Is 25 Mbps really “Broadband?”

Is 25 Mbps really “Broadband?”

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is 25 Mbps really “Broadband?””.
The fccc raised their definition of broadband on the very same day that we uploaded that video saying, Hey, uh, your internet is probably too fast, and I knew that that title was going to be a little bit bity, because I know a lot of people do not Have internet that is uh too fast cuz. What I was talking about was how there’s a practical limit to how much benefit you can get F internet. I haven’t watched it, but I agree. We basically go through all the reasons you might think you need faster internet and if you don’t have a top-of-the-line gaming PC – and your reason is that you want to download games faster yeah, it’s not going to happen. There’S basically, there’s there’s not much check your system.

Resources to crack to crack gigabit to get higher than gigabit. You basically need a very modern high performance gaming, PC um to crack two and a half gig like because there there are home internet connections that are two and a half gig or even greater, but to to to reach download speeds that high on anything that needs To be unpacked as you’re downloading it, you need like a thread Ripper, essentially um, and so we go through a lot of the considerations like how much of your regular surfing is actually going to be a DNS, lookup or uh loading in additional trackers and other content. On the page versus what is actually raw download speed, we talk about how those sites even offer that download Speed, Spool right yeah most pages are so small you’re not going to get anywhere near. It’S not going to yeah this like greater than gigabit speed when you’re browsing the web, it’s just not going to happen we’ll ramp up in time. We discussed some of the benefits like faster chunk loading if you’re, watching Netflix or YouTube or float or whatever the case may be um, but we also kind of we also discuss. We also kind of debunk, some of the big reasons that some people pay for.

Mondo home internet and those are uh, you know self-hosting or um uh Linux, ISO sharing we’re kind of like look. I mean why don’t you just um use a seed bar get yeah they’re, so cheap both of those things honestly, unless you’re doing it for like home, lab um. I want to learn about it stuff reasons. Uh subashi says just think of a family of five with everyone using it at the same time. Okay, I’m thinking about it, yeah. What are the OD? What are the odds that everyone is doing something at exactly the same time and doing something heavy and doing something? Heavy, even if you’re all watching see this is something a lot of people don’t realize. Even if you’re all watching 4K Netflix won’t be enough, you’re all pulling down chunks, yeah, so you’re, the connection is still going to sit idle a lot of the time. Now there are types of content streaming that are less optimized, and so we kind of we kind of touch on things like twitch, for example, especially broadcasting twitch.

Is 25 Mbps really “Broadband?”

But even then the bit rates are so much lower that as long as you’ve got a few hundred megabit symmetric, we’re kind of we’re kind of at an it’s enough point right now, where, if you have a Mondo machine – and it’s all about you – know loading the Latest game, installing the latest game on your system as fast as possible by all means, get a more expensive internet connection or or or whatever sure, but beyond that until the infrastructure changes outside of your home in the services that you’re using we’re. Basically, there there isn’t an insane amount of incentive for that, because honestly load times are pretty darn good things are kind of fast enough. I mean Google stopped.

Even we talked about this a few weeks ago right where Google stopped having cached Pages because they’re just like yeah, I don’t know the web’s pretty reliable. I don’t know um anyway. On that same day, the FCC quadrupled the minimum internet speed that’s required to label it.

Broadband, which is a really good thing, because what I won’t argue with is that for a lot of people, their internet is not fast enough agreed um. The agency concluded that the minimum speed in ISP must offer to Market their service. At Broadband should be increased to 100 megabit down 20 megabit up.

Is 25 Mbps really “Broadband?”

This is the first increase since 2015, when it was set at 253 um. I actually think that’s pretty reasonable. I think 100 down being Broadband is pretty reasonable and Luke.

Remember you’re a content creator upload. Actually doesn’t matter to most people yeah. No, I totally agree I care about it a lot I care about it, a lot yep like a lot most people are basically never going to use it, though.

So with that in mind, it’s I wouldn’t describe it as the greatest broadband and it doesn’t even meet the threshold for what, in our video, we said, would be kind of the most you’d need it’s not it’s not there. Yet I would still I I do think more people than in the past are heavily using upload. Now, though, more work from home is happening.

Is 25 Mbps really “Broadband?”

Oh, that’s totally true, more school from home is happening and you might not necessarily foresee school from home cuz the whole rip in peace forever, but uh snow days are now being like remote school days. That’S a that’s a bummer um! I know right. .