iPhone X Revisited: Still Worth $1000?!

iPhone X Revisited: Still Worth $1000?!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone X Revisited: Still Worth $1000?!”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here and welcome to the iphone 10 revisited, so the iphone 10 release date was around six months ago. So half a year, it’s midway between the cycle and, of course, when it first comes out, there’s a ton of hype, everyone’s riding high on that hype of the newly designed fresh once in a generation iphone 10. uh. Even at that time, for a thousand bucks at the end of my review, i did say for people who know what they’re getting into it’s probably worth it now that that hype has died down, though, and we’ve actually used it and put it through its paces and Had our fair share of issues or non-issues, this is time to revisit if it’s worth the thousand bucks or not so really all the story is about that design.

You know, finally, a new iphone with a different design. After year after year after year of the same thing for more than a decade, our intention has been to create an iphone that is all display, a physical object that disappears into the experience. This is iphone 10.. So, really after hearing all this from apple kind of feels like okay, this is the way things are going to be from now on. You know this is the beginning of the future of the iphone from here on out we’re going to have these bezel-less screens we’re going to have this top of the line, state-of-the-art tech again finally, in the design department. So it’s worth taking a second look at first of all the name iphone 10. uh, everyone calls it the x, so i’d say the name hasn’t held up that well, but apple doesn’t really care about that. The same way they didn’t care about people calling it the itouch naming is whatever it’s the iphone 10, but the hardware it has held up great. So this is the second iphone 10, actually that i’ve carried since it came out and i’ll get more into that in a second.

But every phone wears a little bit different with different materials. You get different things happening, pixel 2, for example. People thought it might stain after a while in white, it didn’t stain, but the coating has worn off and it has this sort of aging scratching thing going on on the side. So iphone 10 is glass and stainless steel.

So it’s doing pretty well, as expected. The glass accumulates small scratches over time, just like any other phone, that’s been normal and the stainless steel band, if you carry it naked, gets tons of. You know little micro scratches no matter how good you take care of it. You’Re gon na put it in and out of your pocket all the time it almost gives it this texture that gradually looks a little bit different day after day from when you had a new phone, but still no bend gate or anything.

This is definitely a well-built phone. This is iphone 10, but, like i said this is my second iphone 10 and the story of that i’ve told this before is this: i broke it not that i broke it, but it was on the top of a counter and it buzzed enough times with notifications To slide to the edge of that counter, it is definitely one of the slipperiest phones of all time, and eventually it fell off, fell about five feet and cracked and shattered the glass now you’re not supposed to drop basically any phone from five feet, uh, but no Matter how durable the glass is? Like i said in the review: a glass phone is still a glass phone, it’s very much more breakable than things other than glass. So that’s just the way it is plus it doesn’t help that it’s super slippery. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the number one most cased phone ever anyway. The one thing we we pretty much know about apple products. Is they usually age, pretty well i’d, say pretty gracefully now six months isn’t that much it’s half a year, so we’ve gotten a couple ios updates, since it came out.

I expect many more for the couple of years to come. Apple tends to be pretty good about that. I don’t have many concerns that iphone 10 will continue to get those, and this is also now the first iphone to come out since apple said that they would start allowing people to choose between clock, speed performance and battery life. Uh. That’S when the phone starts to age so that’ll be interesting to see how it plays out, but really when i say it’s aged gracefully, i mean that like as fast as tech moves now and with the number of phones that have come out since six months ago. Iphone 10 is definitely still the second or third best smartphone camera on planet earth. It’S definitely one of the most capable as far as power and will be for a while that a11 bionic is a beast and aesthetically like i’ve said it has held up. Well now.

Okay, we’re six months in and there is no red iphone 10. uh, there’s a red, iphone 8 and 8 plus, and they are really really red and they look great, but there’s no red iphone. 10.. I am in the camp that really wishes. We had one uh, the best speculation i’ve heard as to why we don’t is they possibly couldn’t do the band around the outside the way they wanted to so in the red iphone 8. Not only is the glass back, this vibrant ferrari red, but the aluminum sides of the phone were also matte red to match, but the iphone 10 has stainless steel sides. So the guess is that they couldn’t find the process to make these stainless steel bands as red. As they wanted to it’s, obviously darker on the space gray, iphone and lighter on the silver, but red would have been nice, so i don’t blame them, for i guess maybe not wanting to do red back, dark band and actually that kind of would have that would Have looked pretty nice, you know what i take it all back.

I actually kind of would have wanted to see a black side band with the red back apple, either way. Today we still have the space gray and the silver uh. I actually personally like the silver to carry more because it shows less fingerprints apple, never really shows like the sales numbers of which one sells more. I would venture to guess it’s not a big difference, so, okay, what uh? What about the problems that we’ve had? What about the downsides of iphone 10? Well from the review? Uh the holding up the phone to the side and getting your finger in the corner of the photo you’re taking that stopped real, quick, uh tons of phones now have those cameras in a vertical stack. Now it’s basically become the standard in the last couple months. So that’s no problem. Uh lock, screen controls, that’s something i talked about still can’t be changed, but that’s an ios thing. I didn’t expect a ton of customization to just be added. So that’s no surprise. It is what it is just like: ios’s notifications, just like no headphone jack, just like all the other stubborn little things about the iphone, that’s just the iphone you get used to it all the gestures.

I definitely got used to them. They didn’t take long to kind of rely on as they become like my new default for interacting with an iphone. It feels more natural for a display that goes right up to the edges to have swiping gestures from the edges, so it starts off as this really convoluted complex system, but with the small bezels it actually feels more correct, but then face id face. Id i’ve gotten used to, but it is definitely still my most frustrating part of iphone 10 and, i venture to say i’m probably not alone, so it hasn’t gotten faster and with this first gen hardware, i don’t really think it’s going to get much faster.

I think it’s about optimized for what we have, so that just means there’s always going to be that split second delay for unlocking your phone. It’S not even that long! It’S not even half a second, it’s a split second, but it’s longer than touch id. So you notice it and i still notice it, but what’s more annoying is just when my phone is on a table just on a table in front of me when it’s off axis like this, like most of my day when my phone is on my desk in Front of me having to lean into the frame for the phone to kind of see your face is kind of annoying. I think the only way for apple to solve this would be just by making the array of dots wider angle or just a little bit more downward facing for some reason.

That’S still something i haven’t really adapted to or gotten used to. It still annoys me, so it’s face id when the phone is on a table could be better and then the notch, the glorious infamous top notch. I got used to this notch, pretty quick, as i said in the review it just kind of faded away, since it’s not a major part of the ui most of the time and as you’ve seen many others have added a notch to their phones. Since then – and many will continue to do so – i made a whole video on the state of bezels in 2018 bezels and notches definitely worth a click.

Now on iphone 10, it’s a big notch like there’s no way around it. I don’t watch videos full screen with the notch in there i actually shrink them down. So i don’t miss anything. That’S just the way.

It is now pretty much. Every app i use now has been updated in a way, so they just embrace the notch. It’S just blank space, uh ios developers have always been pretty damn responsive. So that’s awesome, but at the end of the day it is a big notch and i wish it was smaller, but since they are pushing for this whole bezel-less future and you do have a really tiny bezel around the whole rest of the phone. I don’t mind it, but that actually naturally brings me to the conclusion, which is what about the next iphone like. We just have a lot of people just bought this phone, which is you know this new form factor.

It’S got the notch at the top. It’S full screen bezel-less, but they just paid a thousand bucks for it and there’s a very low chance that people spend a thousand bucks two years, a row on a new phone. So, what’s apple going to do with iphone 11, i guess is what it’s probably going to be called 11.. There hasn’t really been a whole lot of leaks about this next iphone.

In fact, all we really got was a leaked internal memo about leaks, which is kind of amazing, but really it’s inevitable that we get a new iphone in september and we’re wondering what apple’s gon na do with it. But as of right now, i’m hoping for two main things: one a bigger screen version and two a smaller notch. I can’t stress enough.

This notch is huge compared to others. In fact, iphone 10 might have right now. The biggest notch of any phone that has one tons of phones have come out with smaller and smaller notches.

I have no choice but to hope that the sensor technology improves and we can make a much smaller notch on iphone 11 and then i say a bigger screen version like iphone 10 is about the size of iphone 8.. It would be awesome to have a phone. The size of iphone 8 plus that’s also off screen, so we kind of have this sort of a lineup of a medium and large iphone 11. Maybe throw an iphone sc2 in there somewhere. We’Ve had all kinds of rumors about the way it might line up, but at the end of the day, that’s what i’m hoping for is those two main things i got ta say iphone 10 has held up really well, which is not easy to do. The thing is it’s at the top of a really premium category, the 800 900 price point. This is not an impulse buy for most people getting it, but i think the people who are buying it, who know what they’re getting into are willing to accept the little flaws, the little things that are stubborn about the iphone that aren’t quite all there and it’s Been pretty great for the most part, so i think a lot of people are still satisfied. So let me know what you think: have you picked up an iphone 10? Are you waiting for iphone 11 or are you somewhere in between? Let me know what your thoughts are until the next one, thanks for watching talk to the next one, peace .