you more money to get a video card, then it’s going to cost you to go out and Get the latest console for many people.

Is Console Gaming Slowly Killing PC Gaming?

The choice is obvious. Now the pc gaming industry is a little bit different. However, there will always be people who are now doing pro esport things, they’re people who are going to want super duper high-end stuff, but let’s just face it. We’Ve talked about this before on the channel. Not everybody out there in the world has a ton of cash sitting around ready to invest in not only a pc but invest in the expensive video cards and then start buying all of the games that go around that as well with a console you just buy Your console you plug it in it usually comes with at least one game, so you can be up and going.

I know that when i bought my xbox, it came with like actually a couple of cool games and i’ve started actually playing more games on a console. I just have so the trend that i’m starting to really see is they. There will always be the hardcore elite, the esport guys, these guys will all be. You know, buying computers. Well, let’s just face it. A lot of these events are actually sponsored, so are they actually buying these computers? No, like i said in the past year, many of my friends who i talked to, who used to be hardcore, pc gamers, are no longer gaming on their pc. They just really said all right: you know what screw it i’m tired of dealing with the miners, i’m tired of dealing with the scalpers, i’m just tired of this all the way around. So why even take the time to do it, and i mean this is a lot of my friends.

I could really like get a sheet of paper like santa’s christmas list and name off all the people who have told me over the last year, they’ve just kind of given up on pc gaming. Now i know that my audience is pretty much. You know, like the total hardcore, you know, pc master race, gaming people, but i also know that a lot of those people have started doing console gaming as well. I mean – and this is going to lead into another video that i’m going to be making for you guys and all and i’ll go and explain some things about about amd.

That will actually make a lot of sense to you as well, but we’ll get onto that video next um. So right now. What i’m really seeing is that, even though most of the pc parts you can get, i mean, let’s just face it hard drives memory. A lot of that stuff, you know it’s pretty well priced right now there is some expensive memory.

There’S always some super duper uber high, expensive equipment out there, that’s just always how it is, but the biggest problem is for a lot of people who, just like hey, i’d like to have a new video card. Getting one is not an easy thing anymore. You used to be able to go out and go okay, hey cool, there’s, a new video card; click click click and buy your video card. But it’s not like that anymore.

It’S just really, not even myself. I’Ve been trying to watch trends and i do see video cards occasionally pop up for sale. I’M not saying that no video cards are for sale, because that is not true, but the thing is it’s just not easy and let’s just face it, not everybody has the time or the gumption to sit there and be like hey. I’M gon na go in search of to find this video card.

It’S just not all that super relevant to them when they can go out and buy. You know a new gaming console hook it up to their tv with no problem whatsoever, sit in their living room and do everything they want, plus the fact that you can now use a keyboard and mouse. You know on these systems. It makes a big difference.

One of the only reasons that i never really was hardcore into console gaming is because for me, i’m like old school when it comes to first person shooters, i like to have my keyboard and mouse, set up trying to use the controller and use the reticle to Sit there and try to zoom in and get a head shot for me and nightmare. Just can’t really do it now. I’Ve always loved racing games on the console. Better. Better excuse me, i love forza. Forza is awesome. I play it all the time, but racing games to me are just the total total badass.

When it comes to console gaming, i mean, let’s just face it in my living room. I’Ve got that new surround sound system that i brought you guys a video about and by the way that thing does rock it sounds awesome. So when i’m playing a racing game in my living room, i hear the surround sound. All around me. I’Ve got a giant 60-inch screen in front of me that has freesync.

So all of my games that i’m playing and everything all look absolutely great. I mean when you’re doing that and you think about okay well, for my pc, i got to do this. I got to do that. Do i have the right connections? It’S just not as simple as just hooking up one of these consoles.

I mean face it. You hook it up. You put your hdmi cable in boom, you’re up you’re going. That’S it.

You know. Now there are obviously some caveats to console gaming and i’ve been talking to gamers lately about what those are, and this is basically the thing – that’s a caveat about console gaming with any of the free games that are out there. You know you can log into steam or one of these other game sites, and you can actually play those games on your pc for free, but even if you go and pay for one of these free games, um on a console chances are you’re gon na either Be paying for xbox live or sony playstation you’re going to be paying their fee just to get online with that system, and that’s really the only caveat that i see to console gaming um. It’S fun. It’S cheaper! It’S easier to get into. You! Don’T have to have the headache of trying to go out and find a video card. You get the comfort of hooking it up to your tv, i mean.

Obviously, if you have some really old tv, you’re going to be like yeah. Yes, that doesn’t really apply to me man. I just got an old crt piece of crap tv so but for most people and a lot of people out there, even people around the world.

I know a lot of people still do have a tv. That seems to be kind of one of those purchases that people want to buy because it’s like our gateway to entertainment to all the tv shows we want to watch. You know netflix all that other stuff, so chances are you’re, probably going to have a decent tv and here’s the thing with a computer.

You have to buy all of the peripherals. You got to buy a desk to put the computer on. You got to buy a chair to sin, it doesn’t be a gaming chair, you get to buy, you know everything, you know, i’m saying you have to just buy it all and have that investment, and it only does you know a couple of things you can game On it – or you can, you know, do some business stuff on it, but if you’re a gamer and you just want a game without all of those headaches, i mean think about it.

A console is really really simple and i see in the next few years, if things with video cards, don’t change it’s going to just keep pushing people further and further away from the pc gaming arena. I mean honestly video card prices are stupid, ridiculous right now i mean some video cards cost more than two entry-level gaming systems. You know what i mean or two or three consoles, so you know you have to really think about these things and if the trend continues, i see people unless they’re just hardcore transferring back over to console gaming.

I admit it myself. I’Ve started playing more console games in my living room than my tv than in front of my computer. I just have found me doing that.

You know there’s other reasons as well. You know your gaming pc, you know you go in your room. You play on your pc, not usually a lot of room for other people to sit around. Sometimes there is, but there’s not you know when you’re in your living room, your buddies can all sit there with you have a beer, whatever hang out, laugh joke and you guys can take, turns playing games. You know and everything already comes, you know in the package.

You don’t have to go out once you buy your your xbox or your playstation, you don’t have to go out and buy all these other peripherals yeah. You might want to buy an extra controller, so you can have two controllers, for you know two people to race or to fight, but generally you get everything you need in the box: you’re not having to go out and buy additional purp. You know additional things: you’re not really worried about going and upgrading your xbox or your playstation. It is what it is. You know you might buy a new one, but chances are you’re, really not going to be upgrading it.

Now. I’Ve said this before the gap between pc and consoles has really only been kind of a small one. The pc master race will tell you it’s different, but console gaming. The really thing about it is you just can’t change a lot.

That’S just really what it is. You know for people who like to have completely hands-on and control everything. Pc gaming will always be their forte because they want to go in and they want to be able to change every single, solitary thing in the graphics. You know aperture.

They want to be able to change all the settings for the refresh rates for everything else. With a console. You don’t get that much control, you really don’t you buy your console like i said you plug it in you’re up and you’re going.

There are a few minor settings, but everything’s, auto automatic and for people out there who don’t want to mess with all this stuff once again console gaming becomes more appealing. So i don’t think that you know the pc master race guys are going anywhere soon, but i definitely see a trend changing where more and more people are starting to get into console gaming. Just because of the fact that video cards are expensive, you got ta, buy a whole lot of stuff to get into pc gaming. Usually, when you buy a pc, there’s no free games, you got to buy once again the video card to get those free games. So, all in all, it’s a crazy catch-22.

I want to know what you guys have to think. You guys are my audience and i really appreciate your input. Also, i’d like to excuse me dedicate this video to jesus bueno. He was my partner and he helped me with the site for the last decade he passed away last week.

I made a video about this, but i decided to listen to what a lot of people said out there and instead of being bummed out about his death, i’m deciding to celebrate his life and remember all the good times that we had together. All of those things and yeah it does totally kill that i’m not gon na be able to talk to the man ever again or do that stuff. But i’m gon na try to keep his memory in a positive light and i’m going to dedicate probably the entire year of my videos to him. So i love your input.

Let me know what you guys think. Are you guys getting more into console gaming? Do you see pc gaming changing because of the problems that i’ve said, or do you think? Ah, alright you’re smoking whoopee cushions? Let me know by the way, if you want to support the channel. The easiest way to do it is to try amazon, prime for free. I have a link down there.

You guys try it out, doesn’t cost you any money, but it helps keep the channel alive. Also, if you have even a single dollar, i have a patreon site and it just helps techa tomorrow, keep going so want to see all your comments wan na see what you guys have to think and we’ll see you guys back on the channel for more tech. Talk you .