iPhone vs Android Commercials

iPhone vs Android Commercials

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone vs Android Commercials”.
Hey, what’s up guys, it’s mkbhd here back with another video. Now I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but as an Android follower, an avid Android follower for the past couple of years. I’Ve noticed a trend, that’s become increasingly more and more apparent. There is a massive difference between iPhone commercials and Android commercials. I know I know I don’t usually talk about iPhone stuff or iOS stuff in my videos. But if you agree with me just go ahead and give this video a thumbs up, because there has been a gigantic gap between the two, and I think that you guys will agree with me here.

So let’s go ahead and take a quick look at part of this iPhone ad. Here, for instance, the iPhone 4s has an all-new camera with 8 megapixels and advanced optics. So it lets you capture stunning photos.

So, as you can see right from the beginning of the ad, they cut right to the chase and they immediately show the phone no ad, no, no extra stuff, no frills their kit. That could only be a commercial for one thing: an iPhone there’s, no way that could be a commercial for anything else from the first two seconds of the video. Now, let’s go ahead and take a look at this ad for the Droid Bionic or start off with this mysterious overview. Then something Falls. Then this girl picks it up and oh she’s just kind of hot and then then this robot behind her okay, she’s gon na fight. This thing, alright did oh damn looks like she just yeah. She just could his face off and tickets HDMI cable, alright! Well, uh is this: is this Oh, a new robot, okay, wait a lightsaber! Do you do work on that? Is this it there’s a Tron trailer, keep in mind.

This is from a fairly tech-savvy person. Like me, I’m guessing for the average Joe watching that commercial would go a little. Something like this would be it’d, be like they’d press play or they’d watch it on the TV. It would be like this seriously. This is the reason why the iPhone is the phone for people who aren’t tech savvy or just don’t care about specs or don’t really do that much on their phones. This is why the iPhone is so damn popular in those categories. I haven’t seen a single phone commercial for an Android phone in the United States that has made me want to buy the phone. If I didn’t already want to not a single one, I’ve never wanted to buy an iPhone, but watching iPhone. Commercials honestly makes me think about like what would happen if I switch to an iPhone.

I obviously can’t because, like other reasons but seriously, why why can’t I OS and Android make similar commercials? Oh right, they’d get they’d get sued. Well, here’s part of the reason Apple controls everything that they put into the iPhone commercials. That’S just an apple commercial Apple. Does everything into those commercials with the Android stuff? Most of those are in Google commercials.

I’Ve seen a few Nexus ads, but all the rest of them are Verizon or AT .