Is AMD Stuck In The PAST?

Is AMD Stuck In The PAST?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is AMD Stuck In The PAST?”.
If you’re new to building computers, one of the first little pieces of trivia you’ll, probably come across, is that AMD CPUs use pins on the bottom, while Intel ones use little contact pads with the pins on the motherboard socket instead.. But why were these choices made? Do the engineers at AMD just think that pins are prettier? Well, it turns out that the use of pins versus pads is a very deliberate design. Choice., You see Intel’s approach of having pins on the motherboard instead of the chip called a Land Grid Array or LGA. Typically makes it easier to fit more contacts into a smaller space on the CPU.. Modern CPUs need a lot of contacts for their high speed features and to promote stable power delivery by spreading out the current..

Is AMD Stuck In The PAST?

The other thought is that, because tiny pins are very fragile, you know ,’cause they’re super thin. Well, it would be better to place those on the motherboard rather than the CPU, because it’s not uncommon to see a $ 400 CPU installed on a $ 150 motherboard.. So if one of those things was gon na break you’d, rather it be the cheaper one right, Then you can reuse that CPU on a new motherboard.. Now, of course, you can still mess up an LGA processor by touching the gold contacts on the bottom, with your oily little fingers., But overall they are harder to damage than pin grid array or PGA chips which are designed to help improve your golf game.. No sorry just kidding. PGA chips, the ones favored by AMD are the ones with pins on their undersides and compatible motherboards for those have corresponding holes on their sockets.. Now immediately, you can probably figure out that this makes PGA chips a little bit easier to damage.. However, there are some upsides to using this design over a Land Grid Array For one. The pins on PGA chips are a little tougher than the motherboard pins that you’d see in an LGA socket, meaning that they are easier to repair in the event that they do get bent, which I’m sure you can sympathize with. If you have ever had the misfortune of having to re bend, even just one damaged, pin on an LGA motherboard., The superior durability of PGA pins means that they can typically handle a little more current than LGA packages too, which can be important depending on how the Chip itself is designed. And for another advantage that you can more readily experience firsthand when building or upgrading your own PC PGA chips tend to be a bit easier to install, since there are no super delicate motherboard pins to worry about., Though, of course you do have To make sure that you hit every hole in the socket properly., These advantages have led AMD to keep using PGA for its consumer level. Chips even long after Intel abandoned pins on their desktop chips way back in 2004., And even though current 3rd Gen, rising processors actually have more contacts on the bottom than their Intel.

Is AMD Stuck In The PAST?

Rivals AMD still found a way to fit all those pins onto one package, partly because the processors themselves are physically larger.. Now, as you might have figured out, LGA does allow you to cram more contacts per unit of area., So there actually are AMD chips that do use it.. There are Threadripper lineup for high end desktop PCs and their epic lineup for servers are both based on land grid array designs with over 4000 pins.. So if you’re lucky enough to be using one of those monsters, definitely don’t bend any of those delicate motherboard contacts.. As far as what all this means for you, the consumer, though, Well nothing because you shouldn’t be choosing a CPU based on whether it’s PGA or LGA. It doesn’t really affect performance in the way that the architectural design or the clock speeds or the core counts, that the chips do.

Is AMD Stuck In The PAST?

And the reason that Intel and AMD went. Their separate ways is just because they valued different aspects of these designs. Since each one does have their pros and cons., It’s just important to be aware of the pitfalls whenever you’re installing either of them. So you don’t mess up the bottom of your chip unless you want very expensive coaster for well. Your shot, glass wouldn’t be a very big coaster., But this would be a big segue to our sponsor.. What’S in your online security toolkit, Adding a VPN lets, you mask your IP and encrypt traffic to and from your devices and Private Internet Access is a pretty great choice for a reliable VPN with over 3300 servers in 30 countries. There are no bandwidth caps and PIA Offers configurable encryption and an internet kill switch to keep you in control of your connection., PIA combined with private browsing, can make websites think you’re in a different country which can be useful for things like getting better deals on flights at least once this whole COVID thing Has passed. You can connect up to five devices at once with clients from multiple operating systems and their MACE feature blocks, requests to known malware and tracking domains altogether, pretty sweet.

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