iPhone X vs Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 Plus- Battery Life Drain Test

iPhone X vs Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 Plus- Battery Life Drain Test

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone X vs Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 Plus- Battery Life Drain Test”.
What’S up guys and welcome to maybe the most highly requested video I’ve ever had on the channel and just before we get straight into the battery test, as promised I’ll be giving one iPhone 10 away. So this is the Space Gray model 64 gigabyte and also including a gigantic accessory pack with everything from a fast charger to a wireless charger to every case or screen protector you’d ever need. The giveaway is free, its international and you can enter by following me on my social media accounts and whacking a comment down below all the rules are in the description right. Let’S get this battery test on the road, so we’re gon na try and make this as realistic a usage case scenario as possible doing things like social media, camera, Google Maps and so on and so forth. We’Re going to start with Instagram one of the most popular social media applications booted up on all of the smart phones. So you can see on the far left. We’Ve got the brand new iPhone 10, followed by the 8 plus the 1 plus 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Interestingly, after 20 minutes of testing, the other 10 is still apparently on 100 % battery. That is either some crazy, optimization or it’s Apple. Software being really funny again notice, though the Galaxy Note 8 is now being set to its quad HD plus resolution, because the iPhone 10 is set quite a bit above 1080p. It seems only fair to put the Galaxy Note 8 at its maximum resolution too.

So therefore, the iPhone 8 plus and the oneplus 5 do have somewhat of a small advantage just because they’re running at a lower resolution of 1080p. All of these phones have Wi-Fi on Bluetooth on and everything else off. They’Ve got true tone displays off on the two iPhones and I try to equalize the brightness as much as possible. Now you’ll notice after the next reading. Jeff, in turn, is still quite a bit ahead of the 1 plus 5 and the rest of advice is but it’s lead is shrinking. It’S all.

iPhone X vs Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 Plus- Battery Life Drain Test

We’Ve done so far is Instagram and YouTube videos, so we’re gon na up the ante a little bit we’re gon na pull up shadow Matic, which is a physics-based puzzle game and that’s really gon na push these phones a little bit more, using everything from the displays To the GPU to the CPU to the accelerometers, something which is quite interesting here is that, even though the iPhone 10 is well ahead of the iPhone 8 plus, it’s battery capacity doesn’t necessarily indicate that it should be. It’S got a very similar capacity, but a larger and higher resolution screen to push so that’s kind of an unexpected result. We just need to wait and see if that trend continues sure enough. It’S not long before the oneplus 5 takes the lead iPhones.

Traditionally, if you watched a lot of my battery tests seemed to fall a little bit slower in terms of percentage to begin with, but then almost accelerate downwards. So, let’s see, if that happens, with the iPhone 10, but at least the indicators so far are suggesting it will it’s enough for another game: we’re loading up Super Mario run at least the hometown of it, and we’ll leave that for a period of time. This, as you almost definitely know, is one of the most popular games on both Android and iOS says a pretty relevant example. After just 15 minutes, I was taken a pretty significant chunk of battery out of first of all, the iPhone 8 plus and also the Galaxy Note.

8. The 1 plus 5 is more ahead than ever. Let’S pull it back up for another 15 and see if that makes a difference as we’re approaching the two-hour mark. The iPhone 8 plus is 12 percentage points behind the iPhone 10 that it’s a gigantic difference, given this much time. So now we’re going to really kick this thing up a notch: we’re going to accelerate this test by opening up the antutu benchmark so for the next hour or so we’re gon na simulate ultra heavy usage by seeing what on Tooty benchmark does to your battery. The short answer, quite a lot what’s also interesting to notice here – is that actually consistently.

The iPhone 10 seems to be scoring quite a lot lower than the iPhone 8 plus. Now that’s more than likely going to be a software optimization thing, but it could also be just that higher resolution display requiring more power to push and therefore the iPhone 10 performing less well, because spec wise those two phones are more or less identical. As we’re nearing the end of this on to t-section, you can start to see almost two bands forming the F 10 1 5 are kind of closely tied towards the top and then the iPhone 8.

The Galaxy Note 8 are quite closely tied at the bottom. Now we’re opening up the camera app were not necessarily recording anything yet which is going to see how much the constant search for a focal point is going to drain the juices. Now the answer is, for the most part, not very much, except for on the iPhone 8, which within 10 minutes of just having the camera app open, loses a whole 6 percent, which is quite concerning and perhaps indicates it is accelerating downwards. And after that, we’re doing the same thing again, but all of these phones are gon na record some video of 4k 30 and before we take the next reading, we’re gon na jump straight in to a session of Google Maps. Now location is off on all the phones and there’s no route guidance or anything going on here. So it’s quite a low-level task, but it is something that people are going to use regularly after the next reading.

It’S almost as if the iPhone 10 is making a bit of a comeback, the gap between that and the 1 5 instead of getting larger as you’d expected just got smaller and after another 20 minutes, the gap is still sitting up. 4 percentage points between the two. That’S not really a lot of difference, but now we’re bringing out the big guns until at least the first phone fails. We’Re pulling up Geekbench 4 on letting it play through a cpu benchmark on each of the phones and after it keeps finishing I’ll, just keep restarting it. So, let’s see how that works. Now the iPhone 8 starts to lose its battery very very quickly.

iPhone X vs Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 Plus- Battery Life Drain Test

In fact, within about 25 minutes, it’s gone from 15 % to zero, and that makes it the first phone to buckle. The no tape, though bare mind, is not very far behind with just 5 % left, so let’s see how much longer that one holds in, even though the note 8 is almost definitely going out next, it does have to be somewhat commended because it has just beat And a phone which has a far smaller far lower resolution screen and barely 10 minutes after the iPhone 8 plus has gone. The note 8 goes to so it’s sitting fairly comfortably in third place to finish off the two remaining devices where once again, jumping ship on to and we’re gon na skip more or less straight into the results.

iPhone X vs Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 Plus- Battery Life Drain Test

But it’s before we do that. If you haven’t already enter the giveaway, be sure to do that now, that’s all in the description below and with that being said, let’s get right into it with a time of 4 hours and 26 minutes. The iPhone 8 plus was in last place, which is almost a consistent trend unless you have the smaller iPhones in there, 9 minutes later at 4 hours and 35.

The note 8 Falls to a fairly respectable, but at the same time, and not fantastic performance, lusting all the way up to 5 hours, two minutes the iPhone 10 really surprised me in a good way. However, towards the end I did notice the iPhone turns battery slipping far quicker than the oneplus 5s, and that made the Wampus fired the ultimate champion with 5 hours and 15, a fair bit ahead of the rest of the competition anyway guys. I really hope you enjoyed the video thanks, a lot for watching I’m mr.

visa boss and I’ll catch you in the next one: [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], .